27|| Archive conversation.

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AustinSalford3098: I love you Gav?

AustinSalford3098: What is this Al? :(

Allisonlovespizza: What is this? Really?

Allisonlovespizza: doesn't look like you are going to say that anytime soon

Allisonlovespizza: At least someone is saying it

And it was working.

Maybe he'll make it official now.

No guys love it when their girl flirts with another guy.

I couldn't help the smug smile forming on my face.

AustinSalford3098 is typing...

AustinSalford3098: Okay :P



Nothing looked okay to me.

What did he mean okay?

Was he not jealous few seconds ago?

I was having mixed feelings about this now.

Allisonlovespizza: so you're cool with it?

AustinSalford3098: Yeah. why won't I be?

Allisonlovespizza: Oh okay

AustinSalford3098: Now stop over thinking and go sleep, it's late 😘

Allisonlovespizza: but I'm not sleepy. Let's just talk all night ❤

AustinSalford3098: damn. I wish we could talk all night <3

Allisonlovespizza: but?

AustinSalford3098: How did you know it was coming?

Allisonlovespizza: there is always a but with you

AustinSalford3098: Al :( I seriously can't stay rn. Trust me, I would have if not for early morning practice.

Allisonlovespizza: It's alright 😘 now go sleep

Allisonlovespizza: I love you ❤

AustinSalford3098: Goodnight, sweetie 😘 ly too

AustinSalford3098 is offline.

Now that he was gone along with my sleep, I was left with nothing to do.

For not too long, as my phone beeped just when I was about to turn the wifi off.

1 new message from ZaedenMeyer_


My face lit up at the name.

Always there to save me.


ZaedenMeyer_: hey busy bee ;)

Allisonlovespizza: busy, who?

Allisonlovespizza: oh come on Zaed! I'm never busy for you 💕

ZaedenMeyer_: Of course you're not! You're Allie Bellie for me 💕

Allisonlovespizza: Zaed?

ZaedenMeyer_: Yes, Allison?

Allisonlovespizza: Never. And I mean NEVER try to joke again.

ZaedenMeyer_: Oh come on. I know you missed me very much. Don't worry, I did too and... it was funny pfft

Allisonlovespizza: Sure, I missed you and your nicknames too (totally kidding)

Allisonlovespizza: And it was cringe worthy pfft.

ZaedenMeyer_: yeah whatever

ZaedenMeyer_: So what have you been up to these days?

Allisonlovespizza: um nothing new

ZaedenMeyer_: Really? lying to me now?

Allisonlovespizza: Oh gawd. Fine, let me start from when we last talked. For starters, I'm the new Admin of groovies

ZaedenMeyer_: very much seen. also to add, the only one?

Allisonlovespizza: yeah

ZaedenMeyer_: how does that happen?

Allisonlovespizza: he was a jerk and we had this agreement if he made me the admin I won't out his secret :P

ZaedenMeyer_: wow that's a new one😂 seriously though you're making all the new stuffs happen

Allisonlovespizza: You, yourself said I had the aura 😏

Allisonlovespizza: and anyway, after what he said about Sal he deserved it

ZaedenMeyer_: Oh right,Sal... How is she?

Allisonlovespizza: I don't know... we haven't talked in a while

ZaedenMeyer_: Never thought she'd have leave groovies like this

Allisonlovespizza: yeah, pretty tragic

Allisonlovespizza: What's up with you these days?

ZaedenMeyer: I think I saw Aria active on her old profile some days ago

ZaedenMeyer_: She didn't text me

Allisonlovespizza: Oh, Weird. I thought she left?

ZaedenMeyer_: exactly! But if it were her she would have texted me.

ZaedenMeyer_: She had to. 😕

Allisonlovespizza: maybe someone else has her password or something?

ZaedenMeyer_: yeah probably

Allisonlovespizza: Zaed I'll text you later okay?

ZaedenMeyer_: Alright. Goodnight, Allie Bellie 💕

Allisonlovespizza: Night, Zaed 💕

Allisonlovespizza is offline.


It felt so weird lying to him but I had to.

Now that the comfort conversation soon-turned-awkward was over, I turned off the wifi, for real this time, as I slipped under the covers.

I plugged in the earphones and closed my eyes shut as the soft music of song, Little things, filled my ears.

It was one the songs from the playlist I made for us, which I planned on making him listen once we meet.

Or maybe, even sing one to him.

A small smile crept on my face as the warm, loving face of Austin, crossed my mind.

All the cute texts we shared from the very start played on my head with the soft tunes of the music ringing in my ears.

No matter what, he loves me and I love him.

With Austin on my mind, I peacefully fell asleep.

__ _ __



LS is (was) on #39 in SS.


okay, I'll stop with the caps.
But seriously, Thank you so much.

Hope this update makes up for it ❤

And I wasn't (still am not) able to reply because wattpad is being shitty af right now and the format from my phone is kind of messed up from when I last updated. I'll try to get back to you guys soon ♡

Vote and Comment!

See you in the next chapter!

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