28|| ❗Message not sent.

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Gavin__: what the fuck, Al?

Allisonlovespizza: woah. calm down there.

Gavin__: no, you calm down. What did you tell Lex?

Allisonlovespizza: Nothing.

Gavin__: yeah right. And that's why she's not talking to me, responding to my texts since two days now

Gavin__: You know what's the last text she sent me?

Allisonlovespizza: umm I don't think I care to know

Gavin__: oh give it a rest.

Gavin__: She think we are together

Gavin__: You are going around spreading this shit rumor about us dating whereas you clearly know I like Lexi

Gavin__: what are you trying to do here, miss. Loner?

Allisonlovespizza: I'm not spreading any damn rumor about anyone dating me

Allisonlovespizza: Really? you think my standards are so low I'd date someone like you?

Allisonlovespizza: Nah dude, not even in your dreams.

Allisonlovespizza: she's just assuming stuffs and she just got on my nerves

Allisonlovespizza: so I didn't bother to clear it

Allisonlovespizza: anyway she was gonna come to you crying

Gavin__: wow. I should have known better than helping you

Gavin__: I thought I made it very clear Lex knows about this plan of yours?

Allisonlovespizza: oh my God, Gav! she was off then

Allisonlovespizza: And I needed to get the work done sooner

Gavin__: So do you have your desired boyfriend now? are you happy now?

Allisonlovespizza: come on, Gav. Stop throwing tantrums. You know Lex is acting immature. You're supposed to be the mature one

Gavin__: You know what? Fuck you

Gavin__: someday you will need a friend to help you out and guess what? No one will be there by your side

Gavin__: and with this attitude you're going with, I bet that day is not far.

Allisonlovespizza: thanks for the philosophy lessons, I couldn't care less ✌

Message not sent.

🚫 Gavin__ blocked you.

__ _ __


Allisonlovespizza: Hey baby 😘

AustinSalford3098 is typing...

AustinSalford3098: hey Al

Allisonlovespizza: Are you okay?

AustinSalford3098: yeah, I'm fine.

Allisonlovespizza: You don't sound fine to me. What happened?

AustinSalford3098: I don't know how to begin...

Allisonlovespizza: hey we are together in this okay? whatever it is we will get through ❤

Allisonlovespizza: Now tell me

AustinSalford3098: That's the problem, I don't know if we are on the same page anymore.

Allisonlovespizza is typing...

Allisonlovespizza: I don't understand

AustinSalford3098: You're going to hate me for this but I don't think I can be with you

Allisonlovespizza is typing...

Allisonlovespizza: What?

AustinSalford3098: Look Allison, I don't think I'm over Arianna... I still have feelings for her. Maybe that's the reason why I told you to keep this a secret.

As I read that text it felt like someone has set fire to me. All I could feel was the heat building up at the back of my ears.

Something that I had been fearing all the while, wasn't just a paranoia.

Allisonlovespizza: why now?

AustinSalford3098: I didn't know about my feelings then.

Allisonlovespizza: You just said that's the reason why you asked me to keep us a secret!

AustinSalford3098: I knew I wasn't ready for some reason, I'm sure of the reason now.

Allisonlovespizza: If you were not ready, why did you agree?

AustinSalford3098: I thought I liked you

AustinSalford3098: I still do, I like you Al.

AustinSalford3098: just not in that way.

AustinSalford3098: You'll always be special to me

Allisonlovespizza is typing...

Allisonlovespizza: If you really love Arianna, then prove it.

AustinSalford3098: How?

Allisonlovespizza: Post it on Stelp.

AustinSalford3098: but I don't know if she'd want me back...

Allisonlovespizza: don't worry about that, she still loves you.

Allisonlovespizza: Maybe more than I do.

AustinSalford3098: okay, I'll do it.

Allisonlovespizza: good. See ya then, Tin Tin. :)

AustinSalford3098: You don't have to say goodbye

AustinSalford3098: we can always be friends?

Allisonlovespizza: I need time, Austin.

Allisonlovespizza: bye.

AustinSalford3098: okay.

As soon as I closed the app, all hell broke lose.

The tears I had been holding on for so long wouldn't stop flowing.

The head was aching, my body became stiff.

I felt helpless.


Left out.

I should be happy for Ari.

How could I possibly bring myself to be happy when it's my love that's her object of joy?

She's always been so supportive of you, Allison. It's time you return the favor.

A silent scream escaped my mouth and before I know it, I collapsed on the floor.

I curled up my body like that of a foetus in a mother's womb, trying to forget everything as I shut my eyes, letting the darkness engulf me.

__ _ __

So, how was the chapter?

I'm sorry for the late update. I was really sick and well, I managed to write this one. yay?

Anyway, Vote and Comment!

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