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I love you, Arianna ❤

posted by Austin Salford

And it was here.

Unashamed and out there.

Even with a stone in my heart, I did as I promised.

Arianna has a right to know, she deserves to know.


Allisonlovespizza: check Stelp :)

Ariford30: umm why?

Ariford30: Okay wait

Ariford30 is offline.

Ariford30 is online.

Ariford30 is typing...

Ariford30: WHAT THE HECK?

Ariford30: no no no. wait. this isn't true

Allisonlovespizza: he told me himself

Allisonlovespizza: I made him post it on Stelp

Allisonlovespizza: he broke up with me to be with you

Allisonlovespizza: don't turn him down

Allisonlovespizza: Just forgive him and be happy ❤

Ariford30: but

Ariford30: Wait

Ariford30 is offline.

Ariford30 is online.

Ariford30: I knew it. check the replies.

I was confused, shouldn't she be happy she was getting the love of her life?

And here she was doubting his every other move.
Nevertheless, I obeyed and logged into Stelp.

I love you, Arianna ❤

posted by Austin Salford

lol what's going on?

replied by Venice

nothing xD just a silly dare thing

replied by Austin Salford

I don't understand, Austin Salford.

What was he upto?

Few hours ago he couldn't move on from Arianna and now he is brushing off something as big as this, as just a silly dare?

What was happening? Why is he so complicated to understand?


Allisonlovespizza: I don't know

Ariford30: he lied, Ally.

Ariford30: I'm sorry he broke up with you.

Ariford30: But trust me, I'm not the reason.

Allisonlovespizza: First he goes around telling me to keep us a secret

Allisonlovespizza: I do that

Allisonlovespizza: he says he can't love me and to help him get you

Allisonlovespizza: I do that, too

Allisonlovespizza: Because I love him

Allisonlovespizza: I fight with my friends even

Allisonlovespizza: I tried so hard to be good enough for him

Allisonlovespizza: to be queen enough

Allisonlovespizza: to be popular enough

Allisonlovespizza: to be bitch enough

Allisonlovespizza: All I ask for is for him to just him to love me back

Allisonlovespizza: and all he ever does is leave me with tears

Ariford30: Allie! sush girl...

Ariford30: don't cry

Ariford30: You know he doesn't deserve those tears

Ariford30: You can do so much better than him ❤

Ariford30: don't cry, my strong princess

Allisonlovespizza: I don't know

Allisonlovespizza: I just don't know at this moment

Allisonlovespizza: One moment he makes me feel the luckiest girl on the planet and the next moment he treats me like shit

Allisonlovespizza: It's like I was the puppet whose strings were easy to move and when he was bored he cut the strings lose

Ariford30: I don't know what he is upto but I will make sure I find out and make him suffer for the pain he is causing

Ariford30: Don't waste your precious tears over him alright? just go take a nap, eat something. You'll feel better

Allisonlovespizza: I don't feel anything

Ariford30: stop thinking about him Ally, it is only doing harm to you


Allisonlovespizza is offline.

Ariford30: I know you're hurting but please stay strong ❤ I love you alright? don't break down just yet. You're strong Ally. Just take care please.

Ariford30: I'll be here. whenever you need to talk. stay strong, princess.

__ _ __

Poor Ally. I love Arianna, don't you? she's just so supportive and understanding.

Anyway, I'm back from hiatus! (Yay? ) How did you find this update?
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