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Ariford30: Allie? Are okay?

Ariford30: talk to me, at least

Ariford30: Please don't do anything stupid

Ariford30: come online for once at least

Ariford30: You don't have to reply or anything

Ariford30: just come online

sent on Friday

Ariford30: I found something

Ariford30: it isn't the best thing for you to know about now

Ariford30: but when you are ready, text me.

Ariford30: And please take care ❤

Ariford30: I hope you are alright

sent on Saturday

Ariford30: Allie! come back

Ariford30: You have to be strong

Ariford30: Oh god. I hope you haven't done something stupid

Allisonlovespizza: hey

Allisonlovespizza: I'm fine now

Ariford30: Oh Thank god, you're alright

Allisonlovespizza: Aria, I'm not suicidal for God's sake

Ariford30: You sounded like you were ready to kill yourself the last time we talked. Don't blame me for thinking that

Allisonlovespizza: and how's that?

Ariford30: quoting you, "I don't feel anything"

Allisonlovespizza: I still don't. But whatever.

Allisonlovespizza: Chuck it.

Ariford30: Give yourself some time. Time heals a broken heart :)

Allisonlovespizza: these are just myths

Allisonlovespizza: anyway, I'm ready.

Allisonlovespizza: tell me what you found out

Ariford30: Okay, so here it comes. Keep the tissues ready, just in case.

Allisonlovespizza: I won't cry, I've cried enough for a running nose and swollen, bloodshot eyes.

Allisonlovespizza: just get to the point

Ariford30: Austin wasn't only dating you secretly, he was dating 6 others girls from Stelp and probably more

Ariford30: So far I just know there are 6

Ariford30: he still is dating all of them minus, you

Ariford30: and including Sherry, for whom he appears a bit serious.

Ariford30: Because it's Sherry who wants their relationship to be private and not PDA

Ariford30: And all other girls are well, they proposed him and he asked them to keep it a secret

Allisonlovespizza is typing...

Allisonlovespizza: wow that's a lot

Ariford30: yeah, I know

Allisonlovespizza: so I was just another wrapper he dumped in the dustbin?

Allisonlovespizza: Now I feel like an unwanted piece of garbage

Allisonlovespizza: and I thought I was done crying

Ariford30: Please don't cry Allie. We will get back at him

Ariford30: on brighter note, at least you feel something?

Ariford30: Okay. wrong timing.

Allisonlovespizza: be back in 2 minutes.

Ariford30: yeah go wash your face.

Allisonlovespizza is offline.

Ariford30: You said 2 minutes.

Ariford30: It's past 5 minutes now

Ariford30: Okay, now it's past 10 minutes

Ariford30: come back Alllllie

Ariford30: we can't just let him go for breaking our hearts like plates

Ariford30: He needs to learn his lesson

Ariford30: I'm sorry for the joke.

Ariford30: I was just trying to get you to stop crying

Ariford30: if you want to get back at him then text me.

__ _ __


ZaedenMeyer_:hey Allie Bellie

sent on Friday


ZaedenMeyer_: wow. 1 day is a long for you not coming online 😂

sent on Saturday


ZaedenMeyer_: Allie??

ZaedenMeyer_: You haven't come online since 3 days now

ZaedenMeyer_: Are you alright??

ZaedenMeyer_: I'm sick worried about you... Please text me when you see the message

ZaedenMeyer_: and please take care

ZaedenMeyer_: if something happened then please talk to me

ZaedenMeyer_: I'm here okay?

sent on Sunday

Allisonlovespizza: hey

Allisonlovespizza: don't worry, I'm fine.

ZaedenMeyer_: You don't have to lie to me, Allie.

ZaedenMeyer_: I know what happened

Allisonlovespizza is typing...

Allisonlovespizza: You do?

ZaedenMeyer_: yeah. Lexi and Gavin and the others were talking about you

Allisonlovespizza: What about me?

ZaedenMeyer_: That's not important.

ZaedenMeyer_: just don't let their words affect you alright?

ZaedenMeyer_: You are so much better than them, always remember that

Allisonlovespizza: I deserve it ,whatever they were talking about me

Allisonlovespizza: I was pretty rude to Lex and Gav

ZaedenMeyer_: Whatever happened, you can't change it

ZaedenMeyer_: So just forget the past

Allisonlovespizza: It's hard when you've lost yourself in the past

ZaedenMeyer_: Allie, it's okay! Don't be too hard on yourself. You are still the same old Allison I knew who had an awesome personality ❤ mistakes happen, what's important is that you realize it.

Allisonlovespizza: Zaed? can I ask you one question?

ZaedenMeyer_: yeah, ask.

Allisonlovespizza: Does "everyone" include Austin too?

ZaedenMeyer_ is typing...

ZaedenMeyer_: Yes

__ _ __

Hello, dear readers! So how was the chapter? Did you like it? Are you excited for the next chapter? Guess what? I finished writing Love Surf! (well, almost if you leave out the epilogue but it will be done in a day or two *wink wink*)

So that means:

1. there are 3 more chapters to go 2.this book is about to come to an end 3.faster updates!

Aaaand, I made some covers for LS: (which ever gets more comments will be the next LS cover [yep, you guys get to choose])








And that's all! Thank you so much for reading!

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