Jessie & James

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Jessie & James

Ash, Misty, & Tracey arrived at Pallet Town, they just got back from traveling the Orange Islands. On the way to Ash's house, he was thinking about a certain trio.

"Hey Misty?" Ash said

"Yeah Ash?" Misty replied

"You ever wonder what happened to Jessie, James, & Meowth?" Ash asked "I mean we haven't seen them since the party before we went to the Orange Islands."

"I don't know, but I hope they're okay." Misty said

"Who are you guys talking about?" Tracey asked curiously

"You see, there's this trio who work for an evil organization called Team Rocket." Ash explained "Their names are Jessie & James, & they have a Meowth that can talk like a human. During my journey through Kanto, they keep trying to steal my Pokémon, especially my Pikachu."

"Wow, why haven't they tried to steal our Pokémon while we were traveling through the Orange Islands?" Tracey asked

"Maybe they gave up or something." Ash said

When they arrived at Ash's house

"Oh, I'm so glad you're home. Come on in" Delia said

When they entered the house

"Mime Mime." Mimey greeted

"Hi Mr. Mime." Ash said before noticing Brock in the kitchen.

"Brock." Ash said surprisingly

"Hey Ash & Misty, good to see you." Brock greeted

"What are you doing here?" Misty asked. "I thought you were at Professor Ivy's."

"Oh...Yeah, it didn't work out." Brock said as Ash & Misty looked at each other & shrugged

"You must be Brock, Ash & Misty told me all about you." Tracey said "I'm Tracey."

"Nice to meet you." Brock smiled

"Ash, there's something I have to tell you." Delia said "It's very important."

"What is it, Mom?" Ash asked

"Well, first we have a couple of house guests." Delia said

"Really? Who?" Ash asked curiously

"You come out now." Delia called out

Ash became surprised when he saw 3 familiar faces. It was Jessie, James & Meowth, but Jessie & James were wearing casual outfits instead of their Team Rocket Uniforms(Jessie's outfit is from A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways! episode. & James' outfit is from the Mending A Broken Spirit episode without the hat & glasses.)

"Jessie, James, Meowth?" Ash said surprisingly

"Hey Ash." Jessie greeted nervously along with James & Meowth

"Pika." Pikachu said defensively as sparks appeared on his cheeks

"Pikachu no." Ash said

"Pi?" Pikachu said as he looked at Ash confusingly

"What are they doing here, Mom?" Ash asked

"Well, it started like this." Delia said "It happened a few minutes after you left for the Orange Islands."


Delia & Mimey were walking in the forest until she spotted Team Rocket lying on the floor.

"It's those three again." Delia said

"Mime." Mimey said

"Hm." Delia glared as she went up to give them a piece of her mind "You three!"

"Huh?" The trio said as they looked at her & got up

"I'd like to have a word with you." Delia demanded

"Aren't you the twerp's mother?" James asked as he got hit on the head with a frying pan

"First of all, I remember naming my son Ash not twerp." Delia scolded "Secondly, why are you trying to steal his Pokémon?"

"Because it's our job, lady." Jessie said "Stealing other people's Pokémon is what Team Rocket does."

"Well, it's gonna have to end right now." Delia said

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" Meowth said

"Well, I can have Mimey use Psychic to hold you in place while I get the police." Delia said

"What!? You wouldn't dare!?" Jessie yelled

"I can & I'll do it right now if you don't stop this nonsense." Delia said sternly "I'm surprised Ash didn't do that sooner."

"Well, why didn't he?" James asked

"Maybe it's because of his kindness or maybe it's because deep down he knows that you are good people." Delia said as the trio stared in surprise

Jessie, James, & Meowth thought about what Delia said, they remembered when they helped the gang at times like at the sunken St. Anne & Maiden's Peak. They also helped Cassandra & her Paras.

"Ash is trying hard to achieve his dream of becoming a Pokémon Master." Delia said "but you three are distracting him & holding him back by following him & trying to steal his Pokémon. So if you don't want me to report you to the authorities, I suggest that you stop & quit Team Rocket."

"But if we Team Rocket, we won't know what we'd do." Meowth said

Delia sighed

"Come with me." Delia said


"& So I took them into our home." Delia said "I helped Jessie enroll in a Pokémon Nursing School for humans since she wanted to become a Pokémon Nurse."

"Wait, for humans?" Ash repeated

"I enrolled in a Pokémon Nurse for Chanseys in the past." Jessie said sheepishly as the gang sweatdropped

"As for James, he has been a good help around the house." Delia said "I even taught him how to cook."

"You know it's funny, since Ash & Misty were just talking about you recently." Tracey said

"Really?" Meowth said surprisingly along with Jessie & James

"We were wondering what happened to you since the party before we left for the Orange Islands." Misty said

"How about you four visit Professor Oak, while we fix dinner." Delia said

While the gang were on their way to Oak's Lab.

"At least we know what happened to those three." Misty said

"How do you feel about that, Ash?" Tracey asked

"To be honest...I'm speechless." Ash said

"I've been keeping an eye on them & they haven't done anything, so I guess they have changed." Brock said

"I don't know about that." Ash said unsurely

When they arrived at Professor Oak's, he greeted the gang & invited them for tea. While they were having tea

"So Ash, I take it you know about Jessie, James, & Meowth." Oak assumed as he was looking at Tracey's drawings

"Yeah..." Ash said as Oak looked at him

"Is there something troubling you, my boy." Oak asked curiously

"It's just that they have been staying at my house for the past year, & I'm worried that they might be planning something or they might have hurt my mom ." Ash said

"My boy, did you see any bruises or wounds on your mother?" Oak asked

"" Ash said

"& did you see your Mr. Mime still at the house?" Oak asked

"Yes." Ash said

"Then there's nothing to worry about." Oak said

"But Professor-" Ash said

"Ash, I know what they did was wrong, but that's all in the past." Oak said "Did your mother tell you how she took care of them & took them in?"

"Yes." Ash said

"& do you not trust her?" Oak asked

"What? She's my mom, of course I trust her." Ash said

"Listen Ash, you don't have to forgive them if you don't want to." Oak said wisely "But they're willing to make it up to you & you should at least give them a chance."

"...Alright Professor, I'll think about it." Ash said

"That's a good lad." Oak smiled

A few minutes later, Oak was gathering information about the GS Ball, so far he found nothing. Oak suggested finding Kurt who is a Poké Ball Designer in the Johto Region to find some discovery about the GS Ball. When they went back to Ash's house.

"Hey Mom, I'm back." Ash called out

"Hi Ash, there's something Jessie, James, & Meowth want to tell you." Delia said

"What is it?" Ash asked as he looked at the trio

Jessie, James, & Meowth went down on their hands & knees.

"We're sorry!" They apologized

"Huh?" Ash said confusingly

"We're sorry for trying to steal your Pokémon." Jessie said

"We'll never call you a twerp again." James said

"Please give us a chance." Meowth said

Ash stared at them & made his decision

"Alright, I'll give you one last stance." Ash said sternly "Mess it up & you're done."

"Oh thank you." James said gratefully

"We promise to make it up to you." Meowth said

While they were having dinner

"So, did you catch any new Pokémon?" Delia asked

"Well yeah, I caught a Snorlax & 2 Lapras." Ash said "I was gonna release one of them but she didn't want to leave me, so I caught her mom. But that's not all"

Ash pulled out his Orange League trophy from his bag.

"I won this in the Orange League Championship." Ash said

"Oh my gosh, congratulations, I'm so proud of you." Delia said proudly

"Thanks, hey Mom, I'm gonna be heading for the Johto Region to compete in the Johto League."

"Oh, & when are you leaving?" Delia asked

"Tomorrow." Ash said

"Now hold on a minute, Ash." Jessie said "Since you've been away from home for a while, how about you stay here & train for the next Indigo Plateau Conference?"

"Yeah, the next tournament is only a year away, so that will give you plenty of time to train your Pokémon for it & even catch some new Pokémon while you're here." James said

Ash thought about it for a moment, if he stays & trains for the next Indigo Plateau Conference, it can give him the chance to make up for last time

"You're right guys, I'll stay." Ash said

"Wonderful!" Delia smiled excitedly

"Are you sure about that, Ash?" Misty asked

"Johto can wait, this is a big opportunity for me." Ash said

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