He saw me

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Knuckles pov

I walked away from him angrily. But then I stopped and did some thinking, perhaps I was too harsh I really feel bad for slapping him like that and then I recalled that he wanted to tell me something but I don't know what it is. I said, I think maybe I may have been to hard on him maybe I should apologize to him. That's when I heard Sonic yelled in an sad yet angered tone, I WAS RIGHT!! I AM HATED MISTREATED AND USED!!! I whispered as I turned to him, hated? mistreated? used? Where the heck did he get that nonsense and why would he think we would do that to him? That when I gasped and my eyes widened as a pin came out of his spikes and revealing to be my childhood friend and love life Sensitivite. I said in shock, oh my goddess Cream wasn't even kidding about Sonic and Sensitive being one person and all those things she told me. Cream told me what was going on about what she and Sonic were doing but at first I thought she was joking but what I saw on that day it was no joke. Sensitive started to walk away as I started following him quietly without him knowing then three delinquents started teasing, making fun of him, and laughing at him as he tripped and fell on his knees. I looked at my friend with a sad look and then gave those morons a dirty look because one of them called him ugly (nobody but nobody and I mean nobody calls my sweet and beautiful blue flower ugly). I was about to teach them a lesson when my Sensitives psycho side went berserk. He started killing those delinquents but as he was about to kill the last one I ran towards him and stopped him before he even got a chance to kill him.

Sonics pov

The last delinquent pleaded, NO PLEASE HAVE MERCY!! (I couldn't control it this was my dark personality) my red eyes glowed wildly and I said as I laughed like the crazed maniac that I am, HAHAHAHAHA YOU SHOULDA THOUGHT OF THAT NOW DIE!!! As I was about to kill the last delinquent who picked on me but as soon as I was about to stab him I was stopped by being grabbed by the wrist. I growled as I turned to see who stopped me from killing him. I gasped to see it was Knuckles. I was in panic as my eyes turned back into my natural color. I thought to myself in horror: he saw me oh my goddess echidna saw me. My secret has been exposed by this uptight and serious echidna. As soon as he let go of me I started to become scared and ran away in a regular way. I blocked every way with one of my spells that I learned long ago: SOLID ICE WALL FRESH ICE BLAST!! As soon as I managed to escape I made my way back to the place I mostly spent my time at: the abandoned church in the cemetery.

Knuckles pov

I was about to follow Sonic but a huge ice wall appeared in front of me and blocked my path I said, it's going to take more than that to stop me and I can't just wait for it to melt down. So I punched my way through and the whole thing collapsed as I ran passed the ice wall. I said to myself, man there's no doubt that was one of Sensitives new sorcery tricks I've been hearing about. Now to catch up with....hey where did he go?! Before I can follow Sonic he was already gone. But something stunned me that violent temper and that paranoid face I knew right away that something was wrong.

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