Why did he do it?

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Sonics pov

I was about to tell everyone the truth (Knuckles was first) but I never expected this one on a rainy day. I was standing there in the rain I was kind but very shy I spoke in the voice that was not my own, Knuckles there is....something I need to...to tell you....(I was nervous but I had to stop acting like a complete scaredy cat) the.... umm...truth...is....I....I....(I couldn't even take it so I gathered up all my courage as I could) the truth is I....before I can tell him he snapped, SHUT UP!!! My eyes widened at the angered echidna he and the others were mad at me because I accidentally transported them back to Station Square but it was an accident I felt tried to tell them but they wouldn't listen but I thought it be best to tell them the truth and that was an accident but Knuckles continued to scream at me, WILL YOU JUST STOP TALKING TO ME WHATEVER YOU HAVE ON YOUR MIND ITS GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH ME AND I THINK ITS TIME TO END THIS FRIENDSHIP THING RIGHT HERE AND NOW NIGHTER OF US WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!! I gasped but I whispered, I....I don't think you....understand the thing is I....before I can tell him he slapped me right across the face I fell as he said in a harsh tone, shut it just shut your mouth right and don't ever talk to any of us again!! My eyes widened and I started to cry as he walked away leaving me to stand up and walk away crying. I took off the pin from my spikes when no one was looking and screamed, I WAS RIGHT!! I AM HATED MISTREATED AND USED!!! NOBODY IS TRUSTWORTHY!!! NOBODY AT ALL!!! I changed back to my true form as the rain fell harder and harder. The truth of it is I felt dead inside when we first came to station square I couldn't remember a thing then I gained one memory at a time. The thorndykes were nice and all but I spend my nights at a abandoned cemetery I always enjoyed the great outdoors. But then I remembered that I was a killer and healer. Days went by and I go outside not just for fresh air but I wanted to find someone who will understands me I met some who I was a nice boy but only a few have died right in front of me. I was afraid to say anything because I knew for a fact that they might be bitter about what I do. Cream and Cheese are the only ones who know about it. I may look like someone who wears only gloves and shoes but what they don't see what I'm actually wearing ( I put an illusion spell on everybody so they won't know and I have a pin that allows me to be someone else (Sonic) but when I take it off my voice turns softer than you think and my spikes go from 30 millimeters from my quills to 28 millimeters and my real name is Sensitive Hanajima Satamura) a plain white long sleeve shirt that goes down to my thigh and light purple tight-like pants were camouflage to my legs and I wore the same gloves that are actually made of pure white wires and my sneakers were made of used blades and it's a miracle that I haven't been burned yet probably because I wore socks, I even wear an amulet that my mother gave me before she passed away, I carry a family weapon with me which is known as the silver blade (it may look like an ordinary kitchen knife but it isn't) and my rabbit who I call Bunny B. I had her almost my whole life she appeared when I was a year old. The rain fell down very harder than before I walked slowly then I hear someone laughing at me as I heard someone saying it out loud, HEY LOOK EVERYONE ITS THAT GIRLY-BOY WITH THE BUNNY DOLL ON HIS BACK!! The first voice said out loud as it laughed , HEY SISSY-BOY WHY DO YOU WEAR GIRLY-CLOTHES? The second voice said out loud as they were laughing at me along with the rest, HEY GIRLY-BOY WHY DO YOU CRY EVERY TIME YOU GET HURT AND GET SCARED EVERY TIME YOU SEE SOMETHING REALLY SCARY!! I tried to ignore it but the third voice said out loud as they were laughing at me even louder for me to hear, HA YOU THINK IGNORING WHAT WERE SAYINGS GOING TO WORK WELL IT AIN'T BECAUSE WE'LL LAUGH YOUR UGLY FACE!!! I gasped. Then all three voices said, YOUR A CRYBABY YOUR DIFFERENT!! Then as I ran away regularly they repeatedly say: CRYBABY! CRYBABY! CRYBABY! CRYBABY! Then I tripped and wondered to myself, if they hate me that much then why did he save me from the meterax fight?

No ones pov

(Meterax fight - 20 days after the fight with zelkova)

Sonic and the gang were out searching for the chaos emeralds while while Knuckles stays behind at the blue typhoon but unknown to them Zelkova had other plans. He planned to kidnap Sonic and hold him hostage just so Knuckles would face him once again because Zelcova knew that Sonic was (unknown to him) Knuckles weakness. Zelcova ordered his minions to capture Sonic and make sure he doesn't get away. As the gang walked in a unusual jungle-like planet Sonic (who was walking behind everyone) suddenly was hand gagged by one of Zelcovas minions. Sonic struggled and tried to scream for help but all he can get was a muffle. With his hand behind his back and the other tried to pry off the hand of the meterax clone. Before he could struggle one of Zelcovas clone tied Sonics hands together behind his back with a very long rope then dragged him off to where Zelcova was hiding. Sonic remained quiet until he saw Zelcova. Sonic was furious but couldn't help wonder why he kidnapped him. One of Zelcovas minions removed his hand from his mouth but put his hand on his arm so he wouldn't get away despite the fact that his hands are tied behind him. Before Sonic can utter a word another one of Zelcovas minions wrapped a white cloth around his mouth. Zelcova laughed and said, well Sonic I bet your wondering why we captured you. Sonic nodded with a furious look on his face. Zelcova laughed then ordered his minions to tie him up so he wouldn't get away. As Sonic was dragged to a nearby pole and one of Zelcovas minions started tying his feet so he wouldn't zoom out. Zelcova started explaining: well I just wanted a rematch with Knuckles and what better way to do it by taking someone he cares about hostage. Hmmmm? Sonic muffled in a confused tone he doesn't even know what he's talking about. Meanwhile at the blue typhoon Knuckles was watching the master emerald as usual when a emergency message came to the computer. He ran to the control room and responded he was shocked and angered to see Zelcova again as he shouted, YOU AGAIN?! Zelcova responded, that's right tough guy you and I are going to have a rematch right where I am oh I got a little surprise for you I'm holding your sweet maiden hostage! (He shows Sonic who was already bound and gagged by his waist to his feet) KMMMCMMS NNMMM DMMMMT DMM MMM TMMML KMMMPH YMMMH!!! MMMMMMPPPPHHH!!!! Sonic tried to warm Knuckles but one of the meterax hit him on the head and it was no use to warn someone while gagged. Knuckles was shocked to see his friend taken hostage yet he's just confused all because he called Sonic his maiden. The echidna let out a furious yelled: YOU CHEATING PIECE OF METAL LET HIM GO!! Zelcova said as he laughed, I will when you fight me. The computer message came off and Knuckles needed to figure out how to save Sonic without anyone knowing Tails who saw the whole thing was shocked himself. Time passed and Knuckles decided to save Sonic on his own. Tails said, are you crazy can't we let the others know? Knuckles said, no besides I heard what happened the last time Sonic got rescued and besides Amy already had her chance now I haft to save Sonic myself if you don't hear back from me in two hours come pick us up at the place where Sonic is being held alright? Tails said, okay.

Meanwhile Sonic feeling uncomfortable being tied up and gagged thought as he struggled to get free but failed, Maiden? His Maiden? What am I a damsel in distress? Is this some kind of joke? I'm not a girl! Sonic still thinks while struggling and grunting until he got tired, Do they think Knuckles and me were....no it's not that way around! it has to be a dumb joke! That metal idiot thinks I'm Knuckles lover? Sonic was in a daze until he heard a familiar voice called out to him. He panicked as he saw Sonic running towards him. Knuckles quickly untied him as Sonic in a muffled tone tried to warn him. As Knuckles removed the cloth from his mouth he gasped for air. As Knuckles finished untying him Sonic said in a panicked tone, KNUCKLES GET OUT OF HERE ITS A TRAP!! Knuckles eyes widened as Zelcova jumped in on them and said, so come to fetch your friend huh? I told you you can have him back when you beat me! Knuckles grabbed Sonics hand and said, HA I DON'T DO REMATCHES TO PEOPLE WHO TAKES MY FRIENDS HOSTAGE!!! Zelcova yelled, get them! Knuckles ran away with Sonic still holding his hand as Sonic said, let's get out of here! Knuckles nodded as they made their way to the exit. But they were surrounded Sonic grew tired all of a sudden Knuckles looked at his ankles and that the ropes were digging into his skin. Sonic said surprisingly, Knuckles whoa hey wait Knuckles what are you doing? Knuckles picked Sonic bridal style and said, hold on okay? Sonic said nervously, okay. And then jumped to the nearest window and fell while still holding Sonic in his arms that's when Tails flew by and catch the two on the wing of his plane. Knuckles said while still holding Sonic, Nice catch Tails. Tails said, thank you. Sonic said, Knuckles? Knuckles responded, yeah? Sonic said gratefully while still being held, thanks for saving me back there. Knuckles answered while looking away and blushing, don't mention it.

Sonics pov

(Now in the rain still)

As I fell on my knees I cried. Those delinquents that picked on me back there kept teasing me and calling me the usual names as I thought about my passed (I didn't have it easy as a child my birth-place sunlight Island was overwhelmed today by people who don't take positive people seriously their what they call the hatreds) as the teasing grew louder and louder and louder my eyes began to turn red as blood and I felt madness and hate and ran towards the delinquents and killed each and every one of them!

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