Manic and pals reunite

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Knuckles pov

I was watching over my sweet angel while Manic is in the Sensitive was still recovering.....but I needed to protect him....I love him with all my heart....Sense just sat if things couldn't get hard enough....I wanted nothing more but to catch the boy reaper and bring peace not just for everyone but to the both of us....

Shawns pov

GGGAAAA!! We've been sitting in this hospital room for like what....5 hours and Boomers had kept on and on crying knowing Manic is okay....he's such a big baby..... I turned to him and yelled, GGGGAAAAAA!!! QUIT CRYING BOOMER!!! Boomer wept and said, bu..bu..but Shawn I want to see our buddy again.... I shouted as I grabbed his shirt, WILL YOU CUT THAT OUT!!! FIRST OFF MANIC ISN'T MY BUDDY HE IS YOUR BUDDY AND HE IS MY RIVAL!! SECOND OFF THE REASON I CAME IS BECAUSE YOU ASKED ME TOO!!! SO QUIT WITH THE STUPID CRYING ALREADY!!! Then we heard a groan and a familiar voice saying, can you keep it down over there....I'm trying to sleep... it was Manic and I was....for some reason....relieved that he's okay.... Boomer walked toward him in tears saying, Manic?....oh Manic thank Goddess your alive....*he clung to him as he kept crying* he pushed Boomer gently and said, yo Booms... I'm happy to see you too but I need some space....I think those boyreaper freaks broke my ribcage.... Boomer said, oh....whoops....sorry about that pal.... I was rolling my eyes and saying, least you were able to make it in one piece with that stupid kid brother of yours...I swear he's as crazy as you are.... Manic looked at me and said, well Circus were being to lazy at your circus tent while my brother was doing to the real work.... I was sssooo angry as I said, WHAT WAS THAT YOU BIG DUMB MORON!!??.... Manic said as he yawned, you heard me Circus Clown....why don't ya get off your unicycle and listen for a change....your just doing it to get Sally's attention are you?.... I yelled, WAIT WHAT?! I AM NOT!!!.....WHY I OUTTA!!!?? boomer stopped the fight and said, now now you two can't we just get along..... then that dumb echidna walked in as Manic said worriedly, how's my little bro is he alright? Knuckles responded, yeah..he still recovering....but I need to do whatever I can to protect him.... Manic said, Knuckles you don't have to do that I know you promised yourself you'll protect him but....*he flinched*.... Knuckles said, Manic your in no condition to protect him....I know your his brother and you love and cared about him and you wanna protect him but you've already gone hurt as he you need to rest....think about Sonic....he didn't wanna lose you again.... Manic said nodding his head, I understand... moments later Knuckles walked outta the room....I came to his side and said, can't believe I'm saying this careful next time alright?...we don't wanna loose you again.... Manic whispered, ehh...I will Shawn..... Boomer whispered, softie... I said, I heard that Boomer... I walked out leaving Boomer and Manic in the room...

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