Cinos is a real psycho-path

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This is my life....MY DESTINY!!....I won't let anyone stand in my way....not even those idiots they call friends...I kill bad people....they deserve to mushy side can't stop least I get amusement from him beating the life outta that stupid bat....she deserved it he said.....HA!...can't stop wishing that bat dead...I knew how much he hated her....but I think he is upgrading to level YANDERE!!....Ha...HAHAHAAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!! It's been about 4 weeks and already I've been itching to kill bad people all week long.....I wish that they should all kill themselves for their father like everyone else in my family have killed bad people for the sake of good brother and I are the only ones who can....our only sin is that if we kill bad people for vengeance we'll have major's bad enough looking at water which turns into blood...I never liked how I see the sins I caused but....I had brother had it worse as I father had a major consequence that cost him his life....I never liked it at all....but that mushy side of me....he loves that twitty excuse of a brother will destroy all bad and negative race....until this world is a peaceful place to live....HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA!!!!.....and NOTHING WILL STAND IN MY WAY!!!....HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAA!!!...A CRIMINALS DEMISE!!.....HAHAAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAAHA!!...HAHAHAAHHAHA!!...HHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!....MY BROTHER AND I WILL KILL EVERY BAD PERSON WE SEE!!!...HAHAAHAHAHHAAHAHHAAHA!!!

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