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Before I began your probably wondering where Sonia ( Mysteria Reiko Satamura) is....she had another encounter with Shadow who is in love with her.... it's true....LOL! involves some Shadonia.. well enjoy:

Sonia A.K.A. Mysteria Reiko Satamura was in the streets thinking about her two brothers while thinking about the hedgehog she encountered 4 times... she thought, this is a real baby brother is blaming himself even more ever since his memory came back and my older brother is in the hospital still unconscious.. she felt like faith is controlling her..... but after seeing her little brother with Knuckles made her sigh in relief.... she sees Sonic and Knuckles cuddling each other at the hospital entrance..... Sonia said to herself, but...I'm happy Sensitive remembers's all my fault....I shoulda just been open with him in the first place.... one thing she knew is that her little brother had a certain crush on Knuckles... that's when she bumped into a certain ebony hedgehog and said as she bumped into him and fell, HEY WATCH IT PAL!! A familiar voice said, HOW ABOUT YOU WATCH IT LADY!! She recognized it immediately as Shadow... Shadow looked at the pinkish hedgehog and said in shock, hey wait a minute...your that girl from before aren't you?....your that blue hedgehogs sister aren't you?... Sonia replied, & your that goth hedgehog that tried to frame my baby brother for no reason....& yeah I'm that I'm that blue hedgehog's big sister and the girl from before... Shadow took a moment before fighting Sonia but every time they get close to each gets awkward....every time it gets was a bit like they were dancing rather than fighting.... Shadow said as he got close to Sonia's face, know your a bit feisty for someone who is Sonics sister.... Sonia said as she blushed, I ain't as delicate as I look....*she pushed him away from her face and then got caught by him grabbing her by the waist and him grabbing her fist as they got close again*...ya know I was told that your a tough-guy but they didn't tell me you were issues? Shadow smirked and replied as he blushed, I had plenty....*they pushed each other away and then did a bit of fighting until they were caught in each other's arms*...ya know your a lot tougher and prettier than Rouge... Sonia replied, that batty-witch?....please she can't compete....*he pushed away from each other but accidentally fell on top of her...she blushed as she saw the ebony hedgehog on top of her and both tired*...your quick... Shadow replied, yeah...I am...*they gazed into each other's eyes*..your really a very pleasant fighter... Sonia said as she got closer to him, not as pleasant as you...*she winks at him which made Shadow blushed*.... then they did what they haven't done.....they kissed each other on the lips..

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