My heart

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Sonics pov

I woke up in a hut somewhere but I was still hurt. But I was blind and covered in bandages I didn't know what to do. As I covered my face I felt a hand on my shoulder I realized it was Knuckles and whispered, Knuckles didn't answer. I....I don't....understand.....any....he just looked at me in a concern way and put a finger on my lips and whispered, shh...I know your scared but... I didn't understand what he told me. As he told me I was sick with a fever and said if I forget the good people that died right in front of me I would get better. I'm not sure what to make of this but I want to put his trust up to the test.

Knuckles pov

I needed to help Sonic to get better and told him that if he forgotten the good people that died right in front of him he will be feeling better. As I got ready for him to forget those deaths he saw I had thought that if he forgotten all of those deaths he might remember all of us especially me. As the ritual was complete Sonic went back to sleep. I can't even stop blaming myself for what I have done. But I couldn't do anything in my power to be able to recognize him. But I relieved that I kissed him before even realized it. I went out for a bit to clear my head.

Sonics pov

(30 minutes later)

I opened my eyes quickly as I found myself in the same position I was in. I whispered as I was overwhelmed with guilt, I remember Nakkuru had been my friend since I was ever since I was small. Oh goddess of life I tried to kill my one and only and I turned him away I'm so sorry Nakkuru! That's when I remembered something I really surprised me as tear stream down my face and that something was I kissed Nakkuru, wait a minute when we were in a closet did me and Nakkuru...kissed? I asked myself as I blushed badly and fell back down on my back. Oh goddess of life why? I love him with all my heart but CANT OUR FIRST KISS BE SOMEWHERE ELSE BESIDES THE CLOSET?! Why am I always the shy and quiet boy? I continued as I was finished regretting and crying I heard footsteps and closed my eyes pretended to sleep.

Knuckles pov

I went back inside because I was still mad at Sonic surprisingly I was about to hit Sonic so hard when I heard him say all those things. He loved me? That's when I realized that it really was an accident that send us here poor kid but it had been a while since he called me by my old name which to him is my real one but it was a relief that it was Sensitive I kissed it wasn't someone else. As I walked into the room gently I saw Sensitive pretending to sleep over there. I thought as I chuckled, he kinda cute when he's embarrassed. I picked up my childhood friend and placed him on my lap. He kept his eyes shut knowing that it's me. I said to him as I chuckled and he accidentally ope his eyes, that ain't going to work on me silly hedgehog I already know your awake. Sensitive got embarrassed as he saw me chuckled his cheeks turned a little pink as he whispered in regrets, I'm so sorry I didn't want to hurt you. He started to cry as he forced his head on my chest, I just remembered you my childhood friend. I knew he didn't want to hurt anyone but he regretted everything I stroked his bandaged cheek and whispered as he looked at me with those green sparkling eyes, it's okay. I know but you shouldn't blame yourself for all of this Sense it's not your fault. It's my fault. Sensitives eyes widened as if he didn't want me to blame myself but as more tears fell down his face he cried on my chest as I petted his bandaged back. But as time went on Sonic cried himself to sleep on me but it was hard for him. I carried him to the guest room where his brother is and placed him next to the one Savior was sleeping on. It was torture to me seeing them like this. But as I was bout to leave I kissed my love life on the lips and whispered, I love you so much and I'm going to make sure that I will make things right for both of us my love. That's all I said as I ran out blushing deep red leaving the two unconscious hedgehogs behind.

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