Trust me please

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Knuckles pov

I looked everywhere and I never gave up looking for Sensitive but by the time I found him I looked at him in horror. He was injured and holding.....wait a minute SAVIOR?! I was confused I didn't know what to make of this. I ran out to them and yelled, Sonic, Sonic are you okay?! But he didn't answer all he did was glare at me the only thing he was determined is to push his own search for a way outta this sorry excuse for a life it was nothing but a pathetic and stupid he didn't want to go through. He held Manic tight in his scarred covered arms and said as he growled, GET AWAY FROM ME YOU HORRID AND SELFISH CREEP I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITHOUT MY BIG BROTHER!!! I told him, this isn't a good place Sonic. But Sonic was angered and yelled in the words I hated to hear him say as he glared at me, GO AWAY AND LEAVE A MONSTER LIKE ME TO DIE AND ROT! A SISSY-GIRLY-UGLY BRAT CAN JUST DIE OUT HERE LIKE HE'S SUPPOSED TO!  I was shocked in horror as I walked towards him I whispered in concern, listen this isn't you it's that pain and hate of yours. I can see it clearly your hates letting see through it. I know you better than that. He listened to me but he was still not convinced he said in anger, how do I know your not pulling my leg like all those others who made fun of me and fear me I was never happy you all didn't care about me never the real me you only cared about the blood of my brother that was with in me WHAT DO YOU KNOW ECHIDNA?! I told him as I kneeled down in front of him and placed a hand on his shoulder, you haft to trust me I didn't know you felt that way but listen whoever said that we only cared about the blood of the brother within you really just wanted to mess with your head please you need to believe me I saw what you gone through I never knew how you really were and I never knew that you......before I can't help him and finish my sentence Rouge appeared out of nowhere and pushed me away from them and pushed both brothers to a tree and yet Sonic was the only one who hit the tree still holding Manic. I yelled, WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?! Rouge said, I was hoping you wouldn't be able to recognize that girly-punk after all that you didn't know when to give up you not just watch the master emerald or looked for the chaos emeralds but you looked for that stupid little boy that you cared about so much. She gasped as I realized something that she knew all along she was jealous of him. I looked at her in anger and yelled, YOU...YOU KNEW SONIC AND MY SWEETHEART WERE ONE IN THE SAME ALL ALONG! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH HIM HUH? JUST BECAUSE I FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO TAKE IT OUT ON ME OR HIM EITHER I DON'T CARE HOW JEALOUS YOU ARE YOUR SELFISH! That the bar angry as she turned to Sonic and yelled, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE! Sonic was so scared he started to cry I was getting angry and I yelled as I growled at that bat, STOP IT YOU STUPID BAT YOUR HURTING HIM! I ran towards them but Rouge tackled me to the ground. I uttered, why you! But that didn't stop me I kicked her in the stomach, pushed her off, and ran towards the two brothers. As I kneeled down towards them Sonic was crying and all because that bat made him like this but I don't know what made these wounds. But it isn't a good sign they have been poisoned when they were pushed. I wasn't looking forward to what I had to be done but it was the only way to save these two.

Sonics pov

I couldn't really see as we were pushed to a tree we were poisoned by a venomous sting. I was still holding my brother who was unconscious but what I didn't know is that Knuckles did something to him I know I sense his presence near me. As soon as he was done with my brother he closer to me. I was shaking nervously and weakly whispered, As he stroke my black and blue scratched cheek he whispered to my ear, don't worry one bit this is the only way to save you and your brother trust me. I was shocked both in surprise and confusion I didn't understand this guy my mind kept on asking; why is he doing this? Why did he go out of his way to find me? What in the works is he doing to save me and big brother. As I was lost in my thoughts I felt something really sharp and painful almost like teeth are sinking down my neck. I let out a little moan as if this pain was helping. I blacked out for real as I felt this bite-like-pain go away.

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