Nightmares I have had

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Knuckles pov

You may not know it but everyday and night I had nightmares about how aggressive Sensitive is getting.....he's been trying to kill me covered in blood not to mention he was......he was not himself......poor sweet Sensitive was being pushed away by everyone.....though he kept up the act.....he was getting a coincidental heartache......he keeps saying things like, WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?! ALRIGHT THATS IT YOU ARE DEAD!!!! Then he screams in agony and anger my poor angel was just trying to do whatever he can to let us know what's wrong with him.....but he's was so afraid to say anything and not to mention everyone hated him and turned him away......he wanted to kill himself......because no one care.....but I did......I was really upset at everyone but him......I love matter what happens.....I will love him......nothing will come between us.......the nightmare I have had now was the worse........I screamed and cried out in pain......because Sensitives killer side is torturing me........

Sonics pov

Though recovering I was walking down the hallway when I heard a muffled sound coming from the other side of the room.....I figured it was Knuckles.....So I rushed over but in a walking kinda his room....I saw him screaming and crying and turning over and over.....I walked over to his side and sat next to him and yelled as I shook him awake as hard as I could, NAKURU!!!..NAKURU PLEASE WAKE UP!.....NAKURU YOUR HAVING A NIGHTMARE OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!! NAKURU!

Knuckles pov

I thought everything was over......I was scarred, tortured and bleeding....but then I heard a familiar voice yelling out, NAKURU!!!..NAKURU PLEASE WAKE UP!.....NAKURU YOUR HAVING A NIGHTMARE OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!! NAKURU! I opened my eyes as I recognized Sensitives sweet and soft voice.....I was sweating badly and saw my childhood friend right next to me with a concerned look on his face......he said as he scooted close to me, are you alright? I shook my head no and whispered, I'm sorry I was of what might happen.....not just to the master emerald but to you.....I started to cry.....Sensitive was the only one who can lift my spirit up.....he said as he hugged me, Nakuru I never realize how important....the emerald and I are to you......Nakuru I love you....and I know your not afraid of anything that gets in your way.......your the most honest guy I have ever encountered......I really love you..... his words comfort me.....I hugged back as I whispered, thank you....Sense....

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