A promise to my father

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There's a lot to us than meets the eye and by us I mean me and Sonic. We were the only ones who were only allowed to kill bad people. Outta all the blood splattering, the delinquents screams of pain and agony, criminals perishing, and all the blood shedding massacre that our ancestors have done before us. We happened to be the rarest of all my poor little sister and younger brother were completely scared and confused just as I am and we know nothing about what happened on that day but I know this though. Because 20 something moments after the death of our parents we were somehow on another Island but.....that alone doesn't sting me in the head besides the injuries I sustained but the only thing I sustained was that night a few weeks before our 1'st birthday. It happened when I was at the living room sitting on the couch with Sonic who was sleeping with his head on my lap. I was keeping a watchful eye on him despite being a young kid and not to mention were exhausted from that training of how to kill a bad person but Dad was taking it easy on us so it's a relief for us. Anyway it was like 3:00 am in the morning when my father came in and said as he saw me with my brother asleep, Savior what are you doing up? I answered him in a whispered tone as I petted Sonics head, I wanted to watch over Sensitive for a little bit so I stayed in the living room with him. My father walked into the living room and stopped in front of me and Sonic. He kneeled down and said as he looked at me with a straight face, Savior you know how much your mother and I love you and two siblings right? I nodded and whispered, yes sir. Then it happened he said, then I need to ask you something very important if you want to. I didn't know what to make of it but I know it was important so I said, yes father what is it you want to ask me. He started to ask me and closed his eyes, if there should come a day that something happens to me and your mother will you promise me to take care and watch over your brother and sister Savior? I was shocked but surprised that he would ask me that but I nodded and said, I...I promise Father but why are you asking me that? That's when my dad walked away and whispered, you'll see when the time is right but until then I'll see you in the morning. I was shocked as he walked off but then I fell asleep with Sonic is still on my lap. I wish I knew what that memory meant or what my dad was trying to tell me.

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