The time at Winter-Time

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Knuckles pov

I opened my eyes to see Sensitive looking at the sky. I looked at the sky and asked Sensitive as I pulled him close, hey Sensitive remember when we used to play in the snow at winter when we were kids? Sensitive answered, yeah it's was a fun on that day. Wouldn't you agree? I said, yeah it was wasn't it? Sensitive nodded as he smiled. But that was when I was 7 years old and Sensitive was 6 years old. I looked at the beauty of Sensitive's face. Still I had to tell Sensitive who the donor of both his and Saviors eye. I know because when I was 2 years old I was actually there at their parents funeral I was suspicious because their mothers coffin was open but their fathers wasn't I took one peek and I knew right away who the donor was.

Original pov

(10 years earlier)

6 year old Sonic was looking at the snow flakes from his porch (he was wearing a pair of red snow boots (that look like his sneakers), white snow gloves, and a cute sky blue snow coat with a hoodie). He put on his Snow boots and then walked away from the porch and towards where 7 year old Knuckles lives by walking into the snow while looking at the snow flakes sparkling in his eyes. He giggled as he ran regularly carefree. Then he tripped on his knees and said, ehehehe better run carefully. Little Sonic looked at the snow flakes sparkling while they were falling. Sonic heard some foot steps and turned to see Knuckles (wearing a brown coat) and walked towards him and said, hey Sense how you been? Sonic nervously said as he walked towards him, well....I was about to head to your house I never get out at winter that often. Knuckles said with concern look on his face, hey Sensitive there's something I want to tell you. Sonic turned to his childhood friend and said in confusion, huh? What is it Nakuru? Knuckles look at him with a straight face and said, Sense what if I say if I knew who the donor of both your brothers and your eye? Sonic was shocked that Knuckles knew the donor of both his and Manics eye sand said, I say I would be surprised. Nakuru why didn't you tell me? Knuckles asked, I...I was to afraid to say anything because you might be mad at me. Sonic asked, what would make me mad at you? Knuckles answered, I'll the donor of yours and your brothers eye but promise me not to tell anyone but your brother. Sonic said as he nodded, okay I promise. Knuckles whispered to him, you see the donor of your right eye and your brothers left eye well....their both your fathers eyes. Sonics eyes widened as he gasped. Knuckles felt very bad as he looked down but then he felt someone hugging him sure enough it was Sonic crying on his chest as Knuckles returned the hug he whispered, I'm sorry Sensitive I had to know the truth I... Sensitive interrupted in grief, Nakuru it's not your's just that why didn't our Aunt Izumi tell us that this eye belonged to Father? Knuckles said as he escorted his friend to his house and wrapped an arm around him, its okay's okay. A 9 minutes later they arrived at their place but Sonic felt like he had betrayed. Knuckles was the only one who can make him feel better. He walked towards his friend and said, hey do you want to in the snow? If you like I can show you..something about the snow around here. Sonic looked at his concerned friend he knew he was determined to make him happy again and said as he smiled, your so sweet Nakuru thank you I would love that. With that they ran outside and played in the snow together. A little bit later 6 year old Manic showed up to see a concerned Knuckles and his younger brother looked like he's seen a murder. Manic said, so what's this all about? Sonic wanted to tell his brother but was nervous but as long as Knuckles was on his side he would be fine. He said in confidence as he held Knuckles hand, big brother there's something we need to tell you but don't tell anyone not even big sister. Then the two told Manic what's on their mind by the time they explained he was shocked that he realized the person who donated both his eyes to him and Sonic. Manic said as he just stood there, wh...why would Aunt Izumi do this to us? To our Father? To our family? Knuckles shrugged and said, I don't have a clue why and judging what I saw when I took a peek underneath the coffin he was dripping blood from his face he was blindfolded and there were darkish reddish circles on it to where his eyes were. Sonic said as he hugged his friend, whatever the reason is I'm sure she didn't mean us any harm. Don't you agree? Knuckles nodded and said, I'm pretty sure she didn't mean any harm to any of you two. Sonic was about to frown but was interrupted by a pile of snow drifting on him. Knuckles laughed as he poked his head outta the snow. Sonic giggled as the a little bit of snow fell on him too. Sonic said as he stocked his arms while giggling, your fun as always....hehehe... Knuckles said as he helped Sonic out of the snow, yeah well don't make too much noise you can cause more snow to fall. Manic walked inside as the two laughed. Then Knuckles asked, wanna play some more? Sonic giggled and said, ehehehehe okay Nakuru. With that the two wonder around playing in the snow together as the snow flakes fell.

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