The story is a prophecy

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Sonics pov.

Me and Nakuru we're taking a walk through the meadow when we saw one of Cris's classmates Francis walking towards us. She looked at us for a moment the way we held hands, and stood she looked like she was seeing this before. She indicated us to follow her. I asked, what does she?...want us to do? Nakuru said, maybe she wants us to follow her... I nodded slowly before we followed her. Later we were at the park and Francis sat down as we did... that's when she said, sorry about this you two. Nakuru said, don't worry about it..anyway what's up? That's when she said, well...the way you both are and guys are like the two lesbian lovers from the story...a play that I'm gonna be in...*we were confused* oh you both didn't know?...well this story is about two lesbian girls who have a forbidden love...they're kinda like the both of you but they are girls...*trails off as she looked like she realizes* wait a minute...if I didn't know better I say this story was like a prophecy... Nakuru and I were confused. At least until Francis told us about this story, well you see...the story of two girls who became friends...the young blonde girl Adrianna's life was saved by the young silver hair girl...her name is Izere... both found interests in each other as they got to know one another...but when they were 8 and 9 years old they're friendship turn into romance and then tragedy happen when Izere left to do something quick... Adrianna's two older sisters suffered a terrible tragedy... one villager forced Adrianna to take her older sister Sana's place as a warrior. When Adrianna couldn't she turn for help and had to change her appearance and goes on as the name Sana gives her..."Ali" though like you they had many fights and many tragedies...for Adrianna have forgotten about her she can save her now alive sister Sana...but thanks to Izere who found out about it...both Adrianna and Sana's lives were saved. We were shocked that sounded like our past... it was undoubtably a prophecy to us... we thanked Francis and waved goodbye. I was shocked and confused still... Nakuru said, Sense...listen...I think that story was a prophecy... he took my hand as I said, oh Nakuru... the sun shined on us as we looked into each other's eyes and hugged.

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