We will make it.

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Sonic pov

I wanted nothing more than to be an immortal sage, and the wife of my one and only. Nakurru Kyohej Uotani is my one and only...*sighs* I felt so sad as I said while at the shrine with him, I fell in love but now...I'm all alone. Nakurru said in concern as he hugged me, don't say that...your not alone. I started to cry because I thought he was gonna laugh at me. Knuckles pulled me close as he said while sipping my tears away, oh sweetheart please don't cry. As I felt his gentle touch I gazed into his eyes. We both thought about years ago when we both were at moonlight meadow. Nakurru took me there as the fireflies lit up all around the both of us rising from the queen of the night orchids. It was so lovely. I said shyly as I gave him a small smile and my heart felt a spark between us, I felt a light inside my heart and it's so bright. Nakurru said, Sense your beautiful than the moonlight above. I said, Nakurru...I am so happy when I'm around you...I feel safe and happy when your around. Nakurru replied, your as sweet as the sunshine itself. I knew as we think back about the times we spend together as one....I knew we meet again and we'll always be here for each other...there's no farewell in our hearts nor is there a farewell for us... I know what this feeling is and that feeling is love...I smiled at him as the two of us hugged...we don't care who breaks us or torments us...I just know that my friendship will one day upgrade into a relationship And when that time comes...our lives will never come close to be the same. Nakurru said, there's no denying anymore Sensitive...I love you.... I said softly, I...I love you too Nakurru. I blushed knowing that he feels the same way about me.

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