The time at Summer-time

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Knuckles pov

I looked over at Sensitive while I was still on the edge he seemed to be peacefully asleep back there poor thing he must've been exhausted from all that mess. I walked towards him and sat next to him and placed him on my lap. Still I felt like it was only yesterday that our friendship turned into romance. I still remembered what happened that summer.

Original pov

(8 years earlier)

9 year old Knuckles was standing his ground at the shrine as usual. He thought, wow summer break already started....hmmm....I've been thinking about Sensitive a-lot lately I wonder why? That's when he sees 8 year old Sonic chasing a pretty blue butterfly at the flower patch giggling. As he tripped on his own two feet he sat up and that's when the butterfly he was chasing landed on his little nose. Sonic thought, wow the butterfly.....when it landed on my feels like some sort of a spirit. That's when 8 year old Manic came by and saw his younger brother sitting down with the butterfly on his nose he chuckled and said, ehehehe Sonic when I said have fun outside of the house I didn't mean you can act like a flower for a butterfly. As the butterfly flew away his little brother looked at him. Sonic said as he walked towards his brother, oh sorry big brother I kinda dosed off for a while. Manic playfully shook his head and said, well I don't know what to tell you besides it's time for our lessons of killing bad people correctly. Sonic wanted to come up with an excuse but can't let his brother down again so he made his decision and said as he took his hand, okay big brother. Knuckles watched them walked away and thought, I wonder why I can't stop looking at him hmmm....I wonder do I like him like him?  Knuckles thought and thought but then it hit him. He said to himself, maybe I do like him that way *sigh* I'm not even a teen or an adult and I'm already having feelings for someone.....oh well no one says that it has to be a girl besides I always think Sensitive is a very nice and kind loving boy. (Though schools out Sonic and Manic are still criminal killers in training they were given confidential private lessons for only the sons (Savior Yamato Satamura II and Sensitive Hanajima Satamura) of Savior to have. Each and every summer they had to learn how to kill criminals properly just like their father did before them) Meanwhile little Sonic and Manic were at their tutors house in order to properly kill a criminal. Sonic was oblivious he thought about Nakuru from time to time. Sonic thought, is just as I thought I really do like Nakuru but in a sweetheart kind of way....huh....I'm not even grown up yet and I'm already having feelings for someone.....but nobody's perfect even though we're boys and we're different species I think we are meant to be. That's when Sonic snapped out of it as their tutor said, NEXT QUESTION YOUNGER SATAMURA!!! Sonic stood up and said, yes Sensei! Their tutor said, can you tell me where the weaknesses of where you normally kill the criminal when you stab his/her with whatever blade you use or shoot his/her with a gun? Sonic said in a confident tone, well sensei weaknesses are normally either the heart or the head for example when you stab his/her in the heart with a broad bladed kitchen knife it will cause them to die instantly and if you shoot his/her head with a pistol it will kill them quickly. Their tutor said, that's correct! Your catching up on your studies today younger Satamura and older Satamura. Then the tutoring continues and both boys began to realize their feelings for each other.

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