Chapter 24

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(A.N. Hey y'all! I'm sorry for taking so long again! This chapter literally took me 3 days to write. It was VERY hard. But because of this chapter, I've decided to extend this story a bit more. 😁 Okay, here y'all go!)

Jack and Katherine walked through the busy streets, weaving through the crowd, never letting go of each other.

The couple drew nearer to Jacobi's. Jack was reaching for the doorknob when someone jerked him and Katherine into the alleyway in between buildings, but who, they couldn't tell.

Rough hands shoved the two further into the darkening alley, a tall fence at the end of it gave little hope for an escape through that way.

They were finally able to turn around and see the person responsible. Jack scoffed.

"I should 'ave known it'd be you Oscar. Where's your brotha? Beatin' defenseless kids for money?" He spat, planting himself firmly in front of Katherine.

Oscar had a slightly swollen nose and a black eye, thanks to Race and the boys.

"He's closer than ya might think Kelly." He smirked.

Katherine was almost shaking with fear. This couldn't be happening, not again.

"Jack, we have to get away from here, now!" She urged. Jack began inching his way towards the alley entrance with her trailing right behind him.

"Not so fast Missy." Someone grabbed Katherine by the waist and yanked her away from Jack.

She screamed and fought but it was useless. Morris had too strong a grip. He had a black eye as well and a busted lip. He had one hand on her waist and the other on her arm. There was very little chance she'd get away.

When she screamed, Jack turned in just enough time to see Morris pulling Katherine deeper into the alley and farther away from him.

"Get your hands off her!" He growled, taking a few steps in their direction.

"Don't even think about it Kelly." He looked back at Oscar. He was slipping his favorite brass knuckles onto his hand.

"Her father said we had to get her back, but he never in what condition." He cackled.

Jack froze where he stood, his body filling with pure terror. Images of Katherine being hurt and worse flashed through his mind. He couldn't let her get hurt. Not his Ace. He lowered his head slightly in defeat.

"Alright, fine. I won't put up a fight. I'll do anythin', just...promise you won't hurt her." He pleaded, his voice cracked at the end.

He held back his tears as he heard Katherine let out a yelp. He faced her. She begged for him to run, but he wouldn't move.

Oscar smirked. "Now was that so hard Kelly? Morris, get her home. I'm sure daddy dearest will be wantin' to have a chat with her."

Morris nodded and started walking towards the street, still gripping Katherine. She couldn't let this happen to Jack, not if she could help it.

She stomped her boot heel into Morris' foot. He cried out. When he released her, she whirled around and sent a hard punch to his face. He stumbled backwards until his back hit a wall, clutching his face.

Jack grinned and ran over to Katherine, wrapping her in his arms.

"Wow! Now I'm glad you kissed me instead of punching me that night." Katherine let out a laugh. She glanced behind him.

"Jack look out!"

Oscar was charging at them, his brass knuckles raised high and ready to do some damage.

Jack pushed Katherine out of harms way and did his best you block the hit, which landed against his side.

Pain shot through his body as he let out a small cry. He tried masking the pain, to be strong, to protect Katherine.

But she saw right though the charade. She saw his pain, his concern, his fear.

Her own dread forgotten, she stood up and sent a kick to Oscar's stomach. He lost his balance and fell onto his back, moaning in pain.

Katherine waisted no time taking hold of Jack and half dragged him out of the alley and away from danger.

The more distance they made, the more Jack was able to walk without help. Soon, they were blocks away from the threat of Oscar and Morris.

"Thank yous Ace. I never would have made it out if not for you." Jack said from his spot beside her.

They were leaning against a brick wall, worn out from the ordeal that had just occurred.

Katherine smiled. "I grew up with lots of boy cousins, I can hold my own. But you can repay me when we get back to the Lodge House." She pecked him on the cheek.

He grinned slightly before wincing. His side was on fire, but the pain was worth it. They straightened up and braced themselves for the journey home.

"What's the rush lovebirds? Why yous gotta be runnin' off so soon?" A mocking voice arose from in front of them.

Morris came into view. Footsteps, lots of them, approached the couple.

Jack placed a protective arm around Katherine. Not long after Morris appeared, Oscar joined him, along with two other men.

"Get the girl, but leave Kelly for us." Morris ordered with an evil grin.

Jack and Katherine backed up as the two thugs rushed forward.

Jack started swinging his fists at them, but it was useless. He was getting weaker. His hits had little to no effect on them.

One grabbed him and shoved him in the Delancys direction while the other held Katherine back.

They took hold of Jack and made sure he couldn't escape. They taunted and hit him repeatedly.

Katherine pleaded for them to stop, but her cries fell upon deaf ears.

Jack crumpled to the ground, shooting, aching, and stabbing pains were everywhere. He could hardly move. But he had one thing to motivate him.


He attempted to stand, doing his best to ingore his own agony.

That was when a foot crashed down on him and slammed him into the ground.

He heard a whimper from Katherine, she was in just as much pain as him.

"Now Kelly, since we can't bring ya straight to the gates of hell, we're gonna take ya to the closest place to it." Oscar informed with an evil gleam.

Jack paled. Katherine quaked.

She shook her head and started screaming and shouting. "No, no, NO! You can't take him there! Please! Don't do this!"

Again she got no direct response. Morris only demanded that she be taken to her home before she caused anymore trouble.

Jack had to watch as his Ace was dragged away, screaming his name, powerless.

"Well then, I guess it's lights out for you. Sweet dreams Kelly. See you in the Refuge."

Then everything went black.

(Oooooooooooh!!!! Cliffhanger!!!! Sorry! I was trying to figure what how you continue when this popped into my head. I was bawling each time I added to it. Y'all are welcome for the looooooooooog chapter. Also, 1K VIEWS OMG THIS IS AMAZING!!! THANK Y'ALL!!!! Please comment and vote! Till next time my loves, Panda ❤'s y'all!)

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