Chapter 25

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(A.N. Hiyo guys! I know I haven't been very active in updating my other stories. I've honestly neither the time nor energy to write for more than one story right now. And since this us my most popular one I'll continue adding to it and when I get more time I'll add to the others. Also, sorry for breaking y'alls hearts in the last chapter. I cried each time I hurt Jack. *pushes guilt away before I break down* Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this one!)

The two ruffians hauled a sobbing and uncooperative Katherine down the street towards her father's office at 'The World'.

As they trudged along, Katherine heard someone shouting. She swiveled her head and spotted Albert and Romeo hawking exaggerated headlines on the opposite side of the street. Race was walking up to the two doing the same.

That's when an idea struck Katherine. The two brute's grip's on her were relaxed, giving her the perfect opportunity to jerk her arms away. Once she was free, she sprinted across the road and reached the boys.

"Hey there- Kath what da matta?" Romeo asked seeing her in distress.

"Delancys... Jack... Hurt... Refuge... Help..." She couldn't form a solid sentence. Her heart pounded against her chest and her head wasn't thinking like it should. But her words were understood. The boys' faces darkened when they realized their leader and brother was in trouble.

"Romeo, you go find Davey and Crutchie. Albert, go tell any fellas at the Lodge House. Kath, yous and me are gonna get Joey." Katherine nodded and the boys split up.

"There she is!" Someone yelled. She turned to see the hired muscle heading right for her. Race saw too and grabbed her hand.

"Don't tell Jackie about this." He whispered before running with her in tow.

They dodged people and carts, doing their best to stay ahead of the men that followed. Race took a sharp turn and straight for a pub.

"Race what are you-" he cut her off with a "Ssh!" She stopped talking and trailed behind him, ducking inside.

The thugs walked in, glancing around for the girl. All eyes fell on the newcomers.

"Aye, what are you two doing here?" A brawny, Irish voice called from behind the bar. The man had light brown hair and was clean shaven.

"We're just lookin' for some kids who came in here. They have something that belongs to us." One of the men lied.

"Kids you say? Well, I'll be darned if there are any kids here. Didn't you see the sign out front? 'No Minors Allowed Here'. Now get out of my pub if you know what's good for you." The bartender said sternly.

"We're not leaving until we find those kids. I know they're in here." The other man insisted. He began walking towards the bar, but was brought to a halt. About ten or more burly looking men stopped whatever they were doing and stood.

"He said get out, or we'll make you get out the hard way." A large man with a British accent threatened. The two thugs quickly hightailed it out of there.

When they were out of sight, the bartender spoke up. "They're gone. You can come out now."

Two heads popped up from behind the bar. Race breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks guys. Especially you Mr. Branson." He gestured to the bartender.

"How many time do I have to tell ya Race, call me Tom." He replied, extending his hand. Race graciously accepted and shook it.

"Race, are you gonna explain to me what just happened and how you know these people?" Katherine interrogated.

Race turned back to her. "Sorry Kath. Ya see each o' those guys who stood ready to soak someone, I've helped each of them with one thing or another. Mostly by giving them pointers on which horses to bet on and so forth." He whispered the last part to her.

"And Mr. Bran- I mean Tom here, he's saved my life once from a gang of criminals lookin' for an easy score. A ten-year-old newsie makin' next to nothin' is as easy as it gets. He's been lookin' out for me ever since."

Katherine had never seen this side of Race. She out didn't know anything about his past.

"Thanks again for the save, but wes gotta go. Our friend is in trouble." Race informed Tom. He nodded in understanding.

"Well, if you ever need any help, you know where to find us." The British man spoke up. Race gave him a nod.

He and Katherine exited the pub.

"Okay, so where is Joey's house?" He asked.

"That way." She pointed and they started running in the direction.

After about 4 blocks, Joey's house came into view. It was a large, 3 story Victorian style home. Katherine walked up to the door and gave it a few hard knocks. Muffled footsteps were heard of the other side. Joey opened it with a smile.

"Hey gu- What's wrong?!" He was immediately worried upon seeing their distress.

"Joey, Jack was taken to the Refuge by Oscar and Morris. We have to rescue him!" Katherine whimpered. Joey rushed out of the house and followed them to the Lodge House.

They entered and saw that the rest of the Newsies were ready and waiting for action. Davey came downstairs upon hearing the commotion.

"Dave, I hope yous got a good plan for helpin' Jackie out." Race said.

"As a matter of fact, I do." They gathered around him and he relaid his plot.

They would rescue their friend if it was the last thing they'd ever do.

(Okay, if you understood the character reference, YAY YOU'RE MY NEW BUDDY! For those of you who don't know, Tom Branson is an Irish character on the drama Downton Abbey. If you haven't seen DA, WATCH IT!!! He is one of my FAVORITE CHARACTERS EVER!!! He has such a kind and caring nature, not to mention, he's VERY attractive. I honestly didn't plan on him {Hehe, lol} being apart of this story. But if he is going to be in it, then hey, why not make him a fatherly figure to our beloved Race. 😊 Please comment your thoughts about this chapter and vote! Alrighty, that is all. Love from Panda! 🐼)

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