Chapter 29

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(A.N. I.AM.SO.SORRY!!! It's been one month since my last update. This past month has been nuts. Especially since I turned 18 last Wednesday. Right now, I'm really trying to work out my ending. I need help. Like seriously. But other than that, I'm good. Anyways, here y'all go. Enjoy!)

Katherine didn't know how long the doctor had been with Jack, but it felt like an eternity.

Every now and then, one of the boys you check on her or ask if she was okay. She would say she was fine, but she wasn't.

Seeing Jack like that, beaten and broken, it tore her apart on the inside. But it also brought out a fire in her. There was no way she would let her father continue to do this.

Katherine stood up from her place on the floor and marched over to a stage hand.

"Excuse me, but is there a telephone I can use?" The man nodded and pointed to an office door. She thanked him before making her way over to it through the crowd of Newsies and theater employees.

When she reached it, she found it was ajar and walked inside. It was a very messy office with papers and books scattered around the large desk.

But Katherine ignored the clutter and focused on the telephone sitting atop a stack of books. She held it to her ear and dialed a number she knew by heart.

After a few moments of waiting, someone picked up the other line.

"Hello? Cecilia Pulitzer speaking." Katherine smiled at her mother's kind voice.

"Mother? It's me, Katherine."

"Oh Katherine! I've been so worried! When you didn't come home last night I didn't know what to think! Are you alright?!" Cecilia asked frantically.

"Yes mother, I'm alright. But that's more than I can say for Jack..." Katherine trailed off, her mind began replaying the horrific beating those brutes had given him.

"What do you mean Katherine? What happened?" Her mother inquired.

Katherine told her the whole story. From her surprising Jack in his penthouse, to Joey warning them, as well as their time in the park.

When she started retelling her about the fight in the alley and Jack being dragged to the Refuge, Katherine was fighting back her tears with all of her might, thinking she would just break down here and now.

But what she didn't expect, was to hear soft sobs coming from the other end of the call.

"Mother? Are you crying?" She almost whispered.

Cecilia cleared her throat before speaking. "I'm fine dear. I just don't understand how your father doesn't see the genuine love you have for each other. Jack was willing to give up everything for you, and yet Joseph still thinks he's a "worthless street rat." Well, I think- No, I KNOW that Jack Kelly is the bravest, most selfless, caring, and especially romantic boy to ever be chasing after your heart. You deserve no one less."

Katherine could feel her eyes begin to water. A few tears slipped out but she wiped them away with her sleeve.

"Thank you mother. I was actually calling to tell you that right now we're at the Burlesk House theater. Miss Medda Larkin is like a mother to Jack, so she had a doctor come over. He's taking care of Jack now."

"Oh Katherine. You've been through so much in such a small amount of time. Don't worry, I'll be over there soon."

"But mother-"

"No buts Katherine. You're my daughter and you need me." And with that, Cecilia hung up the phone before Katherine could argue with her.

Placing the phone back where it belongs, Katherine exited the office and made her way back to the Newsies.

As she glanced around, she couldn't help but laugh at what she saw.

The Beauties were trying to teach a few of the boys, being Race, Jojo, Albert, Mush, and Romeo, how to do ballet while the others were just standing around them, laughing till they were red in the face.

She walked over to the boys attempting ballet, doing her best to keep a straight face.

"Step aside boys, and let a REAL ballerina show you how to dance." She challenged. They took a few steps back, letting her have the floor.

Before she reached the center of it, she took off her boots and set them aside, letting her socks hit the wooden floor. She breathed in deeply to composed herself.

Then, she twirled and began to move gracefully across the floor without any music to guide her.

The choreography looked well practiced and she executed it with ease. Before she knew it, she had finished the dance and was now standing in the end pose.

The Newsies, stage hands, performers, and even Medda herself were awestruck with the performance they had just witnessed. After a moment of awkward silence, the group erupted into applause.

Heat rose in Katherine's cheeks. She gave a curtsy as Newsies swarmed around her and bombarded her with questions and complements like "How'd ya do dat Kath?!" or "An' I thought your tap dancin' was good!"

Les practically jumped into her arms and squeezed her in a small bear hug.

Katherine was could hardly take all of the love she was getting. She walked to the outside of the circle where Davey and Crutchie were watching her.

"Wow Katherine. You'se an amazing dancer!" Crutchie beamed.

Davey nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're great on the floor."

Katherine smiled and opened her mouth to reply when Alice ran up to them and cut her off.

"Kat, The doctor wants to see you. It's about Jack."

Katherine's smile vanished as she ran to the dressing room door with Crutchie and Davey at her heels.

They reached the door where Dr. Hopper was standing outside, waiting for her.

"Doctor, what's wrong? Is Jack okay?" She asked in distress.

Dr. Hopper turned to her and wore sincere expression. "Miss Katherine, Jack has sustained a lot of wounds and injuries. He has a cracked rib, a concussion, and multiple lacerations and bruises. He's lucky the damage wasn't any worse. I can tell he's quite the fighter."

Katherine smiled and Crutchie laughed at that.

"But there is good news. I've wrapped his torso and bandaged his cuts, which wasn't too bad. He got very mad when I told him he had to remain in bed for at least 4 and a half to 5 weeks for his rib and cuts to heal. Does he have any family?" Dr. Hopper asked.

Crutchie moved forward. "I'se the closest thing he's got to a brotha."

Dr. Hopper nodded and said that the rest of the small group could see Jack while he talked to Crutchie alone.

Katherine, Alice, and Davey hurried inside. Katherine was first and walked over to the still figure lying on the couch.

When she got there, she knelt down beside him and took his hand into her own.

She was startled when a voice broke thought the silence.

"Hiya Ace. What's new?"

(This chapter was nearly IMPOSSIBLE to write. I need to find a better system of writing. Usually, I have most of the plot figure out. But sometimes I have trouble getting from point A to point B. But thankfully, I have help in getting ideas.
Aside from that, I want to thank Katherine___Plumber for her assistance and ideas with both this story and The Power of a Princess. You're the best! 💗💗💗 I don't start school until next week, but I have a different schedule than most public, private, and regular homeschoolers. So, I'll try better to update more {expect an update of TPofP this week} and I'll publish a new story soon. Please comment and vote. Till next time, with love, Panda 🐼)

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