Chapter 30

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Cecilia hurried down the busy New York streets as she made her way to the Burlesk house.

She was glad Katherine called her when she did. Ten minutes later and Joseph would have been home, then things would have gotten very bad.

She pulled her coat around her tighter as she neared her destination.

Walking through the alley where the backstage door was located. She knocked and only had to wait a moment before a man opened the door and let her inside.

Cecilia's eyes landed on the large group of Newsies. She walked up to a boy with dark hair and brown eyes.

"Pardon me, my name is Cecilia. I'm Katherine's mother. Might I ask what your name is?" She asked the Newsie politely.

He turned his attention to her and smiled. "The name's Buttons, ma'am. You'se Katherine's motha?"

"Yes I am Buttons. Do you know where she is?"

"Sure do! She went to see da doc that patched Jack up." He replied as he pointed her in the right direction.

She thanked him before following information he had given.

Taking a few steps, she caught sight of a boy with a crutch speaking to a man she assumed was the doctor by his appearance.

The boy glanced around before he spotted Cecilia. After talking with the doctor for another moment, the boy hobbled over to Cecilia.

"Hi. You'se Kath's ma?" He questioned. She nodded.

"I thought I'se seen ya before. Crutchie is my name. Kath, Alice, and Davey are with Jack now. Should I get her for ya?"

"If you could."

Crutchie made his way over to the dressing room door and lightly knocked.

A faint voice called from the other side for them to enter. Crutchie turned the doorknob and slowly opened the door.

"Hiya Jackie." He said as stepped into the room.

Katherine was sitting on the floor beside the couch, Alice was behind her, standing next to Davey.

Jack turned his head towards his brother. "Hi Crutchie." He said quietly.

"How is ya feeling?"

"Betta than I was. You?"

"Awe ya don't gotta worry 'bout me. I'se tough as nails." Crutchie said in a voice he hoped sounded intimidating. His friends chuckled. Jack was laughing until he had to stop due to pain.

"I know ya are." He agreed. The person behind Crutchie cleared her throat. Crutchie suddenly remembered what he was supposed to be doing.

"Oh! Kath, you'se got a visitor." He moved aside and let Cecilia into the room. She walked to the her daughter and the injured boy.

"Katherine, I got here as soon as I could. I told Martha where I was going before I left. But she'll tell Joseph that I've gone out looking for you."

"Mother, you really didn't need to come."

"No dear, I did. Just because your father is being impossible, doesn't mean you have to be without your mother."

Katherine stood up and gave her mother a tight hug and a quick kiss on her cheek. Then Cecilia turned to the boy laying down.

"I don't know how to even begin apologizing for everything that's happen to you Jack. You don't deserve any of this pain or suffering."

Jack shook his head. "Cecilia, this ain't your fault." He gestured to his injuries. "It's Oscar and Morris' fault. And it's their fault 'cause Pulitzer put 'em up to it."

"You're right Jack," Katherine spoke up, "it all goes back to my father. Everything we've been through is because of him. But believe me, he won't get away with it." Katherine vowed.

After a minute, Cecilia piped up. "Katherine, dear, may I speak with you?"

Katherine nodded and followed her mother outside of the room.

"Katherine, I can't think of any way that this will end in our favor. Joseph isn't so easily swayed." Cecilia confessed.

"Mother, I am not going to let him control my life forever. I can make my own choices. Please, don't give up."

Cecilia pondered over her daughter's plea. She eventually gave in and nodded.

"You always did know how to get your way." She joked.

"Well if it isn't Cece the Spectacular, back on the stage." A voice suddenly said.

The mother and daughter both turned towards the speaker. Cecilia gasped when she saw who it was.

"Medda!" She cried with a smile and ran to greet her friend.

"Hello there dear! How long has it been? 12, maybe 13 years?" Medda said.

"Far too long no matter the amount of time. Do you know my daughter, Katherine?" Cecilia inquired..

Medda looked between Katherine and Cecilia a few times before answering.

"Celia, Katherine is YOUR daughter?!" She almost shouted. "I had no idea! I only knew that she was Joseph Pulitzer's. How did that old grouch marry one of the most kind and joyful people in New York?" Medda inquired.

"Mother, how do you and Miss Medda know each other?" Katherine questioned.

Cecilia took a deep breath before answering both of them. "Medda, he wasn't always an "old grouch". Katherine, I'm sorry I never told you about my days on the stage. I used to be a dancer here with Medda. My nick name was 'Cece the Spectacular'."

"Your mother was one of the greatest dancers to twirl this stage. I can tell that's where you got your talent from darling." Medda cut in.

Cecilia's face grew red. "Oh Medda! That was a long time ago. I had to stop when Joseph and I decided to start a family. Well, I say "decided". He all but forced me to quit. Telling me it wasn't right for a married woman to work."

Katherine was absorbing this information like a sponge.

First learning that her mother and Medda knew each other, then that her mother used to dance in the theater, and finally, that she had to give up her career because father wanted her to be a house wife.

A thought crossed Katherine's mind. If she and Jack got married, he wouldn't dare tell Katherine she had to stop having a job just to be a mother. He'd be in a world of pain. She laughed to herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted by someone shouting suddenly.

As the shouts got closer and louder, Katherine and Cecilia both paled when they recognized who that voice belonged to.

"I said let me through! I have a right to be here! Ah! There you are Cecilia! Katherine! Where have you been?! I've been searching the whole city for you!" Joseph Pulitzer demanded when he caught sight of them.

The Newsies tensed up a bit but only moved towards where Jack was, ready to defend and protect their brother and leader.

"Joseph... What are you doing here?... How did you know where we'd be?" Cecilia managed to say. She was in shock.

"I had come home a to tell you that I had no luck finding our daughter when I overhead your phone conversation and little chat with Martha. So naturally, I followed you here. I am very disappointed in you Cecilia. Helping that whelp get close to our daughter when I explicitly forbade them from being together."

"Joseph, you have no right to do that! Controlling my life is one thing, but Katherine's is another. I can't believe you-"

"THAT IS ENOUGH!!! I will not stand here only to have my own wife insult me!" He stormed over to his wife and daughter.

He grabbed Katherine and Cecilia by their arms and began dragging them away.

"Mr. Pulitzer, if you do not calm down I will have you removed from the property. There is no harm is Katherine being with Jack. If you can't see that, the problem isn't with them." Medda spoke up.

Joseph's face grew red with anger. "This does not concern you Miss Medda. Stay out of my family's business." He growled at the singer.

"We are leaving. Katherine, I will not tolerate your disobedience any longer! Next month, I am sending you to a boarding school in England where you will remain for the next two years." Pulitzer bellowed.

Katherine's jaw dropped and the Newsies stood there in silence, their faces wore looks of shock and fury.

"You can't do that! Kath's one of us!" Les cried.

"Yeah, she's family!" Race added. The other Newsies agreed.

Joseph glared at them. "You children should stay out of this! She is not your family, she is mine!"

"No! I'm not leaving! There's nothing you can do to make me!" Katherine screamed as she began resisting her father's grip.

"Not another word or I will send more men to hurt these pathetic street rats you call friends."

That threat shut Katherine's mouth. Her arm went limp in his hand and he pulled her and her mother out the stage door and into the bustling streets as the sun dipped below the horizon.

Further and further away from the boy who stole Katherine's heart.

(A.N. I just love torturing y'all don't I? Sorry! I just could resist. Side note: OVER 4K READS OH MY GALLIFREY I CAN'T THIS IS AMAZING!!! Thank you to everyone who has read this story! I've really enjoyed writing it! Please vote and comment! Panda 🐼)

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