Chapter 7

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Jack was speechless. Well, sort of. "Why are ya doin' this Mr. Pulitzer?" Joe took a deep breath before starting. "Mr. Kelly, it's come to my attention that my daughter has been spending more time with you and your friends than she should. It has also become aware to me that she is with you most days. Last night as I was waiting for Katherine to return home, I saw you with your arms around her in an embrace." Joe paused.

Jack's face dropped. He let out a small but audible gasp. Joe continued, "After Katherine came inside I called her to my office and scolded her for falling for your obvious attempt to, how you say, get back at me for raising the paper's price."

Now Jack was starting to get mad. Him, use Katherine, to get back at Pulitzer? Never! Just the thought put a bad taste in his mouth. "Mr. Pulitzer, you'se got this all wrong. I'm not using Katherine. I would never use Katherine. Ever. And-" Jack was cut off be a fist being slammed on the wooden desk. 'Looks like ol' Joe's got some anger problems.' Jack thought to himself.

"Do you really think that I would believe your lies?! Of course you're using my daughter! When she defended you it was clear that you have infected her mind, therefore, I forbade her from ever seeing you again. You should be grateful, I almost sent those Delancy boys to make you regret playing my daughter like that."

Race and Crutchie gasped. Jack visibly paled. But he was also angry and shocked. How could Joe think that he was playing Katherine, his Ace? Then the realization struck him.

"So that's why you gave me the money ain't it? You want me to leave New York and get as far away from Katherine as I can. Well Mr. Pulitzer, no deal." He stood and slapped the checks back onto the table, "No amount o' money is worth leavin' Katherine." He said, then turned on his heel and started towards the door with Crutchie and Race close behind.

"Mr. Kelly, know if you so much as speak to my daughter, I will know and you will regret it!" The trio heard Joe shout as they exited his office.

Walking out of the building, Jack turned to his friends. "Hey, wasn't he gonna pay you two for waistin' our time here? I'm sure the money for me was in dem checks."

The two younger boys looked at each other for a moment, then looked back at Jack. "We's thinkin' that it's just like you said in dere, it ain't worth it. He just wanted you away from Katherine, an' that ain't ever happenin' Jackie. She's our friend too." Crutchie answered. Race nodded in agreement.

Jack smiled at the boys. "Aww! You guy are killin' me! Come on, we got to get to work." He said as he wrapped his arms around his brothers shoulders as they headed off to their job.

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