Chapter 9

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(A/N: This chapter is long to make up for the last one being short)

The next day, Jack was rushing to finish up work so he could see if Katherine was at her job.

The minute he was done, out the door he went, almost sprinting to 'The Sun' to visit his Angel. And just like a few days before, when he got there, her back was turned towards him.

He did his best to hide the fact that he was panting. Once he controlled his breath a bit, he spoke. "Afternoon Ace. It's been a while." He said with his signature Jack Kelly smile.

He noticed when she tensed up, but faced him nonetheless. He thought she would have been happy to see him, but her face only showed fear.

She took a few steps closer. "Jack." she said, choking back her tears. "What are you doing?! My father will kill you if he found out you saw me!" She exclaimed, backing up as he neared her.

He extended his hand, reaching for hers. "I ain't afraid o' your father. Nothin' he does will keep me from seein' ya." He assured her. She went to grab his hand before stopping herself.

"I-I'm sorry! I can't! Not when you're in danger every time you see me. You could get hurt or worse and it'd be all my fault. Please Jack, don't make me have to see your bloody and beaten body lying in the streets if my father sends those awful brother to hurt you. I wouldn't be able to bear it. I'm sorry!"

With that, she ran into her family carriage that was waiting for her before Jack could stop her. He started to go after it, but he couldn't catch up. He finally realized what had just occurred. He experienced his heart shattering into millions of pieces. What was he going to do?

For the next few weeks, anytime Jack tried to see Katherine, she would do everything to get away from him. Or more accurately, get him far away from her.

Though Joe never knew, or noticed, every night Katherine would cry herself to sleep. If you would call having constant nightmares about the boy you love being beaten senseless in front of you and you were helpless to do anything, sleep.

It was agony for her to see Jack everyday, but never to be with him. Her mother, Cecilia, was different though. She saw her daughter suffering with this pain to which there was no medical cure.

All she wanted to do was run down to the lodge house, find that boy, bring him back there, and make her little girl happy again, no matter what her husband did to her. She told Katherine her wishes and her daughter was so relived that she had an ally.

One day, she was off of work and had planned to see her best friend Alice to help get her thoughts away from the one thing they had been focused on for weeks, Jack. But as she descended the stairs, a voice caught her attention.

"Katherine, could you come here? I want to introduce someone to you." She grunted and made her way to the parlor. Upon entering, she noticed a young man, maybe around 17 or 18, well built, with dark blond hair and blue eyes, in a suit standing next to her father. Joe turned his attention to her. "Ah, there you are. I'd like to introduce you to your new suitor, Joshua Smith."

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