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*beatstar let out a groan, her eyes were struggling to open but when she managed to open her eyes, she saw she was in a hospital room*

Dr. Moonbloom: Ah your highness you're awake

Beatstar: *groans and sits up weakly while rubbing her head* What happened?

Dr. Moonbloom: Well your tribe was under attack by a group of sharks and you fought them off but in doing so you've sustained multiple injuries such as A dislocated right wing, a fractured rib, a broken leg and several scratches, shark bites, scrapes, bruises and cuts all over your entire body

Beatstar: Really? jeez i got beat up bad

Dr. Moonbloom: Indeed you did, Shall i send in your brother and his friends?

Beatstar: Y- yeah sure

*Dr. Moonbloom goes outside her room*

Dr. Moonbloom (muffled): Excuse me Beatstar is starting to awake

King Trollex (muffled): She is? c- can we see her?

Dr. Moonbloom (muffled): Of course

*Trollex, synth and bliss enter beatstar's hospital room*

King Trollex: Sis! *hugs beatstar tightly* oh my poor baby sister! are you okay?

Beatstar (strained): Bro be careful i have a fractured rib

King Trollex: *gasps and lets go of beatstar* Sorry! sorry i- i didn't know

Beatstar: No that's okay...where's alberto?

Synth: Oh he said he had some 'business' to take care of...although he didn't say what kind of business he just said--

*suddenly alberto appears at her door*

Alberto:...Oh hey guys! didn't know you all were here

Beatstar: 'berto!

Alberto: Oh, beatstar! *goes over to her and hugs her gently* you okay?

Beatstar: Yeah i'm the way where were you?

Alberto: Uhh...


*one of the sharks that attacked techno reef was sleeping*

*then alberto rose over above it slowly while staring wide-eyed at the shark and then slowly held up a machete*

*flashback over*

Alberto:...You don't wanna know what happened

Beatstar: Oh...okay but i'm so happy to see you *kisses alberto's cheek*

Alberto: *chuckles and nuzzles beatstar and holds one of her hands* me too

Dr. Moonbloom:...Uhh *clears throat* so if i'm not mistaken if beatstar takes care of herself and not fly or run for 6-8 weeks--

King Trollex: 68 weeks?!

Dr. Moonbloom: No 6 to 8 weeks

King Trollex: Ohh

Dr. Moonbloom: As i was saying if beatstar is careful she'll recover soon, alberto you should stay with beatstar for the time being, since she can't swim, walk or fly for 6-8 weeks you'll be her protector

Alberto: Pfft that's easy i've been protecting this girl ever since i met her...come on beatstar *picks up beatstar* let's take you to poppy's pod

Beatstar: Okay

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