The rescue mission

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*a few hours later*

*everyone was back in techno reef, due to the sharks leaving but there was one small problem...Beatstar hadn't returned yet and trollex was already hyperventilating*

Synth: Okay breath bro breathe any minute now, alberto and luca will be here and they can find her

*alberto arrives frantically with luca*

Alberto: Okay we heard what happened what's going on?

Bliss Marina: Beatstar was fighting off the sharks and she went missing! we have no idea where she even is

Alberto:...Do you guys have something i can use to track her?

Synth: Uhh well we found her necklace and her headband *gives them to alberto*

Alberto: Hmm okay *puts her headhand and necklace in his back pocket* i'll go find the deep

Luca: Huh?!

Mr. Blush, Mrs. Blush, Coral blush, Synth and laguna: What?!

Bliss marina: What?!

King Trollex: WHAT?!

Alberto: Yeah she could have ended up there, i have to find her before something bad happens to her

King Trollex: Alberto no! you can't go to the deep alone! it's scary and dark! you'll never make it back!

Alberto: She's down there somewhere, i have to find her...

*alberto swims towards the deep*

King Trollex: Are you sure he can find her?

Synth: I don't know...but he's our only hope in finding her

*Meanwhile in the deep*

Alberto: Beatstar! are you there?!

Alberto: *groans* god where is she?

Alberto: she could be so scared right now...*sighs* poor girl...

*alberto saw a rock and sat down*

Alberto:...oh beatstar...i hope you're okay

*alberto curled up on the rock and laid down and fell asleep*

*a few days later*

*alberto was beginning to lose hope but he knew he couldn't give up, she needed him now more than ever*

Alberto: Beatstar! *looks around worriedly* ohh...come on where are you?

*Then he heard a whimper and he gasped when he immediately recognized who made that noise...beatstar*

Alberto: Hang on beatstar! i'm coming for you!

*then he looked around in the darkness trying to spot her*

*then he noticed eyes, two glowing violet eyes shining in the darkness*

Alberto: Beatstar, there you are! I was so worried!

*but then when he got a closer look he let out a gasp*

Alberto (quietly): Oh no...

*when he had gotten closer to her, beatstar was lying on a sea rock looking up at alberto with blood coming from her nose and mouth, shark bites covering her arms and legs as well as her left wing, bruises on her neck and around her eyes, her hair was messed up with her and tears streaming down her face, even the terrified look on her face alone was enough to make him start to tear up a little*

Alberto (Quietly): What have they done to you?

*he reached his hand towards her but she flinched out of fear while she trembled*

Alberto: Hey it's okay, it's just me

*beatstar started to crawl towards him but she collapsed back onto the sea rock, curled up yelping in pain*

Alberto: Beatstar! *swims over to her frantically* hey hey what's wrong?

*Beatstar tried to say something but everytime she tried to, whimpers of pain left her mouth as if she was trying to say something but couldn't*

*then alberto scooped her up into his arms bridal style and looked down at her*

Alberto: Don't worry beatstar, i'll get you home

*Then he swims back to techno reef with beatstar in his arms, silently wishing to himself that she was gonna be okay*

*Back in techno reef*

*Trollex sat on a rock and waited anxiously for alberto to return while Luca tried to calm him down*

King Trollex: Oh's been days and he hasn't come back, i'm really starting to get worried

Luca: Your majesty alberto loves your sister very much, he would never EVER give up on her if her life depended on it

King Trollex: But what if he did give up? what if he never found her?

Bliss Marina: Trollex! Luca! alberto's back!

King Trollex: He did?! d- does he have—?

Bliss Marina: Yes

*Trollex and Luca swam to alberto with bliss following behind*

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