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I watched as she played with other kids on arcade.She also deserves that, where she couldn't get in her lifetime.Her smile made me encourage for my strength even as this soul who live with other living souls.But when i remember my love, my heart aches seeing him more sad than me, when he shed tears, it get pierced through my heart.

When I saw that spot yesterday, my head start to pain, why even when I am dead, I can feel pain of others and my loss, or is it that a signal of my death reason.I decided to look for Jungook as I sense something danger on him.

I went to Moon where she was on a bunch watching over kids who were laughing and playing with other kids and spending time with their parents.When I saw Moon she looked down, but she noticed me and smile.


I smilled at her and patted her head.I kised her forehead.

"Unnie, are you having a hard time".

She asked as if she knows something.

"Yes, but nevermind,  even if you are a soul, just play with like others in arcade, i will come by evening here, this same place, don't go anywhere".


"No buts, I have to do something before something happens ".

I assured her and vanished slowly from her sight.

I reached the club 'sparta' where I saw  many black cars on waiting for someone to enter.When I saw that person who just come out of the club was a famous businessman who my mother always said.Lee hyunsik, which he was a hardworker, and sametime like other builders he has also his minions and side business.

I saw Jungook's car on the back of club, which I sense something fishy.
"Ah sir did you get that file of details".

He was meeting someone in behind if car.He looks like a police officer.I tried to overheard the conversation, I sense something serious.

That man smilled and patted Jungook's shoulder, as he start to pull over the rest assurances.

"We will meet again tomorrow for fruther discussion ".

He drover off.

Jungook went to club again, and I followed him.He sat down on a longue with red cushions were some girls drooled over him and began gripping his shirt and tried to pull for kiss.

I watched over them with fuming jeolous.Even if I am dead he was still mine.

I saw a man in his alcahol mood walking clumsily as he will faint now.I stared at his wine glass he was holding deeply and it fell down on Jungook's shirt when that girl tried to tried to sat on his lap, her hand got hit on to that man's hand and wine got poured on Jungook's shirt.

I giggled.It was her punishment for being a slut on him.He stood up suddenly and slapped over her face, she held her face, which she now stings in pain.

"Don't ever be a slut".
Jungook yelled at her face.

His phone ringed.

"Sir I have mailed the vip lists".

I overhead by using my power.

"Okay, I will checkup it".

He went to his car and opened his email.I saw many lists entitled VIP visitors on 14th.Its confusing.

He scratched his back of head, in frustration.

"Bastards, they all there's only the business group names, so ge need to find the owners and his whereabouts ".

I murmered.

I whispered to his ear as I gave a hint of this investigation.

"Kookie, can't you check our college past and remember our events,  maybe it will have some clue".

He looked here and there in confusion, and I saw his hiars standing.

"Kookie, still I love you dont stress".

I went to Moon where she waits for her me.

Jungook who was getting frustrated over the inner voice and he felt that its so lively human voice which he was familiar.
He can't get rid of it.
He got a call.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Is this Jungook".
It was a female voice.

"Yes, who is it?"

"Its me Lisa".

He get shocked.

"Where were you Lisa, you disappeared after her y/n's incident".

"Just I am not feeling well on her loss, and I need a gap, and Jisoo, Rose all went tk abroad, for further study".

"Hmm, so why you call now?"

"I just need tk meet you to tell something at the cafe near our college, can we?"

He frowned.

"Yes, we can but in evening, I will be busy".

"Okay ".

She cut the call.

He drove to the apartment and when he opened the door he saw beer bottles scattered here and there.

"Jungookie, you came".

Taehyung came walking in clumsy and he hug Jungook and smilled as he get some victory.

"Where did you go kook?"

"None of your busuness".

Tahyung pouted.

Jungook went into his room and shut the door in irritation.He lay at bed   staring at ceiling.

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