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"You are the cause of my euphoria".

"Lisa how couldn you be such useless like this ".

Namjoon shouted but she didn't got scared instead she marched her words to him.

"Namjoon, I know he is your younger brother eventhough it's not by blood, but, you guys dragged me to this dirty business".

She clutched her hand into fist.Tears getting started to flow.

"I couldn't have said this now , even if I loved him and I became little bit selfish when that day I made her dragged to the bustop opposite of school after night class, I fucking regret she trusted me too much".

This was being heard by Jungook who stood by the door side while he couldn't do anything or say.Y/n watched from the garden between roses.Moon touched each petals and plucked it and smelled.She saw her unnie behaviour change when the cool breez rushing to the air and getting inside of the house making the curtains dance with the emotions held by Jungook.The clouds formed a circle and changed their colour, and soon shed their tears of solitary heart.

Jungook get crunched by the rain drops and couldn't move from the place where he standing.The silence filled the area only the raindrops chater could be heard.Y/n's eyes sparkled with a silver light and stared piecringly at them.

"Can you stop your dirty business Namjoon why you first get me involved with this!"

Lisa shouted.

"Stop the fucking shouting!"

Jimin yelled at her pointed a gun at her.

"Before you get shot dead by me".

"Jimin, how y..?"

Her hands are trembling with fears.

"Its the game bitch!"

Yoongi chuckled from behind.

Jimin was moved forward trapping her between his arms.Taehyung watched her eyes grew wide and smirked.He took a playing card and grabbed her hand harshly and put that card in her plams.Her heart was already being betrayed to her as she betrayed y/n not knowing how much cunning this world.

On the other side!Y/n hugged Jungook more tighter not to lose him again.Taehyung having a feeling of cold energy passing through him like some electric shock he got.He blinked his one or two times.He saw y/n's shadow by the window .
As someone's dress is fleeing in wind and dancing in its own rhythms.

Lisa got weak in each moment and she prayed something to happen to her and just vanish from the house.Jimin stroked her hair and tucked in back of ears.He bring her arms, and holded tightly in her throat.

The grip became got tighter and she was breathing heavily to catch breath and hitting Jimin to release her.Taehyung got noticed this scene and how Jimin was fuming in anger.

Taehyung was about to stop him, but soon the door opened slammed to the wall in a thud sound and Jungook came in to Lisa and hold her wrist for dragging her to out.

Jungook was pushed my Jimin and he fell down to the floor.He controlled himself not to burst out in anger.

"Yahh! Don't touch her hyungs!"

"If we do what you will do, how you will you stop us, did you save your love".

Jungook eyes widen and his skin got pale more thinkign on his failure.But thats not his fault too, his hyung's betrayed him whom he trusted a lot.He frozed there, as he was in a trance mood confused to say what he want.

Nature was too low and he felt a grip on his wrist.He show a shadow figure moving in the room.Tarhyung and others didn't noticed it.Only he could see.He felt he was being dragged by the wind like floating in air.Soon he got dissappeared from the room infront of the boys.
Lisa stood there stunned.Hyung gazed each other not knowing what to say and looked piercingly at Lisa who made their plan failed into deep pit.She was about to go to the door again.

"Lisa stop!"Yoongi shouted making her flinch.

"You need to deal with rest of the dealings also, how can we let you go easily".
Taehyung said.

They held her captive and shut in a room with only a beam of light from the mirror.


Jungook and y/n appeared in an abandoned room with a smoke.Its a strange locked room with no light Jungook was confused how he get here.He rushed his fingers through his hair in confusing manner.He went to the window wich is tucked with a lock and after a long hours of effort he pulled it to open.The reflection of the light hit his face and he flickered his eyes.

"Damn! Why I am here?"

"You were not alone here Kookie".
A female voice reflected thorugh the room and he saw a shadowy figure of a girl approaching him.His eyes scopped to the shadow that he saw a girl moving and it touched him with a bare handed and it entered into his body like a transparent object.

"You were not alone Kookie, I am still here".

"What!Who are you?"
He backed away.

"Jungook you scared about me right, I am your y/n".

She stretched her hand to touch him againBut he backed away until he touched the wall.She trapped him to the wall and she slowly transferred to the human form as she was in past.

Her lips trembled even she was in a dominant form on him. Jungook was cold and his hairs got stand in a straight position. He watched as her body features, he checked her eyes with same eye lashes that flipped to each other when she blink her eyes,  he stroked hair as she felt her hands were not as soft when he was a boy in school.He tucked her hairs behind her ear and stroked her cheecks.The room was stiff.They melt into each others ecstasy into passsion of trance of love after many months.Even if she was dead, he felt like she was living.

A cold breez went to the bars of window to their trembling fear of love.Y/n slightly touched his hand makig him flinch as she was cold with those pale eyes and tinkling love.Jungook cupped her cheecks with his palms as he again checked her face make sure she was her.

"Y/n I thought you were gone".

She smilled.

"How could I leave you alone Kookie".

She pinched his cheeks

"You still that bunny Kookie to me".

She hugged him too tightly as he will flew away if she didn't hold him tight.She looked at him with stressed eyes but looking beautiful as always just like a pigeon's eyes.

Jungook travelled his veined arms to her waist and he leaned to her cute lips which possessed natural beauty which made him filled with lust by remembering all the past love dates of them.Especially the amusement park they visted and their first confession.

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