Why didn't you say it back?

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Artist: Why don't we
Song: Fallin'
(A/N) The song up top kinda relates to what Winger is thinking so I recomend you watch it. If any of you don't like cussing don't worry, this doesn't have that in it at all.

As I flew around in the driection Voliet flew off in I was trying to think of what to think to say to her. I debeated on going to Void for some advice but decided on doing this myself. I just gotta say what I'm thinking.. not so hard, right? Though it always seem like the hardest thing when it comes to her. I couldn't help but get so nervous. When I look into her eyes my heart starts beating a million miles an hour and it feels like the whole world slows down. The sound of her voice just echos in my head and I starts to feel faint. She's just so.. so.. amazing, beatiful and... perfect. I can say honestly that meeting her is the best thing that's ever happened to me. The way she flys, Walks, eats, talks.. it all just seems perfect to me. I want to spend as much time with her as possible. I.. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Is this what love feels like? Is this more then just a crush? Do.. I love her? I don't even know if I can answer that qustion. I think about it deeply but just find that I'm getting lost in my own head, not really getting where with a solution.

I sigh and land in a small clearing that has the moon directly above it. As I flew down onto the grass I realized how soft it was. It was a nice lush green color along with the leaves. There was was thick forset surronding the small area. Everything looked really beatiful but what I saw a couple feet away was even more beatiful. It was Voilet, she was looking up to the moon her eyes reflecting the stars. I started to slowly walk up to her.

I sat down next to her, looking up into the sky as well. I looked at her hearing her head turn towards me.

"What are you doing here.. I thought you had a date with Summer." Voilet said not excacly sounding mean but.. hurt.

"I.. It was a lie." I said.

"... What are you talking about?" She said with confusion.

"I mean.. I don't like Summer, I never had." I said looking at her.

Her face was suprized but then it turned to confusion then a scowl.

"I don't appreciate being lied to." She said her voice angry but she had every right to. Then she conutied her face turning softer with a sad smile, "Why... Why did you lie?"

"I.. I..." This was it, I need to tell her. "I don't know.. I just.. I just got so nervous.." I say.

"Why? Winger you don't need to be nervous." She said.

"I.. I just can't help it. You make me nervous.." I say and my eyes realizing that came out wrong.

"Why? Winger.. What am I doing wrong that makes you unconfatble?" She says her vocie coming out soft, scared.. gulity.

I immediately felt bad. She.. she thinks she's doing something wrong..

"No your not doing anything wrong your just.. being yourself." I said and immediately regreted it. Why was I so nervous!

"So you don't like me?" She asks with a rasied eyebrow. My heart is racing, It feels like time slows and It feels like the whole world is waiting for my answer. Suddenly I realise.. The reason why I feel like the whole world is waiting for my answer is because she is my whole world.

I feel my confindence return and step closer to her. "No it's the opostie actually. Voilet I get nervous around you, I get scared of losing you. I get happy when your around. I was never like this around anyone until I met you.  I never knew why I was like this way with you and now I finally know why. Voilet I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Your are my whole world. I want the Roost to be your home or anywhere you want to go, I will follow you to the end of the world. I love you, Voilet." I said speaking from my heart.

Her eyes were wide looking at me. She.. she looked scared. I waited for what she was gonna say but nothing came. The only sound that could be heard was are breathing. We were so close but it felt like I was millions of miles away.

"I.." Her vocie cracked when she spoke but continued, "We.. We should get back..." She said quietly.

It took me a second to realize what was happening. She... didn't say it back.. I felt my world shatter into broken fragments of what it was. It was crazy of how fargalie you become when your in love. Like your heart is just out in the open waiting for someone to break it and the person that does break it is the one you put it out there for.

She was looking downward, her head was down slightly to. Her head was turned away from me but I could still see one of her eyes. She was glaring away but it didn't look like she was looking at anything. Now that I was close to her I could see her eyes were watery, holding back tears.

"I.. yeah..." I say trying not to cry as well. I can't belive she didn't say it back..

She flew off, me following shortly after her. All I could think about on the fly back was, Why didn't she say it back?

Sorry it was short but it was really importent because he you know confessed. Don't worry theres a reason why she didn't say it back. I do feel bad that I couldn't make her say it back and they live happily ever after but it would make the story to pedictable and then it would probly end around here and there's still some things that needs to happen before this book ends! I also had like a huge headache while writing this and I know it's not good to look at screens while you head hurts buuuuuttttt... I felt like writing this chapter so..... Lol Vote and Comment!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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