You deserve better

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Cover: MART
Song: Someone to you
Btw this song doesn't contain any cussing or inappropriate things.
Italic- Singing
I'll tell you when to start the song.
3rd person P.O.V-

Winger slowly lifted his head from his slumber. He knew he didn't wake up naturally so why'd he wake up? He looked up and saw the other Rescue Riders lifting there heads looking at each other confused, well almost everyone. Burple was still sleeping.

"Do.. do you guys hear that sound?" Cutter asked.

"It's like a humming sound.." Dash said.

"Ugh Burple tell your stomachs to sleep." Aggro groaned and rolled over, she was not a morning person.

Burple opened his eyes sleeply to the sound of his name and said, "It's not my stomachs."

"Guys listen closely, It's sounds like someone is singing outside." Summer observed.

"Yeah, your right." Cutter said.

"Mabey Leyla?" Aggro said now getting up, starting to get curious about who was making that sound.

"What about me?" Everyone hears Leyla say. They all snap there heads to the trapdoor, where Leyla and Dak were climbing down.

"Who do you think is out there?" Dak asked with a rasied eyebrow. Dak was a little excicted, nothing like a mystery in the morning but then again he was confused, who could be out there? Everyone was in here right? Then it hit him but before he could say anything Summer beat him to it.

"Where's Voilet?" Summer asked. They all looked around but saw that she wasn't the sleep cave.

Winger's P.O.V-

As soon as Summer said her name memories flooded my mind.

After me and Voilet landed at the Roost everyone was there with smiles obviously thinking that we were togther or something. Voilet went into the sleep cave as soon as we landed probably to avoid confrontation with the others.. and me. I couldn't keep up a smile with them and just looked at them with a frown. They were in front of me now, there expressions changing seeing my face.

"What happened?" Summer asked.

"I..." I sigh and glance away. How can I tell Summer- my best friend, who encourage me to tell her, who helped me even though I was so scared to tell her. She did her best to help me and I failed. I failed at not being good enough for Voilet. I glanced away, not being able to look at them.

"You didn't tell her?" Dak asked.

"No! I-I did but.. she didn't say it back." I say the last part quietly but they still heard.

"Oh.. Winger I'm sorry.. I really thought that..." Summer said trailing off at the end.

I put on a fake happy smile and said, "Don't apologize, your good, I'm good everything's.."

"Good?" Cutter asked with a rasied eyebrow not looking impressed.

"Great!" I say with and awkward chuckle and glance away. Though me being really awkward and heartbroken I continue talking, "Yeah.. well it's late and I'm tried so I'll see you in the sleep cave... yeah." I say and go around them. When I was around the little group they formed in front of me I let my tail sag and my 'smile' go back to a frown. Since I wasn't facing them anymore why would I? I walk in the sleep with the other dragons close behind me. I'm gussing the twins went up to there rooms.

I sigh and lay down. I let my eyes slowly shut, drifting off into sleep.

Going back to reality we slowly creep outside and what I see amazes me. There was Voilet right by the bridge, though by the cliff. The sun was coming up, making a beatiful setting.

Here's where the place she's sitting at is.

OK so that's like the genral area. I couldn't find a decent picture so I hope you understand what I'm talking about.

(Play song now!)

I hear her soft meldoc singing, it was like an angel.

"I don't wanna die or fade away, I just wanna be someone. I just wanna be someone."

I know everyone was shocked to hear Voilet sing. You would think do to her personatliy she wouldn't like it or be this amazing at it. She was just as good as Leyla! I started to slowly walk up to her and listened to the lyrics carfully.

"Dive and disappear without a trace. I just wanna be someone, well doesn't everyone?"

I may be oblivous at times but.. I could tell this song was about her, about her life.

"And if you feel the great diving, I wanna be the one your guiding cause I believe that you can lead the way."

I kept getting closer and she continued singing without even knowing that I was there. Then it hit me.. was this song about me? She said 'I wanna be the one your guiding..' .. Who is she talking about? It.. could be about me right?

"I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh. I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh. I never had nobody and no rode home, I wanna be somebody to someone."

If this is about her life I'm guessing she didn't have the best childhood. The other Rescue Riders were still in front of the Sleep Cave doors, just watching silently. I creep closer, lisenting closely.

"And if the sun starts setting and the sky goes cold and if the clouds get heavy and start to fold, I really need somebody to call my own. I wanna be sombody to someone.

Someone to you, Someone to you, Someone to you, Someone to you."

I was now like 2 feet away from her and was just slightly behind her so she couldn't see me. I had a slight smile on my face, listening as she sung with such passion.

"I don't even need to change the word. I'll make the moon shine just for your veiw, I'll make the Starlight circle the room."

I just kept thinking about if she was talking about me or not. I mean if she is talking about me then it means she likes me back because she saying she want to be with me.

"And if you feel like the night is falling, I wanna be there one your calling cause I believe that you can lead the way.

I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh. I wanna be somebody to someone, oh. I never had nobody and no rode home, I wanna be somebody to someone.

And if you feel the sun is setting and the sky goes cold and if the clouds get heavy and start to fold, I really need somebody to call my own. I wanna be sombody to someone.

Someone to you, Someone to you, Someone to you, Someone to you."

But.. if she does like or love me why didn't she say anything when I confessed to her? What's hoding her back?

"The kingdom come, the rise, the fall, the setting sun above it all. I just wanna be somebody to you.

I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh. I wanna be somebody to someone, oh. I never had nobody and no rode home, I wanna be somebody to someone."

I felt like I couldn't look away from her, I couldn't stop listening, I could never walk away.

"And if you feel the sun is setting and the sky goes cold and if the clouds get heavy and start to fold, I really need somebody to call my own. I wanna be sombody to someone.

Someone to you, Someone to you, Someone to you, Someone to you.

Someone to you."

I am competely in love with her...

She smiled sadly at the sky. Then suddenly she turned towards me. Her eyes widend a little before realization hit her. She glanced away and looked back towards the sky, her head not facing that way.

"Hey Winger.." She said softly. I don't think she noticed the others were there but I couldn't blame her, that is the last thing on my mind.

"Hey." I said softly as well. I walked up all the way to I was right next to her. She was just a little bit smaller then me and had a more feminine figure then me. Though I feel like I shouldn't say that because some other people might have different figures so I shouldn't say feminine figure... I look down slightly at her and she she's looking up at me.

"Was.. Was that song about me?" I ask, my eyes practaclly begging her to say yes.

"Yeah it was.." She says and glances away before looking back at me, her eyes slightly glazed over with tears.

"What's wrong?" I say looking into her deep purple eyes, God I just can't get enough of them..

"I have to go.." She says, more tears coming to her eyes. When she talked her vocie cracked a little.

I felt what was left of my heart drop, "W-Why?" I asked confused.

"Because Winger I.. I don't belong here.." She said.

"What do you mean? Of course you do." I say more confused, was she not fitting in? I thought she was.

"I'm just not like you guys.." She responed.

"Of course you are. Your just like us, your smart, sarcastic, kind, curious and your.. perfect." I say looking at her.

She slowly backed away from me and shook her head, holding back tears. Then she said, "Winger this dragon you know.. It's fake. Voilet, this dragon you think I am, It's fake. I'm fake. Everything you know about me is fake. This perfect dragon you have in mind is fake..... You can't fall in love with something that wasn't real in the first place." She said her voice stern, telling me to believe it but.. in her eyes I could tell she didn't want me to believe it. She wanted to stay here.

"I find that really hard to believe. Voilet I love you and you can't say anything to change my mind about that." I say with confidence.

"Yes.. I think I can.. Winger since I've been here, I have lied to you more times then I can count." She says her gaze not breaking mine.

"Even if you did lie about something, There must be a good reason." I say taking a small step closer to her.

"No Winger.. There is no good reason. It's actually a really bad reason.. I used you Winger. When I realized that you were the Alpha I took advantage of it because I am a bad person Winger and it's true weather you believe it or not." She said her voice cracking again.

"Look what ever you did before or what ever happened for you to act like this, It's ok we can fix it." I say then continue, "If this isn't the real you then who is the real you? Who's the real Voilet?" I ask softly hoping for a real answer.

"I'm not excactly sure anymore." I hear her whisper.

"What happended to the real Voilet?" I ask.

"The real Voilet saw her father kill her mother right in front of her. Her father became the leader of the flock and overtime he swayed the minds of her whole flock to be killers and murders. I grew up to be a murder and a killer. I lie and I hurt people, it's who I am. The real Voilet is just like her father." She said, her eyes almost glaring but not quite, It looked.. different.

I felt my heart stop. Is this what really happened to her? Is this really real? I know I should be mad at her for lying, I should be mad that she's.. well a killer but I'm just not. I couldn't, it's not her fault that her father is a bad person. She got hurt and abandon at such a young age she can't help but make wrong decision. She never had a good example in her life.

"Say something Winger, Be mad, kick me off the island and go on with your life already." She said with a frown.

I take a step closer. I was really close to her, are snouts almost touching, our breaths mixing. "I want you to lisen closely because this is the truest thing I will ever say in my life. Voilet I will never stop loving you, ever. I will never get that mad to hate you, I will never push you away, I will never leave you. I want you to know this, It wasn't your fault." I say deadly serious. Normely I would think about this for a while before I promised something this important but.. I knew, this is something I was sure of because I know.. I love her more then I ever thought possible.

"Winger.. I can't.. I can't keep falling for you over and over again." She said backing away from me, When she spoke her voice was full of emotion and heartbreak but she still continued, "I need to leave because we both know that we don't belong togther. I was suposed to leave a long time ago but I haven't and I know why.. because I have fallen in love with you but... That wasn't the plan. I was suposed to stay a few days and then leave in the night. That's what I was gonna do tonight but.. I couldn't bring myself to because I love you and I couldn't leave without telling you why. Now you know.. so I'm going to leave and you are not going to stop me. Your gonna let me leave and forget you ever met me." She says. I think that she was trying to sound demanding and it did a little but.. She sounded hurt.

"But that's not what I want." I say quietly, my head dropping. My eyes looking up since my head was down.

"It's not what I want either but it's what's best for everyone." She says softly, looking into my eyes.

She sarts walking away near the edge of the cliff near the bridge. I had know idea what to do. I've tried convince her to stay and she still thinks this is what's best. I can't demand her to stay, I know that because last time I got mad and demanded her it didn't end well. I couldn't do anything because this was her choice. No matter how much I love her or she loves me it won't fix this because sometimes things are just not meant to be no matter how much you wish it was. Mabey she's right.. maybe this is for the best.

"Goodbye Winger." She says softly looking back at me her wings lifted ready take off. I wanted say goodbye but I couldn't, my throat felt so dry at that moment. I haven't known her that long but I know that I love her so much but I can't help this. She's leaving and there's nothing that I can do.

She was about to fly away but looked back at me one last time and said, "You deserve better then me." I see a single tear roll down her cheek.

Before I could resonped she took off into the sky, flying in the direction of the rising sun.

I whisper to myself, "But you were the only one I ever wanted..." My heart so bad, Whatever was left of my heart compeatly shatterted. First our fight, then her sort of rejecting me, now this. It was almost like the world knew it wasn't met to be so it kept giving me signs that it wouldn't work. Like it was trying to let me down slowly but it didn't work. Though I had to ignore those signs because I'm so dang hopeful that everything would work out and be ok but it didn't! and.. I guess that's my fault..

I hear the other Rescue Riders walk up beside me, me in the middle. We were all looking off into the sunrise, watching her figure fly away, getting smaller and smaller. I let a few tears fall down my cheeks, my eyes never leaving her flying figure.

"We're really sorry Winger.." Dak says looking over at me. I look at him for a second before turning back to the sun, I could barly see her anymore. I let my head drop, my eyes shut letting more tears fall.

"Why does it have to be like this?" I whisper to myself not expecting them to hear or anwser me. Though they must have because I hear Cutter say sadly...

3rd person's P.O.V-

"Sometimes when some people are broken.." Cutter looked over at Aggro who was still looking at Voilet's retreating figure, not looking at him. Cutter turned his head so he looked back down in front of him now. Cutter continued with all the Rescue Riders listening carfully. He spoke soft and gloomy, "They can't be fixed."

Sorry this is a long A/N.
So tell me what you think of this chapter! I hope you like it, it was very.. um sad. When the song comes on you really have to think about the lyrics to relate it to Voilet. The part where the song says, 'I've never had nobody and no rode home.' It's supposed to relate to Voilet about how she always felt alone her whole life because her father hated her and everyone on the island weren't her friends and only respected her because she was Royals daughter. Then the 'no Rode home' is suposed to mean that she never felt truly at home there because she didn't like the path and lifestyle her dad toke with the rest of the flock. And you know how people say home isn't just bricks and walls, it's the people you love. Well that also means she thinks no one loves her so she had no one to go home to. The whole song relates to her in many different ways but that was one of my favorties because in 8 words the song basically describes Voilet's entire life.

Anyway Vote and Comment! Byeeeee!

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