Part 8

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They came back to mansion and slept peacefully thinking about each other.

In otherside.

Ashish is standing in balcony.. Suddently he got a call...

Ashish:yes tell me

Otherside: hello homeminister.... How is your daughter now?

Ashish: she is fine still now but.... Neil khanna is very dangerous.. I am thinking to give that pendrive to him..

Otherside:noo.. Dont you dare ashish mehta... If you forgot it then let me remind it that,about that properties...
If he got that pendrive, the first one he would be killed is your daughter..

Ashish:no... she is my first priority... but what if neil khanna try to kill her.

Otherside:nothing will happen.. I know what to do...

They ended the call and ashish turned to go but he saw dayawanti was looking at him. He looked here and there..

Ashish:ma aap*stamerring*

Dw:dont you dare to call me that... *glaring*first you spoiled your father's life and now you are going to spoil my avni's life.. No i will never let it happen..

Ashish :ma i love my daughter a lot...Then how can i spoil her life

Dw:then what is happening ha and where is she now..You cant even find her where is she and how is she..

Ashish:ma neil khanna kidnapened avni.

Dw shocked..

Dw:neil khanna.... Is he the heir of khanna family..

Ashish noded looking down.Dw eyes get teary and she get angry...She hold his collar and asked

Dw:now i only want one answer..Will i get my avni alive or is she??

She cried..

Ashish : no ma we will save her from him

Dw:how can you save her..neil khanna is a mafia king u think he will leave avni... He is taking revenge...

Ashish : no ma he cant harm avni...I will never let it happen.

Dw:do whatever you can but i only want my grandchild here as soon as poasible

Saying this she rushes from there..

In paris

Next day morning...

Avni wake up and rubbed her eyes cutely.... He saw neil standing there with two cup of cofee..He extent one of the cup to her..She took it from him and wishes him.

Avni:gud mrng neil..

Neil:gud mrng had a good sleep

Avni:ha yes

Neil noded and started sipping the cofee followed by avni..

Avni in mind:i will get good sleep when i am in ur arms...When u engulf me in ur arms and cuddle with me.

Neil  come and sat infront of her.. He cupped her face..avni looked at him.

Neil:i am going for a bussiness meeting...So be safe and eat food on time..Dont go anywhere without goons...I will be here in evening..Ok

Avni noded...


Someone is talking on phone.

Man:sir we are here in paris and we saw neil khanna's mansion.

Sir: ok now you want to kidnapp homeminister's daughter..She is there..

Man:ok sir...

In evening

Avni was in her room reading a book but she was least interested in it...She closed the book and lay down on the bed thinking about their first meet...She smiled thinking about it...

Avni : where is this neil...He told me he will be here in evening..but he is not here..Is he ok? Omg did anything bad happened?no no no i m just overthinking..

Neil was in meeting but he cant able to concentrate on anything..Because he felt restless...

Neil in mind:why i am feeling restless..i dont know what is happening to me..

Suddently his goon called him..

Neil : hello tell me

Goon:sir some strangers were roaming around manion..Something is fishy sir..

Neil:go and check is avni... I will be there...

Zaan :neil what happened?

Neil : zaan something bad is going to happen..I want to go to avni..

The other bissiness clients were sitting there..They stopped neil when he was about to go.This made neil angry

Client:what is this neil khanna...How can you go now..Dont you see we are here...But you are going for your personal issue..What the hell is this...You cant go now?

Neil tighten his fist and grab his collar..everyone present there get scared and stand up with a jerk

Neil:i dont care..My first priority is my understand

He roared...Everyone went from there with a scared expression

Saying this he went from there...

In khanna mansion

Avni was in deep sleep..Suddently she woke up with a jolt hearing fearfull sounds of guns... She get scared when she saw someone is trying to open her door..

Some goons entered to her room breaking the door and point gun towards her forehead...They grab her neck... Avni struggled in their grip...

Goon:come with us othervise i will kill you..

Saying this he pulled her towards him.. suddently a strong muscular arm held her protectlively and hide her face in his chest...Then he shot all the goons present in avni's room..with other hand he tried to protect avni... avni wrappend her arms around his chest..

Avni whispers:neil...

Neil closed her ears by pressing her head to his chest for not to hear these sounds...

Some goon tried to stab neil from behind...He kicked him with his legs..

Every goons were dead now...Neil looked down to find his life who's eyes were closed and she is holding neil's collar in her tiny fist...He is still holding her close to his heart..

Neil slowly try to pull her away to see her face totally but she pushed herself more and more to him..He smiled at he antics... he sofly called her.


No resopse

Neil:doll look i am here..Nothing to worry...Everything is ok...

Neil indicate his goons to clear the bodies and blood..

But still avni is not opening her eyes..He picked her in his arms and took her to his room...he layed her on bed and sat beside her..He caressed her hairs..He kissed her eyes and forehead..Avni slowly opened her eyes and within in seconds she is in neil's arms..He hold her protectively

Neil:areyy what happened to my doll..Look neil is here..

Avni : i got scared..Plz dont leave me.. Ever..

Neil:i will not leave you doll..

Avni : really..

She asked while pulling herself from his hold..He pinched her cheeks and said

Neil : really...

Avni think something and asked him something which made him shocked..

Holla guys

After a long time...So sorry for late update.

What made neil shocked?

That hided persons face will reveal in next chappt

Stay tuned

Much love

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