Part 9

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Avni asked sonething which made neil shocked

Avni : will you be with me in my entire life?

Neil shocked and he try to read her eyes. Her eyes were asking permission for something. He saw care, pain and ofcourse true love in her eyes.. Sometimes our eyes speaks instead of our heart.. And it will have the most deepest meaning of imotion which their heart want to say to us.. It will be pain, hurt or love whatever but only our special one can read it, only they can feel it.. And we cant hide it from them.Sometimes hearts sees, what is invisible to the eyes.. If we try we will fail for sure beacause infront of them our heart become a pure transparent water drop which shows everything it contain. Here neil can see her pure love for him in her eyes which he was craving from since long but now he want to stop her, pause her.He want to erase her love towards him coz if she love him,she want to suffer a lot in future. Her beautifull face deserve her beautifull smile, not painfull tears. He want to hear her cute gigglings, not sobs. For that he want to go away from her..

Avni looked at neil. She cups his face with her tiny hands. Her eyes get teary. She kissed her forehead. Neil closes his eyes.

Avni softly called him : neil..

Neil opened his eyes and saw avni staring him lovingly. Suddently he stood up and start moving. Avni hold his wrist. Neil release his hands from her hold. He was about to go but stopped hearing avni's words

Avni : you know what i am to you and i also want to know how long will you hide it from me.If are trying to win, then try your best. But keep this in your mind that nothing can hide for a long time. Feelings or anything.

She said all this with tear filled eyes which have anger coz of his hided emotion.Neil also know it is harder to move on from her absense.He also want to keep her in his arms in this entire life. But here he is becoming a selfless person for his love..He wiped his tears and went from there.

Here,avni is crying badly coz now she realized that she is in love with the man who kidnapped her,who keeps her in his captivity without her constant.who is a devil mafia for tgis world.but now she want to be with him..She herself want to be in his love..

Avni : why neil why you are hiding your love from me.just wait i know what to do..

Neil went from there.He came to dining area and throw everything on the floor.Body guards saw him like this and get scared.his eyes were red and puffy.

Some goons came there and said to him.

Goon : sir he is caught.

Neil : where is he?

Goon : sir he is in secret room.

Neil eyes become more red in anger.He rushed from there and entered to secret room.there a man is sitting on the chair  with so many buries on his face and blood was oozing from his head.he is partially unconsious.

Neil pulled a chair and sat infront of him.He looked at him angrily. He sign to a goon and that goon held the man's jaw and made him face neil.

Neil : who is behind this attack?

Man : just....a member  in his..gang..sir..please dont... kill me...I dont know about.... anything..

Neil : stop are not a member.You are the leader of that gang.So dont dare to play with me.Tell me the truth.

He shouted angrily..

Man : i am...  telling the tr...truth..

This is enough for neil.He stood up from the chair and hit the man with the chair..The man shout in pain..neil took a knife and cut the man's hand.Goons bring hot water and make that man put his hand on the water..he cried and shout helplessely.

Man shout : please.. stop... stop..I.. I...I..will.. will say..Please..Ahhhhhh

Neil smirked

Neil : then say..

Man : actually we tried to kill home minister's daughter.

Neil shocked and get more angryyy...

Neil : for what...he roared

Man : we got a call from PATEL Sir. He told  to kill home minister's daughter who was kidnappend by you.but we were unaware about you sir..Please leave me.

Neil : who is PATEL?

Man : that i dont know sir and till now we didnt met him for once..

Neil thinks and angrily looked at the man.

Man : sir please leave me..I dont know anything more..please dont kill me..Please leave me...

Neil laughed loudly.

Neil : ohh really i want to leave you, whome tried to harm neil khanna's love..Like seriously..

He said to his goom

Neil : david just leave him to the hell
He said angerously looking at the man

David : yes sir..

They shoot him at the spot..Neil left from there

He told everything to his friends.

Zaan : who is this patel?


Zaan : so he is in the play..
He smirks.

Neil : yes he started to kick the ball.But i will never allow him to take a single goal.Coz that goal post is own by me only.I am the one who drag him to my ground.

He smirks evily..

They all thinks somethings and looked at each other..They all sat on the living area.

Zaan : neil if i ask you something will you get angry?

Neil : say it zaan

Zaan : do you really think avni will be safe in her own home, even her own father will harm her.

Nupu : yes neil are you sure that you will leave her to her own home.

Neil : no guys, i will leave avni to her home but that doesnt mean i will leave her forever.I told you that i will always stalk her. I will always be with her for her safety.

Dd : neil we want your answer not from your mouth, from your heart..

He said this to neil..Neil looked at him and thinks..His friends went from there.

Otherside in mehta mansion.

Media's were surrounded around homeminister's house coz they got to know that his daughter is missing.So they were being impatient to know the reality.Commisioner came to ashish.

Com : sir what will we do now?media's want to know is this news fake or true.

Ashish : no.. We should lie them..come i will talk to them.

They went to boys asked him so many questions.He shows him palm indicating them to stop.They all become quite.

Ashish : my daughter is in a tour with her friends.She is not being kidnapped by anyone.This news is fake.

Media : but sir, someone is saying that the news is conformed and that's why you are not attending any meeting..

Ashish : no actually my wife is not well.That's why i am staying in my home.

Media : sir what happened to ma'am

Ashish : sorry it is my personal matter.....Enough and thank you.

Media : but sir...

Police didnt let them ask and ashish came inside..suddently he got a call.

Ashish : hello raghav.

Raghav : ashish i am coming tommorrow.

Ashish shocked

Raghav : i will be there tommorrow and after that we will decide what we can do further.

Ashish : ok

They hang up the call and ashish sat on the couch.

Ashish : no, my daughter is more important for me.It is already too late.I will give that document and pendrive to neil khanna.Then i can save my child.

Ashish signs and closed his eyes.He opened his eyes and saw his phone ringing.He attend the call

Ashish : hello who is this?

......... : hello homeminister..Forgot me?

Ashish stand up with a jerk and yelled

Ashish : you neil khanna..Where is my daughter..

Neil laughed

Neil : your daughter is safe

Ashish : neil leave her..Plz dont harm her..I will give you whatever you want

Neil : dont you know what i want?

Ashish : i will handover that documents and pendrive..

Neil : very good ashish mehta.Then come to paris as soon as possible..And mind it dont dare to play with me..

Ashish : i know and plz dont harm my child..

Neil hang up the call not answering him..

Ashish : hello hello neil neill....

He went to his room. Heopened the drawer and collect the documents and pendrive..

Neil : i cant harm her ashish mehta coz she is my life..

He is one of the famous bussoness man for this world, but behind his bussiness he had some illegal works too..He is a big drug dealer. But noone know this except ashish and some clients.But our hero know this 😝😝.He is veey rude and arrogant.No kindness..He will do anything for his success..

After so long time..Actually i am not getting any good responses for this story🙁🙁

Should i continue this one or stop this?waiting for replies...

Plzz forgive grammatical mistakes..

My best friend @adizamottu is writing a  new story..Plzz support her..

Love you all

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