•Prologue : Here's The Starting•

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'Being dyslexic' can be a mere phrase for a normal person, yet it's the most bitter truth about a person. And it's indeed painful.

But what the pain is?

The pain of not being able to do something what others could do!

The pain of not being able to achieve your dreams!

And in worst cases, life of a person suffering from dyslexia suddenly comes to a halt.

The global fact is, many people suffer from dyslexia even in today's world. Scientific study proves that sometimes they fear from reading the letters of a word itself.

And this was exactly what had happened to 'Swara Bose'!

She was a victim of the pathetic disability called 'dyslexia'. But she never let that disability overpower her confidence. But when she lost the only family she had -- her Dida -- she lost all hopes she ever had.

Still, she never gave up. She kept on trying. And trying.

She had big aims, but her disability made it quite difficult for her to read and write.

Her life was a mess. With no one being by her side, she had built her path alone by herself. This road was quite difficult for her but she did not give up. She tried day and night -- but sometimes a weakness can suddenly overcome your power. And that was the reason Swara became weak. It was so difficult for her to overcome her disability.


And then he came. Sanskar Maheshwari entered her life like a whirlwind and turned it upside down.

Too many unexpected encounters, an awkward friendship -- all of these led them to an unexpected destination. Isn't it said that unexpected things are the best?

When he came to know about her weakness, he also came to know what place she was beginning to hold in his heart!

And then he was determined... determined on the journey of helping Swara become the person she always wanted to be.

He left no stone unturned to put things on proper place.

And at the same time, he found 'her'! The one who drove his heart crazy by her innocence everytime!

To Swara, Sanskar was like her doctor who was curing her with his love. He started teaching him everything and she started teaching him how intense the feeling 'love' was!


Here you go!

It is Dr Swara Sanskar Maheshwari's Story! So, is this a ride?

Peep inside to take a journey! 😉

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