Shot 1 : Journey Of Dr. Swara Bose

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~*~*~* HER POV ~*~*~*

'Love you Zindagi'... For the person who taught me everything in my life.

For the person who changed my life.

Imagining a good-for-nothing girl like me... Oops! sorry. I'll cut my tongue. He hated hearing that about me. So, I will go straight to the point.

Have you ever imagined that if you're suffering from some very bad conditions, physical or mental, and soon someone appears as a new ray of hope into your life, and becomes keen on his decision to make everything correct in your life?

Well, I never imagined this if coming to me. There was a period in my life where I had gone through very difficult times, and claiming that since my childhood I suffered from a mental disability called as dyslexia made my life very miserable. I couldn't read and write. My only family -- my mother Sharmishtha Bose -- also couldn't recognise my mental illness. And when she finally did, she passed away right when I was in third standard due to a major accident. It was only my dida who understood about my troubleshooting in studies. She was the only one who loved me the most after my mother's demise.

Yet I never had a huge family like everyone has, but I was always happy with everything I got from God. I never complained for anything.

So, the twist in the tale is that I am a medical student. Shocked? It's natural for you to be. You must be thinking how did I reach this far being a dyslexic. So the truth is, somehow my dida had managed to educate me till my twelvth grade and I had learnt reading and writing to a very minimal extent. But our lives changed again when dida was declared as a diabetes patient and after a few months, she too left... left me. All alone.

To be honest, my life was absolutely nothing then. I was pursuing the first year of 'Mumbai Medical University'. I was a girl with nothing and I was forced to stay in a hostel alone. But since the beginning of the year I started getting absolutely bad grades in my exams all because of my disability to read and write. Yes, it's true my dida did help me. But dyslexia is a case where your state of mind is absolutely pathetic. So...

My life in medical university in those five months was never easy. I performed poorly in assignments, projects, presentations or just managed to pass. But I was able to gain marks for my performance in laboratory practicals of examining dead bodies, that was the only thing I could be able to do. But for the dean, percentage was all that mattered. Dean Durgaprasad Maheshwari was never fond of me, and his strong dislike for poor students created more hurdles in my way. I got various taunts from our professors and my classmates used to troll me because of my bad scores. No one except my Dida understood about my severe difficulty in reading or writing and fear for letters and words.

But now no more...

Time had changed a lot right now. Yes, I was no more the Swara Bose who used to be a poor performer in her college days. No more the Swara who was broken. No more the Swara who was dyslexic.

Today if I'm living, only that one person was the reason for my existence. The person who taught me to fight with these damn letters, words, paragraphs and lessons! The person who brought light into my dark life. The only person who after my Maa and Dida's demise loved me, something I thought I didn't deserve. The person who supported me in difficult times! The person who helped me pursue my dreams... My Life, 'Sanskar'!

When I first heard his name, I realised his family had chosen the best name for him. Haha, He used to be a troublemaker in our college times! But when he met me, I didn't know what attracted him towards me that he used to do nothing but compliment me everytime. Ha, sounds insane, right? I used to think that he just made a troll of me for his fun. I also thought that he's going to be some sort of trouble for me in future. But I was fully wrong.

He appeared as a ray of hope in my life.

When I needed someone badly, he was there.

When I was sad, tears flowed from his eyes. When I smiled, he always jumped with happiness.

Dreamy how somebody could bring bright colours in your dark life. The same happened with me.

So, this was my story, guys. It's my, Dr. Swara Bose's cum Dr. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari's story, and Dr. Sanskar Maheshwari's story! My Sanskar, he's my life. Yes, we had become doctors now. I was a successful doctor today only because of Sanskar. I could read and write today only because of him. I love him. He's everything to me -- My love, my guide, my Doctor, and my Zindagi.

~*~*~* SHOT 1 ~*~*~*

'The Mumbai Medical University'

A successful university from where almost lakhs of students got graduated to become a doctor. The best university in Mumbai with all facilities, situated at the outskirts of Northern Mumbai. It was a huge University Campus with lawn all around the building. One could see various students sitting in the benches of lawn to study, or for fun, or for bunking a few unnecessary classes, or loitering here and there with those thick medical books in their hands.

This university was always with discipline and strict rules.

The college dean, Mr Durgaprasad Maheshwari, was a strict personality of the University and a loyal person towards his students but he never liked one of his students...

"Ms Swara Bose! How in this world can that student ever dream to become a doctor? Only successful students graduate from my college!"

Dean Durgaprasad Maheshwari was envious of his student Swara because ever since she got admission in the university five months ago, she was a poor academic performer and Durgaprasad held a strong grudge against such students who went against his rules of 'no-failing'. That was now-a-days his catchphrase whenever somehow some or the other teachers spoke to him about some or the other thing related to Swara... He was keen on rusticating her if she didn't excel or improve.


"What do you want? I'm busy."

Dean Durgaprasad Maheshwari adjusted his spectacles properly to look up at the professor of the college Ms Malhotra...

Durgaprasad : Who gave you the permission of entering into my cabin without asking? And can't you see that I'm busy checking something?

Ms Malhotra : Sir! It's really bad! The new girl who had took admission in our university almost five months ago, sir there's a big problem.

Durgaprasad closed his eyes in disappointment as he knew what was coming.

Ms Malhotra : In the first semester exams, sh-she failed in almost all the subjects!

Durgaprasad immediately got up from his chair in a thump.

Durgaprasad : What rubbish are you talking Ms Malhotra? No one ever fails even in one subject in Dean Durgaprasad Maheshwari's university!

He left out a sigh. He had just had enough. Durgaprasad was about to head towards the door when Ms Malhotra interrupted...

Ms Malhotra : Sir, what are you going to do?

Durgaprasad : Something for which it has been a high time now...

Ms Malhotra : No sir! We cannot rusticate her. It's her grandmother's last wish! I still couldn't forget the day how Mrs Shobha Bose had begged us to get her admission done in our university.

Durgaprasad (turned towards Ms Malhotra) : But how the hell do you think will she become a doctor? Does that girl even know a simple 'abcd'?

Ms Malhotra : I really feel we should give her one more chance!

Durgaprasad : Things have gone very far Ms Malhotra! Last time, she failed only in two subjects and this time, she failed in all the subjects! How can I let her study in this university like that? And what if my son gets influenced because of her?!

Ms Malhotra shut the door of the cabin and came to Durgaprasad.

Ms Malhotra : Your son won't get influenced by her Sir. I know that he is your nephew in relation but you have always treated him as more than your son. And I believe in him. He can be a troublemaker at times but his determination is to an extent which helps him get higher grades. I understand they are in the same field but it doesn't mean...

She trailed off watching Durgaprasad calmly sitting on his chair folding his arms on the table.

Durgaprasad : Fine. I'll give her a chance. But don't think it's out of force. Somehow, even I feel pity for her. She has no one in this world...

Ms Malhotra nodded.

Durgaprasad (determined) : But it doesn't mean I'll let her do her self-will here.

Ms Malhotra : I believe she'll improve. Just give her some time. But sir, do you think the reason of her failure can be because she entered late in this college when almost forty five percent of portion was covered?

Durgaprasad : I don't think so that is the reason. Also, I don't know what her assignments are proving. It seems she can't even write properly. How do you think she'll manage?

Ms Malhotra kept looking at Durgaprasad unable to find an answer...


While students were enjoying their recess time in the lawn, a girl was standing near the result board facing towards it, checking out the first semester exams results. Tears were slowly flowing from her beautiful black eyes, as she was unable to determine her university rank.

Rather say she was finding it difficult!

A group of boys observe this and one of the boys leaned near the girl's ear.

Boy : Boohhh!!! (pointed towards the board) 'Ms Swara Bose', here!

He went back to his gang and gave them a high five bursting out in laughter. Swara got into a state of shock. She understood where her name was but all she could see under the six subjects column was something written as ...


Just then the boy returned to her.

Boy : Tsk. Tsk. Tsk! Didn't you understand that too? It is 'fail'.

Swara looked at the boy with tears filled red eyes.

Swara : (calmly) Listen carefully to me Sahil! I got it what was written.

Sahil : It is because you must have read that a million times in your life! (laughed)

No, that wasn't the case! No!

Another boy : (seductively) Baby, although your intellect is low but that doesn't ruin your beauty figure.

The gang bursted out in laughter. All Swara could do was bow her head down avoiding her tears to come out. She ran from there weeping. She couldn't understand anything! Was she useless?

She ran all the way to the building... all the way to the class... her last seat. She removed something from her bag. It was a golden coloured locket. She started crying badly opening the locket. It was her, Maa, Dida, a happy family. She held the locket close to her heart and cried more bitterly.

Swara (weeping) I'm all alone. Maa. Dida. Why did you both leave me all alone in this world? Nor I... I could read anything... nor I could write anything! Nor I could understand anything... nor I could achieve your dream! Why this disability had to happen only with me maa? Why only with me? Why me?

She couldn't speak much and started crying more.

There was nobody with her! She was all alone in this area. She had started to doubt, could she ever be able to become the person she really wanted to be?

Could she ever be able to achieve her Maa and Dida's dreams?


Swara was standing infront of Dean Durgaprasad Maheshwari with her head bowed down out of embarrassment. Her eyes were swollen red because of excessive crying.

Durgaprasad adjusted his spectacles and looked at his student fiercely. Swara sensed his angry glare on her and she knew what was coming. She started playing with her fingers out of nervousness.

Durgaprasad : So, what decision have you taken about it Ms Bose? Because in any case, for me fail means FAIL. And I won't tolerate this in my university.

Swara looked at Durgaprasad.

Durgaprasad : Many of us are disappointed with your current results, but some believe you would score well. Now, if you want to take it seriously, I suggest you go for an easier option for yourself. Because as you know, for becoming a doctor one has to face many hardships. And if you want to stay in this university, you have to prove your intellect to me. Get good scores in your exams.

Swara nodded her head in assurance.

Swara : Yes Sir. I promise it won't happen again. Or atleast, I'll try not to make it happen again.

Durgaprasad : Good. So you can go to attend your lectures. I'm sorry for wasting your time. But since you know you are new, we all expect a lot from you which has.. not been possible so far.

Swara looked on.

Durgaprasad : If you promise to excel, I won't ever think to rusticate you.

Swara : No Sir... I'll score well next time.

Durgaprasad : Okay. You can go now.

Swara left the cabin and kept walking towards her classroom. While walking, she kept wondering about a few things. There had been only five months she joined the university, but missed almost forty five percent of her portion, but she had the biggest weakness in her.


How in this world could she score better, when her support systems of her life have gone far away from her. So far that, they wouldn't come back again. Tears were again about to make their way through her beautiful eyes. She never expected life to be so mean to her. But she never whinned to God for making her like that. She would neither curse anyone nor she had any intention to hurt anyone around her.

Deeply drowned in her thoughts, she recalled a moment her Maa told her...

"Koshish karne walo ki kabhi haar nahi hoti Shona."

"Kaisi koshish Maa? Jo mujhe sahara dete hai koshish karne keliye, aaj wohi mujhse dur chale gayi hai. Why Maa..." She muttered to herself exhaling a mournful sigh.

Her chain of thoughts was broken when, she wasn't paying attention while walking, a skateboard no rather say.. a boy was racing up at her direction. Each and every person saw the boy and got threatened as he rode his skateboard at a fast speed. But still Swara wasn't looking up... While the boy was enjoying his sawari...

'Hatoooo Hatooooo bhaiyyo or behnoooo! Here this is, the hero of the university!!! Haa'

He spreaded his arms before he noticed Swara right infront of him. Even Swara finally looked up sensing the commotion just one metre away. Both got threatened but they was too late to realise that next moment here the bomb blasted...


'Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!!' The two voices cried.

There was Swara, fallen down on her elbow and holding her head. She couldn't look at the boy as her hairs were surrounding her eyes. And on the other side, the boy was rolling slowly towards the wall holding his head. Almost all the students of that floor came to see the huge commotion. Swara finally composed herself and cleared away all her strands of hairs from her eyes, and looked at the boy who wasn't facing her. She slowly got up and looking furiously at another lying figure. She went to him.

Swara : Excuse me.

No response from the boy.

Swara (angrily) Excuse me! Get up.

The boy still didn't turn himself. Instead he lifted up his hand waving it towards Swara. He gave his world famous smirk to himself.

'Help me get up.'

Swara (shocked and angry) : What?! (sighed) Excuse me Mr, it is you who has trespassed my way like that. It is your fault.

'Wow. Impressive!'

Swara (flushed in anger) : Huh! I don't believe this!

Swara angrily held the boy's hand which he was still lifting in air for her. In one go, Swara pulled him up and immediately the boy was pulled up and turned around and was tugged like a delicate kid. Their hands were left. In such a move the two faces could finally face each other.

Swara was astonished and bewildered when she took in the appearance of the guy. Oh man! Was it possible to look so damn perfect? He was a handsome boy with luscious eyes and the mesmerizing smile on his lips gave him a 'stylish' personality. His spiked hairs flied in the air, giving out an impression that he was anything but simple.

Exception -- Swara.

And here on the other hand, the boy was frozen on his place. His smirk turned into a 'lost' kind of smile. A beautiful girl in front of him, her soft hand, her beautiful black eyes but one thing he could note was her eyes were red. He didn't understand it but the prettiest girl he ever saw was right infront of him glaring at him. Soon he came back to his senses and noticed Swara glaring at him.

Boy : Tch. Tch. Itni khubsurat or naak mein itna gussa...

Swara (annoyed) : What! What did you say?

Boy : Umm, nothing. Hey... I never saw you in this university before, have I? Are you new here?

Swara (rolled her eyes) : I joined here five months ago.

Boy (excited) : 5 months!!!

He calmed down seeing Swara's anger and made a funny face.

Boy : Umm. It means you have a lot to know about this university! By the way, what's your name?

Swara : Why do you bother?

Swara didn't want to reveal her name to him. The last thing she wanted was a drama.

Boy : Okay so... Why I bother! Hmm, good question. But the fact is, to know each and every students' name in the university is my hobby! Or you can say, (pulled Swara's chin) My birthright!

Swara : (angrily) What?! Pagal ho kya tum? Don't you have any manners? Koi Sanskar nahi sikhaya kya tumhe?

Boy : (smirked on hearing it) Sanskar?


A boy came running to him. Sanskar turned around and smirked.

Swara (confused) : Did I hear it right? Sanskar... (shocked) Oh god! Is it really his name?

Sanskar went to the boy and circulated his arm around him as if he had just won a trophy.

Sanskar : So, look who do we have here! My brother. (poetically) The discipline head of the university, Mr Laksh... Maheshwari.

Laksh : (a bit shy because of his brother's words) Eh. Hello guys, I'll deal with you all later.

He composed himself and looked at Sanskar sharply.

Laksh : And you Bhai! You know you are not allowed to roam like this (pointed towards skateboard) and create commotion anywhere in the university even then you didn't relent. Today, I'll definitely complain about you to papa... I-I mean the dean.

Sanskar : Chill. Chill. My little bro! Nothing will happen.

Laksh (to the people) : And why are you all standing here? You all are supposed to go and attend your lectures. Go otherwise I'll complain about you all to the dean.

The crowd started getting clear.

A typical discipline head he was!

Laksh (to Sanskar and Swara) : You both also go to your respective classes.

Sanskar closed his eyes smiling sarcastically and joined his hands bowing his head.

Sanskar : Sakshat pranam, Laksh Ji!

Laksh left reluctantly. Swara, after the entire drama looked at Sanskar in disbelief.

Swara : You... are Sanskar... Maheshwari?!

A realization striked her hearing the surname 'Maheshwari'. In a way, was he possibly the University Dean's son?

Oh god! How many shocks god?

Sanskar : What? Yes, I am. 'Sanskar'! By the way, Sanskar toh mai khud hi hoon. So why do I need Sanskar from others?!

Swara (slapped her forehead) : I can't believe this I'm talking to you! Stop your nonsense and let me go.

Swara trespassed him and leant to pick up her books which was fallen down. Sanskar looked at her and bent down to help her, his eyes not leaving her.

Sanskar : (teased) By the way, when did I block your way that I won't let you go?

Swara : (hell irritated) Uff! Shut up!

Before Swara could pick her books Sanskar went and helped her pick my books. In between, he smiled at her and bowed his head for effect.

Sanskar : So, yeh hai hamare Sanskar! You know, beautiful.

Beautiful! Did he just call her beautiful?!

Swara : Shut up. It is Swara!!!

Swara was shocked sensing what she blurted out. Sanskar looked at her with narrowed eyes.

Sanskar : Swara...

Swara closed her eyes as she didn't want any new people to know her. No, please don't run the horses of your brain, you mysterious charmer!

Sanskar : Wait! You are... Swara... Sharma?!

But before he could complete Swara started leaving from there.

Sanskar : (frowned) Heh? Ajeeb ladki hai yaar. She didn't even tell me her full name. (realised something) Anyways. Now I have to go and face my devil daddy! Shit.

Sanskar left from there wondering when will one day of his own life come when he could spend an entire day in the university without causing any commotion.


All the students were leaving for their homes after long hour classes of enjoyment and boredom in the university.

Swara was very tired so she decided that the first thing she would do was go and take a small nap.

On her way, she met Sanskar who blocked her way. She sensed he was looking at her very carefully.

She felt uncomfortable under his heated gaze fixed on hers.

Swara : I-I think now you know me. So I am...

Sanskar : Excuse me?

Swara : What? No, I mean...

Sanskar : Nevermind! Actually Swara...

Before Swara could protest anything, he showed her his hand. She saw a locket in his hand.

Wait! Her locket!

Her precious locket, the last symbol of her Maa and Dida!

She immediately grabbed it and held it closer to her heart.

Swara : (emotionally) Oh my god. When did this fall?

Sanskar : (shrugged his shoulders) I don't really know, but I found this locket in the library today! When I opened it, I saw you. So I realized that this belongs to you.

Swara (heavy heartedly) : Thank you! Thank you very much Sanskar! I'll never forget this! Thank you.

Sanskar (smiled nodding) : My pleasure!

Sanskar turned to leave but stopped and turned towards Swara.

Sanskar : Seems like you love your family more than anything. I like such people.

Swara remained surprised by his behavior. She kept looking at him in surprise when he was going away from there.


Swara freshened up and sat on the bed near the window. She caressed her locket and hanged it on the wall carefully. Then she leant behind on her pillow and looked outside the window calmly. It was so peaceful sometimes to sit at this corner of her room. Where she could stay away from all humilities, atleast for some time. Atleast some time, she could spend for herself.

She saw the birds chirping outside happily, without any tension, without any care about the world...

Swara : So peaceful. Why isn't my life as peaceful as other people's lives are?

Just then something stroke her mind. She got up and took out her Biochemistry book from her bag. As soon as she tried to read the words and learn them, she couldn't understand something very properly so she concentrated on that word a bit harder. After sometime she got the word. A wide smile made it's way on her lips as she got happy and jumped up from her bed and started dancing.

Swara (happily dancing) : Finally... Finally I am getting over my disability! Come on Swara, atleast you are trying.

She immediately grabbed her precious locket and opened it.

Swara : (caressing the frame) Dekhna Maa or Dida, your Shona is trying. She is able to do it!

She closed the locket and kept it back. She then tried to study on her desk.


Sanskar and Laksh were standing infront of Durgaprasad. Sanskar folded his arms and looked down trying to hide himself while Laksh looked at his dad asking for a reply.

Durgaprasad : Sanskar, this is the forty fifth time this is happening.

Sanskar (looked up shocked) : Haww Bade Papa! I'm not that type of guy who enjoys bumping with innocent girls and this happened for the first time. The forty four times were when I just fell from the skateboard. But thie time, yaar, it was her fault... she didn't look...

Durgaprasad : But I am asking you why is this even happening? And you know skateboards are not allowed in the University Campus.

Laksh : (smirked) Dad, apke bete ko itna bhi na daatiye. Because iss par koi asar toh padhne wala hai nahi!

Sanskar : (whispered to him) Oye, zinda rehna hai na? Chup.

Durgaprasad : Sanskar, don't take advantage that you're the dean's nephew.

Sanskar eyed at his brother pleading him to intervene and Laksh raised up his eyebrows smiling.

Laksh : Dad, he should really learn something from me na...

Durgaprasad : Shut up Laksh. You are the discipline head of this university right now.

Laksh (amused) : What? Ab kya papa bulane ka bhi haq na raha mere paas?

Durgaprasad (irritated) : Shut up or else I'll give your position to someone else.

Laksh (shocked) : No. No. No. I'll remain quiet. Haan.

Sanskar : Besides, as you put it earlier, it's you who should learn something from me. (smiled broadly) Just like my darling bade papa says everytime... Haina Bade papa?

Durgaprasad : But I'm afraid this time I won't be able to say the same.

Laksh's frown turned into smirk.

Sanskar : (pleaded) Dad! Sorry bhi bola. Please, atleast now don't ban skateboards in our college!

Durgaprasad : But if I won't do this then you will not listen to me.

Sanskar : No!!! I promise I will never cause any commotion ever again.

Durgaprasad : Okay, but that doesn't even mean that you will even ride skateboards in my university.

Sanskar : (shocked) Kaisa zulm hai yaar. That is what banning is Bade Papa!

Durgaprasad : So I hope I'm clear with this. Now let's go home. Annapurna and Sujata might be waiting for you both.

Laksh : Yes.

Sanskar (disinterestedly) : No.

Durgaprasad : What? No?

Sanskar : I mean... I hate that bhendi ki sabzi Mom made today for me yaar.

Laksh : To be frank even I'm sick of that now.

Durgaprasad : So what are our plans?

Sanskar : Lucky let us go out and eat something today.

Laksh (happy) : Okay good idea.

Durgaprasad : Fine then. But come back soon in an hour or two.

Sanskar : Yes Dad. You go stress-free!

Durgaprasad left from there. Laksh looked at Sanskar smirking.

Laksh : You know what Bhai? Out of your ninety nine mischievous qualities I like this one quality of yours that when you really don't like something you know the art of expressing it. And you don't care what others think about you. You do what you really feel and are not afraid. Well, straight forward -- in a way that doesn't hurt anyone.

Sanskar : Okay yaar, now lets go. I know a famous dhaba around, let's go there.

Laksh : (happily) Toh aaj dhabe mein hi khana khaate hai.

They left from there happily.


Swara was standing infront of Durga Maa's idol joining her hands. Today, she looked at her with hopeful eyes, hoping to bring her on a right path.

Swara : (smiled) Hey Durga Maa. I never asked you for anything. I was always happy with what I got. I never complained to you for what I didn't get. But Maa, I earnestly find my Maa and Dida in you. You are the one who fulfill bigger wishes of people. Today, I am not only going to make a small wish to you but I'm going to express my desire to you. Maa, I never said this to anyone but I always felt helpless and lifeless without my family. It's only you with whom I talk everyday. Otherwise every day, I get to hear nothing but jokes on me. Maa, I have severe difficulty in reading and writing, and because of my dyslexia I am disabled to do anything in my life. This one weakness has taken a toll on my Maa and Dida's dream. They always wanted to see me as a doctor and they somehow managed to educate me till 12th. But after that, darkness descended in my life after they were snatched away from me... I am all alone. Please Maa, give me a way, a way by which I can fulfill my family's dream. Please Maa, maana mai yeh sab apni mehnat ke dum par karna chahti hoon, but I want someone who gets me introduced to it. Since childhood, I was unable to read or learn letters and words and only my family was the one whom understood my difficulty. Hey Durga Maa, show me a path. Please send an angel in my life who will show me the correct path, who will help me pursue my family's dreams. Someone who will make me complete Maa. Please send someone in my life soon.

She kissed her joined palms and giving a final pray to the pious Durga Maa, she felt some kind of irritation in her eye. She started wiping it and it turned out to be an eyelash which was ripped apart from her eye. She held it looking at it and thought something. She decided something...

She frowned hopefully and put the eyelash on her palm. Then she closed her eyes and entangled her fingers together. She murmured her little wish to herself and after some seconds she went towards the window and blew the eyelash away from her palm all the way outside the window. She kept looking at the beautiful and calm nature outside the window and hoped someone to become her angel who helped her.

The Dhaba at the opposite side of the Hostel was crowded with people and soo her eyelash fell on somebody's shoulder...

'Haa... Sanskar bhai, don't eat so much otherwise your stomach will become a balloon!'

Laksh and Sanskar were eating in the Dhaba. While Sanskar was busy munching over hot food, he immediately noticed something black landing on his white shirt. He picked up and in one sight he realised it was an eyelash...

Laksh : Abey. Kya kar raha hai?

Sanskar : Lucky, see this. (showed him the eyelash) Do you also think its an eyelash?

Laksh (looked carefully) : Umm, yeah it looks like. Yes I do think.

Sanskar : (confused) Lucky, do you think that does someone wish or need me? Or is it a coincidence?

Laksh : What?! (laughed) Bhai, tu bhi na. Filme bhi kuch jyada hi dekhne laga hai.

Laksh ignored and munched on his food. Sanskar was lost in his own deep thoughts...

Sanskar : I don't know why I'm getting a very strange feeling on seeing this eyelash. And why did this end up only on my shoulder? So many people are there over here, how come only me? It has been high time I'm getting such feelings after meeting that girl Swara. And sensing the way it came I guess it is from that hostel! (looked at the hostel) Is it that the person who took my name in his wish lives there? I am getting strange feelings again.

Sometimes, it's okay to feel strange because that's how you understand that something is going to happen in your life.

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