XXV. you're the only friend I need

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CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE.   you're the only friend I need

Kennedy was concerned when she saw Xavier speeding walking through the quad. She walked up behind him. "Xavier, are you okay?"

Xavier spun around and saw her. He quickly hid his fear with a smile. "Hey, babe."

She ignored the way her heart thumped at the name. "You seem a little frantic." She pointed out.

"Me? Oh no, I'm fine. There's just something I have to do today."

She hummed. "Oh. Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, it's something I have to do on my own," he denied. He walked forward closer to her and kissed her forehead. "I'll text you when I get back, okay? I gotta go. I love you!"

"I love you, too." She said but he had already rushed off. She blinked a couple times.

Presley joined her side. "What's up with him?"

"I'm not sure," Kennedy replied then shrugged. "I'm sure it's nothing. I was gonna go get coffee at the Weathervane. Wanna come?"

"Sure. I need about three cups anyway. I haven't eaten in like two days."

Kennedy's eyes widened. "What do you mean? Did you already drink all those blood bags?"

She groaned. "I didn't mean to but I couldn't help it! It was just right in front of me."

Kennedy sighed. "I'll take you into the woods later."

Kennedy smiled at Tyler when she entered the coffee shop. "Hey, Tyler."

He smiled at the pair. "Hey, Ken. Hey, Presley. What can I get you guys?"

"I'll take my usual and Presley will take whatever's the strongest."

"Whatever it is makes sure to add four pumps of expresso." Said Presley.

Tyler furrowed his brows. "Jesus, everything okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just drank all the blood I had two days ago so I'm a little woozy."

He blinked rapidly and looked slightly creeped out. Kennedy shook her head. "Don't worry. She's harmless." She paid for their coffees and went to sit down in a booth. "God, I'm exhausted. All this monster hunting's starting to affect my sleep schedule."

"I can't believe you're still doing it after what happened at the Gates house. I mean, you almost died." Presley dramatized.

"I don't go down easily," she said with a smirk. "Besides, it's kinda fun going on all these adventures. Before Wednesday showed up Nevermore was boring."

The vampire nodded. "I will admit things have gotten interesting. But isn't she kind of. . . dangerous?"

Kennedy chuckled. "We're all dangerous, Pres. Someone people just don't want to admit it."

Tyler came over and sat their drinks on the table.  "Thanks, Tyler. Is your dad still pissed about what happened?"

"Oh yeah," he exhaled. "I'm basically on lockdown except for work and school."

She frowned. "I'm sorry for lying to you about the date."

He waved her off. "It doesn't matter anymore." He spoke but it was clear that he was still upset about it.

"She does like you, Tyler."

Presley nodded. "She definitely does! Anytime we say your name around her she actually gets a light in her eyes. It's weird."

Tyler's face went red. "Thanks guys."

He went back to work and Presley gulped down her coffee. "Ah, I needed that."

"It's nice seeing you drink some other than blood."

"You and every person I've ever been interested in. Besides Yoko, she loves it."

Kennedy laughed.

Presley leaned her elbows on the table. "So, what happened at the Gates house anyway?"

She leaned forward so nobody could hear them. "We found this room underneath the house that had jars full of body parts. The missing body parts of the victims."

Her eyes widened. "No shit?"

"That's not the only thing. We found the car that hit Mayor Walker," Kennedy continued.

Presley gasped again. "Holy shit, really?"

"One more thing."

"Jesus Christ, now I wish I would've went."

Kennedy shook her head. "No, you don't. I found a Nightshade plant in the house. It was alive. It was the only alive plant in the room."

The vampire narrowed her eyes. "How is that possible?"

"Your guess is a good as mine. But that's not even the craziest part. Wednesday and I brought the sheriff back to the house and everything was gone."

"Somebody cleared it out?" Presley asked and sipped her coffee again, fully interested.

"Apparently, but who would do that? I mean the house was completely empty when we got here." She asked the question she'd been wondering.

"Somebody's probably been living in it," Presley guessed. "It's been abandoned for years. Probably some meth head who needed a place to sleep."

Kennedy knew her theory was wrong but what else did she have to consider? It had been eating her alive since she found the Nightshade plant. Then Wednesday and Enid found Laurel's bedroom clean and the bed made. A theory swirled in Kennedy's head, far in the back of her brain, but it was ridiculous. It was impossible. "Xavier showed up."

Presley raised her brows. "Really? Did he know you guys were there?"

Kennedy shook his head. "I don't know. I didn't tell him. Tyler got attacked by the monster and Wednesday was cleaning his cuts when he showed up all of a sudden."

She narrowed her eyes. "That. . . doesn't make any sense."

"That's what I said. It only makes Wednesday think he's the monster even more."

Presley scoffed. "Xavier is not the monster. That boy wouldn't hurt a fly."

"That's what I said! I keep trying to tell her that but her mind is set on it being him. It kind of pisses me off but there's nothing I can do." Kennedy rambled.

"If she accused Yoko of being the monster, I'd sink my fangs into her."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to kill her, Presley.  I'd be afraid of her stabbing me while I'm asleep."

"It's a good think I sleep with one eye open."

Kennedy nodded. "I know. It's creepy." Looking over her shoulder, she saw Wednesday and Uncle Fester walk into the shop. "Speaking of the devil."

Wednesday walked over to their table with her uncle trailing behind.

"Hey, goth girl. How's your day going?"

"Ordinary," Wednesday answered bluntly. "Uncle Fester, this is Presley Gonzalez. She's a vampire."

Fester smiled a goofy smile. "Very nice to meet you. Hello again, Kennedy."

"Hi." Presley said back and gave her friend a strange look.

"I have something to discuss with you." Wednesday said to Kennedy.

Her eyebrows raised. "That's never good."

They slid over to both of them could sit down. Wednesday opened Faulkner's diary. "I saw Xavier leave with Dr. Kinbott earlier."

Kennedy almost choked on her coffee. "You followed him?" She asked in disbelief.

"He rode his bike into the woods and left with her in her car," Wednesday continued. She flipped through the journal until she stopped a page that showed the monster. "I have reason to believe Kinbott is Xavier's master and she's controlling him do all these murders."

Kennedy rolled her eyes. "Wednesday, how many times do I have to tell you he's not the monster?"

"Yeah, one time he shed a tear because he found a dead cat in the woods. He's harmless." Said Presley.

Wednesday narrowed her eyes at them. "She must've figured out he's the hyde and used hypnotherapy to unlock him. That would explain their secret sessions."

Kennedy shook her head. "That's no why he goes and sees her."

"Then why does he?"

She narrowed her eyes. "It's none of your business."

"I think the kid behind the counter had clocked me,"  Fester announced and they looked to see Tyler eyeing them. He started walking over to them. "Yeah, he's walking over. I'm gonna put him in a Romanian sleeper hold."

Presley looked at him weirdly and slowly scooted away.

"Relax. He's not interested in you." Wednesday assured.

"He's interested in someone." Kennedy smirked and received a glare.

"Uh, made you a quad. On the house," Tyler said timidly and put the small cup on the table.

Fester smiled and took the cup. "Hey, thanks kid!" He handed Tyler the empty ketchup bottle. "Need a refill on this puppy, too."

He reluctantly took the bottle. "Uh—"

"Tyler, this is my Uncle Fester," Wednesday introduced them. 

His eyes widened slightly and stuck his hand out. "Oh,  um. Hi, it's nice to—" Tyler yelped in pain when a shock of electricity struck his hand when he shook the man's hand.

Fester snickered and Wednesday cracked an amused grin. The other girls chuckled. 

He gave an awkward smile but it slowly vanished when he eyed the open journal on the table. "Is that. . .?" Tyler sat on the edge of the booth next to Wednesday.  Kennedy and Presley looked at each other and smirked.

"It's called a hyde."

Tyler studied it. "Whoa, that's it. From that night."

"It's an ugly looking thing." Kennedy grimaced.

"Your father gave you explicit instructions not to be near me," Wednesday reminded him. 

Tyler gave her a look. "Yeah, my dad's not here and I'm on a break."

"How convenient." Kennedy muttered to herself and drank her hot chocolate.

"Well, apparently a hyde needs to be unlocked by someone. Its master," Wednesday informed and flipped to the next page.

"Holy shit. . ."

"Tyler," they heard sheriff Galpin say. "What'd I say?"

Presley jumped out of her skin when she saw that Fester had vanished. "Where the hell did he go?"

Tyler and Wednesday got out of the booth and Kennedy turned in the seat to watch. "For the record,  Wednesday was trying to keep her distance. I was the one that sat down with her," Tyler informed his dad.

Presley leaned forward. "Aww,  pretty boy coming to the rescue." She whispered.

Kennedy smirked.

The sheriff looked between the two of them,  unconvinced. "All right." He handed Tyler a flyer.  "Puting those up around town. It's a bank robber suspect and he's a real creep. You haven't seen him,  have you?"

"He'd be pretty hard to miss," Tyler cracked a joke.  "I'll pin it to the bulletin board."

The man gave Wednesday another look before sneering and walked away. Kennedy glared at the back of his head. "No offense Tyler, but your dad is an asshole."

"No offense taken."

Kennedy heard a knock on her window. She closed the book she was reading and walked over to see Xavier standing outside. Grinning, she pushed open the window to let him in. "Hey, you."

"Hey." He smiled and kissed her when he got into her room. "Where's Presley?"

"She's with Yoko. Something about going near hunting in the woods. If you know what I mean."

Xavier grimaced. "I think I do."

Kennedy sat on her bed and leaned back on her arms.  She smiled. "How was your day?"

He shrugged and kicked off his shoes. "It was, uh. . . eventful."

"You seemed really tense earlier. Is everything okay?"

Xavier's eyes flickered around the room. It was something he didn't when he was looking for an excuse. "Um, yeah. Everything's fine. Just some things going on with me and dad."

Kennedy hummed. She stood up. "Well, you know what usual helps with tension?"

"What that?"

She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. "A massage." She whispered.

Xavier smirked. "That does sound nice."

Kennedy hummed again under her breath and kissed him in the lips. It was very slow and a groan threatened to escape from him. It made her smirk.  She lowered her arms from his neck and grabbed his hands, pulling him to her bed. He sat down and she stood over him. "I'm not sure when Pres will be back.  Want a massage?"

Xavier hummed again, suddenly feeling very tired. "I do miss your massages."

Kennedy grinned like the devil and sat beside him.  She grabbed his face and pulled him closer to her.  Their lips clashed together roughly and she put her hands on his shoulder, rubbing them. Xavier groaned against her mouth at the feeling. She pressed her knuckles into his skin to relieve the tension in his bones. "That feels really good," he muttered while keeping his eyes closed.

"I know." She continued to smirk and kissed him again. "Lay down."

Xavier pulled back slightly so he could look at her. A shit eating grin plastered on his lips.


He shook his head. "Nothing. I just. . . I love you."

She went soft. "I love you, too."

They kissed again and Kennedy leaned forward, making Xavier fall to his back. His hands moved up and down her waist as their lips moved in sync. Kennedy cupped his face in her hands. She loved this feeling. She loved him so much.

Wednesday bursted into the room. "Kennedy, I need your help!"

The couple quickly pulled away. "Jesus, Wednesday!"

Wednesday was holding a bloody and unmoving Thing in her hands. "Please, Kennedy. I need your help!" She was almost crying.

Kennedy's expression softened when she saw Thing. She quickly got up from the bed. "Hey, what happened?"

"Somebody broke into my room and trashed it. The journal's gone. T-Thing. . . somebody stabbed him!" Wednesday stumbled over her words. "We need to go to my uncle, now!"

"Okay, okay." Kennedy nodded quickly and turned to her boyfriend. "I'll be back, okay? I promise."

"Yeah." Xavier nodded and the girls ran out of the room.

Kennedy and Wednesday sprinted all the way to Eugene's bee cabin where Fester was staying. "Fester? Fester, help!" Wednesday shouted and ran into the cabin. "Help! Help! Things not moving!"

"He was stabbed!" Kennedy yelled.

"Get him on the table!" Fester ordered.

She swiped everything off the table and Wednesday laid Thing on top. She crouched down to his level with full panic in her face.

Fester rubbed his hands together to create electricity. Sparks came from his fingers and he touched the tips of his fingers to Thing. The hand rose slightly from the electrical currents but he still didn't wake up. Fester recharged the sparks and tried again.

Wednesday's eyes filled with tears and Kennedy put her hands on her shoulders to comfort her.

"Oh, come on, Thing," Fester begged and recharged again. He put his fingers on Thing again but he only rose slightly. He still didn't move. Fester sighed. "He's gone, Wednesday."

Wednesday wouldn't accept it. "No, he's not," she pulled the cloth closer to her. "Thing. If you can hear me. . . If you die, I will kill you."

Kennedy felt her heart break slightly. It was the first time Wednesday allowed herself to be vulnerable. It was the first time she saw her cry. Thing meant everything to her and he was gone. Even the strongest of people have a weak spot and Thing was hers.

"Go again." Wednesday demanded. Fester just stared at her. She slammed her hand in the table. "Now!  Again, please!"

Fester quickly rubbed his hands together to create electricity. Kennedy out her hand on Wednesday's shoulder to ease her anxiety.

He attached his fingers to Thing again. Kennedy bit the end of her thumb nail. Fester gave Thing one last,  long zap before they waited. After a minute,  his fingers moved and Kennedy exhaled loudly in relief. Wednesday let out a shuddering gasp.

"For a minute, we thought you'd picked your last lock,  buddy." Fester said happily.

"You've never looked better, Thing." Kennedy said while smiling.

Thing slowly flipped over with shaky fingers. "Who did this to you?" Wednesday demanded. He made a symbol. "Knife from behind the back. Cowards," she sneered. "I promise that whoever did this to you will suffer. And it will be slow, long, and excruciatingly painful."

Thing slowly and shakily lifted his pinky finger.  Wednesday looped hers trough his and Kennedy smiled at the interaction. 

She gave Fester and Kennedy the side eye before wiping the tear off her cheek. "I'll stitch him back up.  They found your motorbike, so. . . the sheriff won't be far. You need to go. Maybe next time steal something a little less conspicuous." She told her uncle.

Kennedy shrugged. "I thought it was cool."

"See! Where's the fun in that?" Fester said.

When Wednesday didn't respond, he sighed. "All right,  I'll lay low here tonight, keep an eye on the patient,  and I'll skedaddle in the morning."

"I guess I'll see you at your arraignment or the next family reunion."

Fester grinned. "You'll always be my favorite,  Wednesday." He looked at Kennedy. LAnd you'll be my favorite of Wednesday's friends."

Kennedy chuckled.

"Be sure to tell Pugsley that." Wednesday stated. She hinted a grin. "It'll give him a complex."

The girls left the cabin quickly and headed back to the school. Wednesday gave her the side eye. "Tell anyone about this and I'll cut out your tongue." She threatened.

She exhaled a chuckle. "Okay, Addams."

Wednesday went quiet for a minute. "Thanks for coming with me."

Kennedy smiled.

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