Chapter 12

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I ran to the front entrance of the restaurant and tried barking like a dog. But that won't help even if I was a dog in real life. I wish I'd be cause they are cute, obviously. But still, it won't help at all. Also, no dogs are allowed in restaurants! Aww! THAT'S SO SAD!!! I had to think of something else. Something sneaky and smart! All I had to do was get into that restaurant - and I will do it, no matter what happens. Wow. I was acting like a superhero after their biggest downfall yet! Cool. Soon, I was walking up and down the front entrance of the restaurant, about to run out of ideas. I couldn't bear doing this anymore. I was doomed - FOREVER. After a while, I soon noticed a trash can pinned on the wall. Great. Time to get dirty, Zoe. Ruining your best pink dress is going to be a lot of fun. Har har (I was not laughing in happiness, I was indeed feeling dull). Should I do this? I could - if only I knew where to begin! Ugh! No, I gave my word. I can do this! I rushed to the garbage can, closing my eyes as I did and taking a deep breath, I jumped into the dirty trash can. But when I did, I immediately realised that I wasn't dirty at all! Instead,  noticed there was nothing in it at all! Wow! It must be because they just disposed all of the trash. Oh, wow. I felt a thousand of butterflies spread into my tummy, flying about as they did. I felt like a dove! Well, not exactly. I had to stand so that I knew where I was going. But I also did not want anybody to see me in that trash can. I had to put my head up to see everything. Ugh! Why am I like this? I had to push the trash can so that I could move. Although it felt impossible and that pain was struggling to come out of my body, I had to at least try. I was straining by the time I was standing in front of the restaurant - as a trash can. Great. Now, the real challenge is to get inside. How can I do this? I don't know! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I was about to change my mind and walk back home when all of a sudden, I saw another small trash can laying there on the wall and another idea came into my mind. Yep. You'd probably already guessed what it is. I decided to replace this bin and show it off by fighting it! Woohoo! I'm not a bin actually! I'm a girl! I'm just a little girl compared to this teeny tiny mice! EEEEEE!!! I'm so scared. I wanna cry right now - like a crybaby. But maybe crybabies are kinda useless. Plus, if I do cry, then nobody would become my friend again and I'll be friendless again! Why me?!! After smacking myself on the wall a couple of times - as a bin (and nobody recognised me and did think I was acting a bit weird) I was ready to take action! I pushed the bin I was in as hard as I could and I pushed the door open, using my bin costume. Quickly hiding inside, I pushed the bin a couple more steps until I reached the spot where the small bin was. When I got out, at first, I realised that I was covered in flies! Ewwww! I was all stinky and smelly. Once again, I was planning to cry but I am not going to do it. I gave my word for real this time! So, I kicked the tiny bin and landed it on the other side of the wall. Finally, vola! I was able to replace the bin and succeed on my goal! WOOHOO! My happiness stopped though when I realised that the chef was still there. I had to make a quick dash - and worse, find Della! Great. Now this will be much harder than I thought it would be. I quickly gave a sigh and ran as fast as I could, searching for Della and Sukah. I wanted to call out but I couldn't. After a while, I was completely exhausted and I was about to give up when all of a sudden, in the distance, I saw familiar faces. Could it be? Are they my friends?!! Have I finally succeeded on my quest?!! IS IT REALLY TRUE?!! I was about to find out the truth. I rushed to embrace whoever was awaiting me. I gasped! Yep, I was totally right! I was about to hug them with tears of happiness spreading down my face when all of a sudden, I immediately realised that I was all stinky and smelly. I decided that it wasn't the best time to hug anyone around here now. "Hey, girl! OMG! You look all stinky and smelly! How did you get here?!!" Della cried, her voice muffled whilst she covered her mouth. I could not tell her. Instead, I replied to her that I needed to go to the bathroom and wash my hands. I didn't want to get anyone around here sick, you know! So, I quickly thanked her and dashed to the bathroom like Sonic the Hedgehog - well, not exactly. Still kinda solid performance. When I got into the girl's restrooms, I looked into the mirror and sobbed tears of happiness. Through my tears, I smiled as a memory of me when I first met Sukah came into my mind. It started out creepy at first but it gets happy in the end.

 I looked into the mirror and tears started to pour down my face. Was I unpopular just for that? I thought. Oh, well. This is it. The worst day of my life has begun. I continued crying sarcastically until a girl with purple hair and dark blue eyes walked in the room. She was wearing the same uniform as me. She didn't move. She just stared at me. I stared at her in horror. Was she going to be told off for this? I thought. The next thing I knew was that she was walking towards me. Oh no! Was I in danger? No. There's no way that thought is happening. Every step the girl took, she was heading closer and closer to me. Great. Now her eyes are more creepier than ever. I stared at her for a hot moment and at last, I was about to scream when suddenly, she said,"Hello. What's your name?" Oh. I thought that she was gonna kill me but instead, she seems nice to me. "Oh. Hello. My name is Zoe Grey. What's yours?" I shivered while I was doing my speech. We stared at each other for another minute until finally, the girl responded," My name is Sukah. Nice to meet you, Zoe." "Oh, it's nice to meet you too, Sukah," I replied with a little smile spreading on my face followed by a nervous laugh. "What brings you here?" Sukah continued. "Oh. I'm just going to the bathroom. What about you?" I replied to her. "Yes, me too!" Sukah replied back to me. I was very pleased that I had gotten into this conversation that I didn't realize that I had to get back to science class to watch those boring students do their boring experiment. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Zoe. See you around!" Sukah replied. "You too, Sukah," I replied back with a grin. "You too."

A dozen of these memories of us were happy...

After having a really boring two classes, I rushed into the bathroom, looked in the mirror and began to cry sarcastically until - WHOSH! I heard a toilet flush and out came a familiar face. "SUKAH!!!" I cried as I rushed to hug her. "Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Calm down, Zoe! Don't get too excited! I haven't even washed my hands yet!" Sukah exclaimed as I let my hands go off hers. I quickly washed my hands and shook the water off my fingers. Anyways, we talked and talked in the bathroom all recess. I've even missed eating my snack. So after recess, I've said goodbye to Sukah and rushed to maths class.

But soon, I remembered one that was really sad. So sad that tears started to pour down my face and almost made a flood that overflowed the whole entire restroom!

 I rushed into the bathroom, hoping that Sukah would come back as I looked into the mirror and cried. Usually, she would come into the bathroom and we would talk all morning. But today, I found out that she wasn't here. What?!! Now I felt like a total loner. I cried so hard that blood started coming out of the tip of my mouth. I was so upset that I didn't notice that class was about to start! Oh, snap! I immediately dried off my tears and rushed to class.

As I ran, I felt a grab on my hand! It was - WAIT?!! "B - B - BENJAMIN?!!" I whispered to him as my heart started beating quicker than I ran to my locker. I felt like I was about to swell up. "Hey! Looks like we flirted yesterday, right?" he asked me with an evil smile. "NO. WE WEREN'T! NOW GO AWAY! I HAVE SOMEWHERE TO BE, YOU KNOW!" I cried as I attempted to get out of his grip but even though I tried so hard, he still held on. Even I couldn't move a muscle! No one can. Finally, I was about to stab him with a knife when suddenly, I felt a warm hand touching mines. It was giving me power! I could - I could! I could do it! I believed in myself strongly. I can do it - I can do it. Wait - what's happening?!! My hand was sliding out of his grip! It's working! I continued to use technique as hard as I could until finally, I got out. Ha! Take that, Benjamin! I'm stronger than you! And I won! So - yay or nay?!! Benjamin stared at me and after a moment, he suddenly began to laugh at me like a weird scientist! "Hahahaha!" he cried out loud, happily. After just a minute, everyone was staring at me and Benjamin, who was still laughing at me. Benjamin soon became quiet just as he noticed the staring students. Oh, no! Benjamin! Why?!! Why would he do this?!! To me?!! To both of us?!! Now everyone was staring at me like a creepy maniac - or even a psychopath!!! No. It can't be. It can't be! IT CAN'T BE!!! No. Not today, maniac (or psychopath) whatever I wanna call it?!! Between the two? What do you think? Anyways, so like I said, everyone was staring at me before. Now the next minute, everyone had had enough. They started charging at me and along with trying to choke and hurt me in any way. Some people even tried to stab me! One person nearly killed me by dragging me on the floor! Luckily she was told off by a teacher. I had blood dripping on the side of my mouth. I got up and ran away with tears in my eyes. All the other girls ran to embrace Benjamin. But Benjamin never looked surprised. I wasn't even surprised. I never looked at him again.

I really did dry my tears - and washed my hands (I washed my hands before wiping my tears using my elbow). Rushing to the dining table where my friends were, I told them my story from beginning to end, without stopping my talkative mouth as I did. After I finished, at first, Della and Sukah just stared at me like I was being some stupid crazy storyteller. But then, after I told them that it was true, it was even worse than that. It was as if - they did not want to be my friend anymore. I felt my heart tearing apart in heartbreak. I felt like a fallen angel. I felt abandoned again. I was about to feel nothing at the last minute when all of a sudden, Della yelled out, "I can relate!" I gasped. Was this my chance! "W - wait! Really?" I screeched in shock like an injured bird. "Yeah, of course, girl. I was so surprised when you said that you did all of this with the help of the trash can. Goodness!" Della replied to me in a drama queen voice. "Oh! Really?" I asked in surprise. "Yes! You know, this reminds me of a story! Would you like to hear it?" Sukah interrupted our conversation, clearing her throat before she did. Della and I looked at each other and together, we both screamed, "OMG, YES!!!". We were about to get up and cheer when all of a sudden, we were interrupted by a charming voice. "Here you go, beautiful ladies! Your dinner!" the waiter held a plate of dinner feast as we all paused, speechless. "How about we tell the story later? For now, let's eat our dinner," I whispered in agony, followed by a big girl power cheer! WOOHOO!!!

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