Chapter 11

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My eyes popped open. I was in a memory. Memory of my life. This has never happened to me before. I was sidetracked and I didn't know what was going on around me at all. I wanted to walk but I couldn't. But, I had to at least give it one try. One risky attempt. I closed my eyes and breathed heavily. With that, I immediately took a step. But as I did, I froze. A splash of icy water made my pants wet. I looked down at my feet and - oh no! OH MY GOD!!! My feet were in deep water! Deep freezing water! I took a step back and screamed as my body went completely flying into the water below me! Great. Now I was all wet. In fact, I was still wearing my school uniform! Reeeeee! My parents would definitely be happy at me. They would just sit don and think, "Oh, Zoe. Your uniforms wet. Great job," and I would be speechless for an answer. I wouldn't even use this. It's all too much. I didn't care anymore. I wanted to get out of this place and I was desperate to escape. But I couldn't find an escape. OH NO! I was stuck here, forever! I didn't know how to get out. How do I get out of here? I'm so confused! I wanted to cry now, dozens of tears urging to burst out of my eyes. I felt dizzy. My mind was spinning! I couldn't stand anymore! I couldn't take any of this anymore! But before I could yell out for help, I immediately realised that I fell into the cold icy water below me. I was drowning and no one could help me. I was dead. That's it. Goodbye, world. It was nice living here with all of my family and friends. And now, it's all - over. I felt my face gobbled up with water and snapped my eyes shut. Before I knew it, I immediately realised that I fell into the sea. I was quickly pulled back from my dream or worse - a nightmare. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him. No. Not even when we were just sneaking out yesterday to only have a single, romantic and peaceful date. My eyes quickly popped open and I gasped. I was sworn to protect myself. This was my only chance to tell him how I feel about him. I quickly rushed to my bedroom and opened my computer. I tried logging on to LoveHacked three damn times. However, I immediately realised that I was losing hope because of getting hacked by my past boyfriend (or my ex boyfriend now) and I keep getting kicked out the hell out of myself. This could make sense if I was explaining it carefully but - OMG!!! Oh no! A flashback came into my mind. A terrible one. More terrible than I could have ever imagined would be - in my entire life!

Finally, it was time for Della to leave. But before she left her computer, she typed something up which startled me and it said:

"ZOE! You must read this if you're online! Soon, one of your friends/love interests will LoveHack you! I mean it, Zoe! This is your only chance to escape! Hurry! And I'll see you tomorrow! But please hurry or else, your LoveHacked app will lose all of it's data!"

I felt hot angry tears spring to my eyes and to the corners of them. Is this all true? Is Della actually meaning it? Was I really going to get LoveHacked?!! NO! IT CAN'T BE!!! IT CAN'T BE!!! That feeling was horrible! Imagine a life where I would actually get hacked out of nowhere from an unknown person! What would Della and Marcus say? Would they get mad at me when I get LOVEHACKED?!! I had too many thoughts about it. I felt angry and betrayed. Blood was pouring down my veins as I thought about it more clearly. Ten minutes later, I couldn't hold it anymore. I was way too mad about the thought of getting LoveHacked. I was about to get a tantrum when I suddenly went thirsty and drank my whole water bottle up. When I got back to the table, the good news was that I wasn't angry anymore! Phew. But what really got my anger back was the bad news. Oof. OH - MY - G - GOD!!! NO WAY. There is NO WAY THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING TO ME. Am I - NO. MARCUS WAS THE BETRAYER?!! I was hot and frustrated. NO - NO - NO - NO - NO. This cannot be happening to me. No. Not even when Marcus gave me a laugh. No. Not even that. I was about to slam my laptop shut when I immediately saw a message. IT WAS FROM MARCUS?!!

"Dear, Zoe. Sorry. I had to..."

W - WHAT?!! I was so shocked and mad at him. WHY, MARCUS? WHY? Finally, my breaking point was reached. I slammed my laptop so loudly that I realised that I BROKE it into HA LF! OH NO! NOW MY MUM'S TOTALLY GONNA KILL ME!!! I flung myself on my bed and burst into tears. Marcus! Why? Was he cheating on me? After all of this? No. I continued crying so hard that I nearly fell off my bed! And I cried so much that I decided that I needed a big rest. So I covered myself under the blankets and cried myself to sleep without my mum noticing. Now, I knew exactly what being LoveHacked really is.

I felt my hands begin to freeze. I was abandoned and abused by Marcus - AND NOW BY BENJAMIN?!! I can't. I just can't. I couldn't do this. I couldn't risk telling him and showing him my feelings for him. In fact, why should I? He's only a jerk. To me. To all of us girls! Ugh! I quit love! I quit this whole entire relationship! I quit school! I quit everything!!! I'm a mess. I really do hate him! I took back what I said before! I REALLY DO!!! Yes! I was so angry that I immediately grabbed out my phone from my pocket to start texting him on Facebook and talking to him about my feelings for him.

"Benjamin. It's true. I'm sorry but I really do hate you! Yes! I do after what happened three days ago! I don't want to remember anything you said or did to me! Leave me alone! NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN!!! NEVER EVEN THINK OF TOUCHING ME!!! I feel alone now but I'm sorry. I can't be with you anymore. You playing with my feelings kills me and now I'm hurt enough. I'm so sorry but - I can't be friends with you anymore. Goodbye, Benjamin. Have fun being single again - with all the other girls surrounding you. You have no right to be with me anymore. It's over. It's all over."

I closed my phone and started crying my tears out on my bed. I was done with him now. He's going to be so mad at me now. There's no turning back. It's all over.

Later that night, I was out with my friends, Della and Sukah to eat dinner together at a new restaurant that has recently just opened called Om Om's Valley. And yep, I know that name sounded funny. In fact, to top it all off, this is no ordinary restaurant! Oh no no no! Instead, this restaurant includes a playground for kids and a casino for adults! Adults like me. Bruh! At first, when I walked into the restaurant with my best friends, the first thing I noticed was the space. "W - WHAT THE?!! HOW IS THIS? WHY - IS IT SO ENORMOUS?!!!" I asked in shock. My friends Sukah and Della stared at me and Della immediately rolled her eyes at me. Yo, girl! Chill! "Girl, are you seriously out of your mind?!! It's only a restaurant, you idiot! Have you not been to a restaurant before?!!" Della shouted at me as I put my hand over my mouth and gasped. I slapped my face in frustration. Doesn't Della get what I mean?!! OH MY GAWD!!! "Ugh! Della, you idiot! Arrgh! I don't mean that I don't know what a restaurant is! What I meant by is the size of this - HUMONGOUS PLACE!!!" I yelled as loud as I could to Della that even all the guests inside the restaurant could hear my violent voice! Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Great. Now I'm the one that has caused this whole entire mess. It was all because of Della. This is so stupid, unfair and frustrating! All of a sudden, just as I was about to have a little stare at Della, I noticed that somebody was saying, "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! Somebody is not welcome here!" and soon, I saw a man wearing a chef hat and a white suit walking - towards me?!! Oh no! What is he going to do now? Kill me?!! Hurt me?!! Cheat on me?!! Well, of course he is not going to cheat on me because I've never met him before and became his boyfriend but still, it's a possible possibility. Oh, what am I saying? My thoughts were taken aback when suddenly, I gasped when an angry chef was staring in front of me. I jumped in fright and screamed as loud as I could possibly can. I didn't care if this was a restaurant or not but I just had to scream at his angry and disgusting look on his face. Finally, the chef had had enough. "All right! That's enough screaming from you, miss! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!!! GET OUT!!!" his rage was so uncontrollable that his face went completely red and he almost exploded whilst kicking me out of the fancy restaurant. REEEEEEEE!!!! How rude! When I got up again, I watched as my friends were about to thank the chef for their welcome. Really? That's it? All I get is being hurt whilst they get to enter this expensive restaurant?!! I was now in flames. Revenge, girls. Revenge. "Now, I am terribly sorry for that really unhesitating conversation, my dear ladies. Please come in," the chef replied cheerfully with a bow. I gasped and watched speechlessly as my friends rushed excitedly inside the restaurant. My jaw dropped. I was all alone, abandoned and friendless. I quickly rushed to the park that was behind the restaurant and sat on a wooden bench. I was left out in the cold night. It was freezing. The wind blew so strongly that I did not hesitate to shiver. Sprinkles of rain dropped on my head and all of a sudden, the sky had patters of rain pouring down violently. I quickly pulled out my black raincoat. I looked like a fair maiden that is about to go to a cemetery or something like that. Lightning crashed and I avoided just about all of the strikes that tried to attack me. Right now, it was raining heavily and strongly that I could barely see anything now. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrating inside my pocket. I quickly pulled it out and pressed the answer button. "Hello?" I asked on the phone, waiting for a response. "Zoe. It's me," came a familiar response. I immediately recognised who it was and tears of joy suddenly filled my eyes. "Benjamin, it's you!" I cried out with tears of laughter in my voice. "Yes, Zoe. It is! I am so sorry for not catching up with you today. So sorry for hurting your feelings," Benjamin tried bringing back memories to me but I cut him off. "Oh, I remember. I don't anymore. That's for sure. You don't have to apologise but - just forget about me. I've got nothing to do with you. Please go now because I have attempted to suicide myself enough now. I don't want to do it again. Please, just leave me alone. I want to be alone. I need to be alone," my voice cracked again and I was about to cry. I took a sudden sniffle as thunder crashed above me. Benjamin paused for a moment and finally, he was angry with me. Finally! Yes! "If you want to play it that way then fine. I too have enough of you. I am a harm to you and now, you probably hate me now. If you want to play it that way, keep hating me. I don't care anymore. it's over, Zoe. Goodbye," Benjamin spoke in a rather annoyed tone and when we ended the call, I gasped. No! Oh, what have I done?!! I'm such a failure. I didn't mean to tell him that! First, my friends get to enter the restaurant without me and now this. I broke down into tears and flopped myself on the bench. I sobbed as hard as I possibly can. This was too much for me to handle. I've had enough problems now. I just want to be alone now. I want to go home! I don't want to spend time with my friends or my boyfriend now! I just want to go home! I'm having a meltdown. I give up. I really do. I give up on love! I give up on this whole entire relationship! I give up on school! I give up on everything!!! I'm a mess. A total mess. My tears kept falling down my face. I was a harm to everyone and now - everyone hates me because of my horrible actions to them. I give up on everything. I really mean it this time! I'm such a dummy. I want to start swearing now. But I can't. No. Not even when I'm all alone, sitting in the middle of nowhere during a big storm. I tried to forget all memories of me and Benjamin but I couldn't. Instead, I was remembering one that made me regret my hurtful action and made me want to apologise to him. The person I truly and dearly love.

After a romantic dinner, me and Benjamin went out for a walk in the park. We saw birds in the pond, we came across a bridge and we even saw birds that were in love with each other dearly which kinda represents us but I don't know if that's right. It kinda is. But - too bad we're not birds! Cause if we are, then we'll be famous! Oops. Did I say it right? Anyways, we stopped halfway to rest. I was out of breath cause I did jog most of the track. We sat on a royal white bench, talking to each other about the date. "So, how was it?" Benjamin asked me, again with the most sweetest voice of his. "It was wonderful! I loved it! Oh, thank you, Benjamin!" I replied, happily. "Now, I just wanna do something I wish I could do for a very long time," he said, gently. "And what's - that?" I asked. "You'll find out," Benjamin whispered. And he slowly started closer to me and closed his eyes. I had no idea what we were doing until I too began to close my eyes and - we kissed. I wanted to say to Benjamin "Ewww!!! Gross!!!" but today was different. I knew he would do that. I wanted to do that again. My eyes sparkled to Benjamin's. Benjamin smiled at me, kindly. "Goodbye, Benjamin," I replied. "I'll see you on Monday, cause Friday is Valentine's Day holidays." "Yeah. I'll see you on Monday, hopefully," Benjamin spoke. And as we say goodbye, we escaped back to our homes, still with dreamy eyes. Benjamin was doing the same but he soon hatched an evil plan in his own mind.

The last sentence made me cry gallons of tears. No, Zoe, you need to stop yourself from crying, alright? You need to keep going. You need to stand up again. You need to be yourself. And once I spoke to myself, I dried my tears and stood up. I was ready to do this. I was ready to get back to my friends. I was ready to take revenge.

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