Chapter 10

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I can't believe what I was seeing in front of me. It was the one and only person who wanted to date me. I thought he was a charming and handsome person who would care about me and today, his actions went way too far. I tried to speak to him but I was too afraid to tell him how I feel. His eyes, his smile and his face were the only reasons why I didn't want to tell him. He was too - hot. His face was too close to me as if he wanted to give me a kiss. But I told myself bravely, "No way! There is no way that I am kissing him! No way!" But what do I expect? People laughing at me while I actually kiss him?!! Nope. She's stiff. There's no way I'm even getting into that territory. Then, I would imagine that I was in the girl's bathroom and think about my future until, of course, he would show up out of nowhere and then, try to kiss me! And then what? Freak out and ask him what he was doing in the girl's bathroom?!! My thoughts were getting way too far so I had to get them out of my mind and focus on what he's doing to me right now. And once again, he was pinning me against the wall and attempting to try and kiss me in front of the bathroom door. I would also expect my mother would come any moment and be like OH MY GOD!!! Why is there a shirtless boy in our bathroom?!! And the answer is so simple. I almost couldn't breathe when I walked in this room before. I have had enough. "Get out." I spoke silently to Benjamin. "Oh, why would I?" he asked me in a voice that sounded as accurate as a hot guy. I almost couldn't speak. I almost lost my voice! "GET OUT!!!" I gave a sudden scream at him but Benjamin wouldn't budge. He just stayed at the same spot. "Look, if you don't get out of here, my mother would see you and we'll both get into trouble!" I whispered gently in his ear. "Uhh - WHAT IS GOING ON?" came a voice behind us. Oh no! It sounded familiar! It sounded like - "MOTHER!!! H - HI!!! SO SORRY ABOUT THIS DRAMA!!!" I laughed nervously at my startled mother. "I told you, Miss that I didn't want to see him in my house! And - you disobeyed along with him being naked! Why are you not the daughter I used to have? ARE YOU GAY?!!" my mother yelled at me angrily. She freaked out like a crazy science teacher in a burning lab! The last word she said to me was what shocked me. WHAT? GAY?!! But my mother is so polite. She would never say such a thing like that. But now, she did - in front of me and Benjamin! I was so embarrassed that I rushed into my bedroom and burst into tears. Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, my mother was yelling angrily at Benjamin. "Listen, young man! I DON'T WANT YOU IN MY HOUSE!!! AWAY WITH YOU!!! BE GONE!!! And NEVER COME BACK HERE TO HARASS MY DAUGHTER EVER AGAIN, UNDERSTAND?!!" Benjamin was sweating from head to neck and he went red with anger. He was so angry that he broke the window and jumped out. My mother was so furious that she decided to block every single entrance in our house using a nail and a hammer. Soon, she found me crying on my bed and was kind enough to make the teacher mark me absent (parent explained). I leapt into her arms and hugged her tightly with tears of joy in my eyes. My mother too had tears in her eyes. I was so upset today that I was in bed for the whole entire day. Days went by and soon, it was Monday again. I sat up on my bed with tired eyes. I looked stupid. In fact, I looked so stupid that I wasn't even in the mood to go to school today. But I had to or else I would get into really big trouble. So, I reluctantly got up and did the usuals before walking straight to school. When I reached school in time, I found out that Della wasn't here because she was sick. OMG!!! Great job, Della. Thank you for not making me get the disgusting corona. I was still thinking about what happened yesterday as I walked down the school hallways with my science books in my hands.

I can't believe what I was seeing in front of me. It was the one and only person who wanted to date me. I thought he was a charming and handsome person who would care about me and today, his actions went way too far. I tried to speak to him but I was too afraid to tell him how I feel. His eyes, his smile and his face were the only reasons why I didn't want to tell him. He was too - hot. His face was too close to me as if he wanted to give me a kiss. But I told myself bravely, "No way! There is no way that I am kissing him! No way!" But what do I expect? People laughing at me while I actually kiss him?!! Nope. She's stiff. There's no way I'm even getting into that territory. Then, I would imagine that I was in the girl's bathroom and think about my future until, of course, he would show up out of nowhere and then, try to kiss me! And then what? Freak out and ask him what he was doing in the girl's bathroom?!! My thoughts were getting way too far so I had to get them out of my mind and focus on what he's doing to me right now. And once again, he was pinning me against the wall and attempting to try and kiss me in front of the bathroom door. I would also expect my mother would come any moment and be like OH MY GOD!!! Why is there a shirtless boy in our bathroom?!! And the answer is so simple. I almost couldn't breathe when I walked in this room before. I have had enough. "Get out." I spoke silently to Benjamin. "Oh, why would I?" he asked me in a voice that sounded as accurate as a hot guy. I almost couldn't speak. I almost lost my voice! "GET OUT!!!" I gave a sudden scream at him but Benjamin wouldn't budge. He just stayed at the same spot. "Look, if you don't get out of here, my mother would see you and we'll both get into trouble!" I whispered gently in his ear. "Uhh - WHAT IS GOING ON?" came a voice behind us. Oh no! It sounded familiar! It sounded like - "MOTHER!!! H - HI!!! SO SORRY ABOUT THIS DRAMA!!!" I laughed nervously at my startled mother. "I told you, Miss that I didn't want to see him in my house! And - you disobeyed along with him being naked! Why are you not the daughter I used to have? ARE YOU GAY?!!" my mother yelled at me angrily. She freaked out like a crazy science teacher in a burning lab! The last word she said to me was what shocked me. WHAT? GAY?!! But my mother is so polite. She would never say such a thing like that. But now, she did - in front of me and Benjamin! I was so embarrassed that I rushed into my bedroom and burst into tears. 

I was so embarrassed about what happened yesterday. I hoped Benjamin was alright. I hoped he made it out safely. I had lots of questions in my mind right now. I was silent for the whole entire day of school. I never talked in class, well, not in general but I still felt invisible in my heart. Every time I saw Benjamin, I would just feel - empty. I didn't want to take this anymore. No. I felt down. I didn't want to ruin Benjamin's day. I saw that he was also like me, deep down into depression. When I got home today, my mind was filled with so many thoughts that tears filled my eyes and with one last breath, I fell to the ground.

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