Chapter 9

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The next morning. I woke up with a start and checked my watch. It's 7:30 in the morning. Back to relaxation time!

An hour later. OMG!!! HAVE TO HURRY!!! I am going to be so late! Yep. Me on Monday was the same me on Thursday. Five minutes later. I was at school. Beep! Didn't take so long - unless if I took the bus, I would actually be very late. If I wanted to be here earlier than 8:40 in the morning, then I would definitely need a rocket or spaceship or flying saucer or maybe even a time machine. Who knows?

Anyway, I was expecting school to be very noisy and there would be party noise everywhere I go. Even in the hallways! But today, everything changed. Everywhere I wandered about was really quiet. Where were all the children? Was today a holiday instead of a school day? I'd be saved if it was. Cause I don't wanna learn. I wanna be a beauty queen now and just chill like no one was around me.

I was about to leave when - OMG! Something was dragging my hand. But who? No other than - "BENJAMIN?!!" I screamed, shocked to see his dreamy eyes stare upon me. "You - you're here?!!"

"Yea. If it was a school day, then why wouldn't I be here?" he replied with the most charming voice. Was I flirting with him? No. I couldn't be flirting with him. I'm in high school. What could possibly go wrong?

After a sudden moment of not speaking, I replied to him with a beautiful and sweet voice, "Never mind. So, today, I was wondering why yesterday, everyone was very loud at school and today, it seems like nobody is at school today. Maybe there is a special occasion happening? Who knows?"

"There's no one here because there is a special occasion happening today," Benjamin said with a smile on his face. 'Well, what's that?" I asked him, gently. "Today is Valentine's Day!" he cheered as he handed me a rose. "And this is for you. Happy Valentine's Day, my love!"

I looked happily at the roses and my eyes sparkled. "OMG! These are so amazing! Thank you, Benjamin!" I screamed as I held the roses in my hands. As I did, I saw a note fall out of the roses. I picked it up and read it:

Dear Zoe,

Your beauty makes me smile everyday - even though it is the first week back at school. I still love you with all my heart. Please, will you be my valentine?

With all your sweet dreams, Benjamin.

Seeing this made my eyes fill with happy tears as I threw the note away and rushed to hug him. "Oh, thank you, Benjamin! I - I love you too!" I sobbed as my tears wet Benjamin's suit uniform. He was wearing a blue suit with black pants and a black bow. I was also in my valentine's day costume and you would not believe who I was. I was an angel!

I was wearing a beautiful white dress with white wings, a yellow halo and white glass slippers. I got these glass slippers from the production "Cinderella" last year because - well one, I played as Cinderella and two, the drama teacher was so proud of me that he even asked me if I was an actor of something like that. I told the drama teacher that Cinderella was one of my all time favourite stories and Cinderella was my favourite character from the story.

I was daydreaming, happily when suddenly, I gasped. I was back at school instead of being congratulated of playing as Cinderella.

Then, I heard Benjamin's voice. "Zoe. Do you like the note I wrote for you?" I was staring at the floor and blushing at the same time. Benjamin was waiting for a response when I suddenly replied, "Oh! I'm sorry! Yes! I do love it! Oh, thank you, Benjamin! You're the best!" But what Benjamin and I didn't know was that Marcus was watching us talking to each other. He stormed off angrily to the boy's bathroom and grumbled to himself, "Benjamin doesn't deserve her! I should deserve her! Not him! Whatever, he's a jerk! I promise, Zoe that someday, wherever I am, I will get you back!"

Meanwhile, I was with Benjamin, laughing about as we talked about our feelings when Benjamin suddenly asked me a very great question that burned my heart. "Do you - wanna - date me?" he asked me in a nervous tone.

I paused, thinking WHAT THE HECK WAS HE ASKING?!! But today wasn't like that anymore.

Instead, after a minute, I responded in a happy tone, saying, "YES!!!" "Really? That's wonderful! Let's meet up at a restaurant at - uh - 6:30pm!" he whispered to me in my ear. "Sure!" I replied, cheerfully. "Great! Now, we better get to class - oh!" he paused. "Before we do, let's go and watch the Valentine's Day Parade together. Sounds like a plan?"

I shrugged and told him, "It would be wonderful to watch the Valentine's Day Parade with you! I'm buying it!" I smiled at him as Benjamin replied, "Okay, let's go before our classes start!"

Benjamin and I were soon watching the Valentine's Day Parade. OMG! It was a dream come true! We had a great time and I had no problems with classes - well I did when I got too excited for the date during a spelling test. Oops.

But anyway, I went straight home without Benjamin having to pin me against the wall again - only because of the date. But when my mum found out that we were dating, she was furious! "Zoe! You can't be dating during high school!" she yelled at me. "I'm - sorry," I replied in a melancholy tone. "Very well. Now you'll not be going out on that date. Understood?" she said, coldly. "Yes, mother," I replied, quietly. "Good. Now go to your room," my mother instructed me.

So I did. Darn it! I wanted to go to that date - plus it's 6:00pm! But my stupid mum wouldn't let me! I felt like a prisoner. As I sat on my bed, tears streamed down my face. I was all alone with no friends - and no social media.

Soon, it was 6:30pm and I was studying on my "Pride and Prejudice" project when suddenly, an idea popped into my head. That's it! I could sneak out of my house without mother noticing and then, I would be talking and chatting with the dreamy guy at school. But first, I needed to wear something fancy. Something that would sparkle Benjamin's eyes out.

I sneaked out of my room, slowly and came across my mother's room since I don't have a dress at all - apart from my angel dress, my Ms Claus dress and my witch costume. Nah. All of these would look silly. Plus, holidays are not up yet! Nah uh! Not wearing these to the date, thank you!

Anyway, as I was saying, I sneaked in my mother's room and quickly searched from her cupboard. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Ah - ha! I found it! A very fancy dress. Plus - it's white. Operation: Beautiful Dress complete! Got ya! Now, all I have to do is dress up! But where? I don't want my mother to notice me wearing her own dress! I need to keep it hidden.

I was about to give up hope when suddenly, BOOM! Another idea popped into my head! You can do this, Zoe! I rushed out of my mother's bedroom and closed the door behind me. I ran down the stairs, only to find mother in the kitchen! This was my chance! I can do this!

I was about to open the door to escape when I heard footsteps coming to - oh no! Mother! I have to run! I was about to hide in the toilet when my mother suddenly found me!

"And what do you think you're doing, Zoe?" she asked me, suspiciously. "Nothing, mother! I was just going to the toilet, that's all!" I lied with a nervous laugh. My mother put her hands on her hips for a moment and finally, she replied, "Ok. But be quick!" And with that spoken, she left.

When I thought that the coast was clear, I ran outside, took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. I took a risky step and as I closed the door without mother noticing, I ran out into the night. OMG! That was so close! Now, I can finally go out on that date that I promised Benjamin that I would come! Yep. I'm coming, baby! But I just remembered! I can't go out in this costume! I need to change, quickly! It's 6:45pm!

I looked around town for any sign of a toilet and here it was, a dirty toilet in front of me. I rushed into the bathroom to change and vola! I was in my mother's beautiful dress! And wait! You ask me where the other angel costume is - eh? Well, I did bring a spare bag to put in my other dress so I suppose that I can use it to put in my angel costume too.

Soon, it was 7:00pm and I was standing in front of a royal hall. I was starting to think that this wasn't a restaurant anymore but instead was my dream castle until a real butler showed up, asking me if I was going on a date with my boyfriend. OMG, who were these people? Mortals?

"Uh - yes! I'm having a date with my boyfriend. And that's two seats!" I replied, politely to the butler. "Of course! The date night seats are over here!" said the butler, kindly. "Now, enjoy your date!" I wanted to say thank you to him but I was too excited that I didn't get the chance.

I was standing in the most beautiful room I have ever seen. I started looking for my boyfriend and almost gave up until I reached the last table.

And there he was, sitting on a gorgeous pink table with two royal red chairs. He looked sad. He seemed like he was about to leave because of me. But nope. I did message him an apology on Facebook - but I don't think he read it yet. And finally, his eyes laid on me. He looked so charming. More like a prince. He was sitting on the right and I sat on the left. I discovered that he was waiting for a response from me again. I started in a not so good way. "Hello, Benjamin! Sorry I took so long. I was busy with my homework but now I'm here!"

"Zoe. You didn't remember our date, did you?" Benjamin asked with promising eyes. "Uh - yea! I didn't! Haha!" I replied, followed by a nervous laugh. "Ok! Anyways, how was your day, princess?" he asked me, returning with a smile on his face.

"Thanks for asking me, Benjamin! It was - fine! What about yours?" I told him, eyes meeting upon each others. "It was great! I especially loved the parade. I love spending time with you the most other than all the other girls at school," Benjamin whispered in my ear. "Keep it a secret, okay?" Benjamin gave me a cheeky wink. I was not surprised.

"Ok, so what did you order for me?" I asked him with a smile. "I ordered your favourites! You'll like them for sure!" he said, dreamily. "Oh really?" I picked on him. "Oh, stop that! Anyways, I ordered two strawberry milkshakes with pancakes, chicken rice with tomato sauce and potatoes," he replied, followed by a shrug and a wink.

I rolled my eyes but did care, to be honest. Just then, a butler came in with our order and replied kindly, "Your meal is ready! Enjoy, lovebirds!" I was super excited and dug in. But Benjamin did not eat a single thing. He was too busy watching me with a smile on his face. He looked so dreamy! Oh boy! Eventually, he finally dug in!

As we ate, romantic music played and I even wanted to dance. But this was a restaurant and everyone here is eating. So we need to be real quiet, just like them.

After a romantic dinner, me and Benjamin went out for a walk in the park. We saw birds in the pond, we came across a bridge and we even saw birds that were in love with each other dearly which kinda represents us but I don't know if that's right. It kinda is. But - too bad we're not birds! Cause if we are, then we'll be famous! Oops. Did I say it right?

Anyways, we stopped halfway to rest. I was out of breath cause I did jog most of the track. We sat on a royal white bench, talking to each other about the date. "So, how was it?" Benjamin asked me, again with the most sweetest voice of his.

"It was wonderful! I loved it! Oh, thank you, Benjamin!" I replied, happily. "Now, I just wanna do something I wish I could do for a very long time," he said, gently. "And what's - that?" I asked. "You'll find out," Benjamin whispered.

And he slowly started closer to me and closed his eyes. I had no idea what we were doing until I too began to close my eyes and - we kissed.

I wanted to say to Benjamin "Ewww!!! Gross!!!" but today was different. I knew he would do that. I wanted to do that again. My eyes sparkled to Benjamin's. Benjamin smiled at me, kindly.

"Goodbye, Benjamin," I replied. "I'll see you on Monday, cause Friday is Valentine's Day holidays." "Yeah. I'll see you on Monday, hopefully," Benjamin spoke. And as we say goodbye, we escaped back to our homes, still with dreamy eyes. Benjamin was doing the same but he soon hatched an evil plan in his own mind.

The next morning, it was Friday and I woke up, again with a start. I was not expecting this but as soon as I was about to use the bathroom, I froze and immediately started screaming. It was Benjamin! HOW ON EARTH DID HE COME INTO MY HOUSE?!! And why is he - NAKED?!! "Sup, Zoe?" he spoke with a start. I said nothing. All I could do was stare at him with shocked eyes.

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