Chapter 8

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Benjamin was just in time to stab me with his sharp knife. This is it. My reputation is ruined. My life is ruined. It's over. I'm dead. His knife was about to hit my chest when I suddenly dodged his knife and avoided getting killed!

OMG. I did it. I got out of danger. Although I still had blood on my uniform, I was able to stand up and smack Benjamin right on the face. He too had blood dripping but - all over his face! Ewwww! GROSS! Benjamin took his hand out of his pocket -  and rubbed the blood off his face?!! Oh, by the way, you heard about the coronavirus - right?!! Do you have it, cause Benjamin definitely has it. If you were me, don't touch people like him. Otherwise trust me, you'll get the same result as him. And I really do not care. I don't. Good thing I mentioned that. Or - not. Oof. I feel ridiculous when I try to talk to myself. Stop that, Zoe! Stop that, I say!

Benjamin stared at me, again with a "she's a crazy person" face. Okay. I should stop now. "Benjamin," I started with a shrug. "Do you - love me? Like - really?" He looked at me with dreamy eyes and a hot smile.

"Why's that?" he finally replied to me. His eyes and smile were still there on his face. " I - I don't - know," I shivered, staring at the floor and looked back at him. "Well, take your time. No need to rush," Benjamin replied kindly to me with a friendly smile on his face. We stared at each other for a moment, both waiting for each other to talk when suddenly, my heart started beating as fast as the wind could carry me. I could feel the butterflies in my tummy. I wanted to rub my painful tummy. So, I did whilst trying to avoid touching my breasts. It seemed impossible, now that he was near me. I was so shocked and ran away in shame.

Benjamin tried to follow me. I kept running and didn't look behind me. No. Not even once. But just as I was about to hide in one of the classrooms, Benjamin dragged me out, saying, "Come on. Don't be a scaredy - cat. And remember, don't go into other classrooms unless you really need to go for your next class." Benjamin replied to me, still having the same smile on his face.

"Now, where were we? Oh, yes! I was about to ask you if you were in love with me - and you said no. But, don't worry. Second chances are always there for you. And not just for you. It's for all of us who live together in piece and harmony!"

I gasped. I knew I shouldn't have said those rude words to him. I felt guilty as tears sprang to my eyes. "I - I. Oh, what is happening to me?" I sobbed hardly as I hugged my opponent. "Looks like we're soulmates, now," Benjamin replied kindly.

I kept crying as I asked, "We - we are?" Benjamin freezes for a moment. Then, he put his blood - stained knife in his pocket. "I - I don't understand," he replied softly, feeling shocked to her such a thing come out of my mouth. We paused for a moment, looking at each other's eyes dreamily. But not a single word came out from our mouths ever again.

After a while, Benjamin stopped talking to me and walked away. His expression seemed mad. Was I patrolling him? I was so shocked and speechless that I rushed into the bathroom and began to cry, looking at my useless, tear - stained reflection.

No Sukah today, either. I was so miserable that I couldn't stop crying. As I sobbed, I could feel a thought pop into my head. Maybe he was still there if I could refresh my memory and remember a memory of us talking to each other. Yes! That's it! Soon, I took a deep breath and began to close my eyes. A memory was coming into my head.

"OK, BENJAMIN," I replied loudly. "Can I pretty please with a cherry on top go back to my house? PRETTY PLEASE?" I looked at him with promising and blinking eyes. Benjamin stared at me for like about another half an hour of my time when finally, he said, "Anything for my future girlfriend." W - WHAT JUST HAPPENED? DID HE JUST SAY "FUTURE GIRLFRIEND"?!! Nah uh! THERE IS NO WAY THAT THAT IS HAPPENING. "EXCUSE ME!!! I WILL GET OUT MY RULER AND W-" I paused and thought for a minute. Come on. My thought is going to be violent. Plus the teacher would probably give me detention the next time I go to school. "Fine. I will think about it tomorrow," I replied. "BUT ONLY TOMORROW. UNDERSTOOD?" Benjamin shrugged and after a moment finally replied "Yes."

No. I didn't mean it, Benjamin. I have learned my place. I can't lose you. I didn't mean to be so harsh on you. I - I was just - violent. My mind was starting to swell up. I couldn't stop thinking about him.

I was so upset that I didn't come home for dinner. Instead, I sat on a bench and thought about how to get Benjamin back again. I felt like two people. One good and one bad. I finally had a thought come into my mind. I could call him and apologise.

Oh - but I can't. It's my first time calling to him and I don't even know his phone number. Finally, after a while of thinking about how to get the bad boy back, my phone starting beeping. I was sleeping during the ringing but I suddenly woke up and realised where I was. I need to be back at home, now! But I have to take this phone class first!

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and - OMG! What - is - going - on?!! It's not true! HOW?!! HOW DOES THIS FREAK'IN BAD BOY KNOW MY PHONE NUMBER?!! Maybe he just guessed. Or not. Wait - does that mean he was stalking me this whole time?!! And here he was, trying to call me. Ok, take a deep breath, Zoe. You can do it. All you need to do is just send him an apology. Yeah. That's it. Now - go!

But, I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. The nerves. They bother me. A lot. I shivered and froze. My phone was still beeping, but I couldn't press this darn "accept call" button! Ugh! Come on, Zoe! I said press this button now! OMG, are you listening to me? Zoe, OMG! ANSWER THE PHONE!!! I was saying to myself sarcastically.

I took a deep breath and with closed eyes, pressed the "accept button" and took the phone call. Phew! That was risky! In fact, way too risky! Hahaha! That was another joke of mine. After ten minutes, Benjamin finally picked up! Yay. I gave a nervous laugh just as the phone call was about to begin.

"Zoe! Hi! You finally picked up!" Benjamin spoke, followed by a nervous laugh. "Uh, hi Benjamin?" I spoke in a funny tone. "So, sorry I hadn't picked up for a while but, yeah. About what happened today. We were both kinda overwhelmed. I - to be honest, I - ," I paused. "I have feelings for you and I didn't mean to be really harsh on you. I - I love you."

Benjamin was very shocked to hear what I just said. He then held out a rose. "Here. This is a reward for being so honest to me," he replied with the most dreamy voice. His tone made my eyes glitter like the stars. I felt like I was in heaven. But instead, it was the night that awaited me as I soon realised that I needed to be home by 10:00pm. And look what it says on my watch now! 10:30pm. I am shock.

"Awww, Benjamin! You shouldn't have! Plus, I have to go back home soon! My mum will be worried sick again. I better hurry because at 11:00pm, my mum would be back at home from her job and would check that I have fallen asleep. And if I can't, then my mother would be yelling at me like crazy in the ear!" I screamed, anxiously.

"Very well, then. Let's talk another time. Tudaloo, princess!" he replied, hanging up. "Tudaloo," I screeched with a yawn. Plus - he just called me princess! OMG! No one can call me such things, you idiot! Only my boyfriend can call me that! But who was my boyfriend? That would be a question with an answer for another time, thank you very much!

I returned home and quickly caught on my "Pride and Prejudice" book before closing it down and getting ready to go to sleep. But the only problem was, I couldn't go to sleep. Instead, I stayed up, thinking about the hot guy, Benjamin. Was he stalking all the girls again? No. Not in the middle of the night. I thought about it for a while and when I was comfortable enough about it, I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.

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