Chapter 6

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As soon as Ms Belle fired her cannon, I started running off like a bullet and that no girl ever has. I ran as quick as the wind, heart beating quickly and adrenaline popping in my chest. When I noticed I was halfway to the end of the track, I stopped for a drink and started running again. I didn't turn back at any point. I ran without stopping, heart pounding. I panted as I took each run until finally, I saw the end. It was coming closer to me, like the stars could touch me.

I was so close! Although pain was in my neck, I didn't stop nor turn back until I reached the end of the track back to where we started. At the oval. "That was fun!" Ms Belle cheered. Really? Running was fun? Making me sweat was fun? Being first because of that was fun? I'm not buying it. But to be honest, this race was kinda like a roller coaster. And in fact, I came first this year! Woohoo! Ok, I should shush now cause all the girls are whispering and gossiping about me coming first (and Della hates gossip.)

"How? How did she get first? I wanna try her skill." "Yea, me too, Christie!" It's no fair! How come she get first this year? I should have been just like her!" "OMG, Agatha! Just look at her with the shiniest medal of all that says 1st! I - AM - SHOCK!!!" "SHUT UP, MARYROSE! It's only a - oh, you're right! Wait, 1st?!! B - But I - ugh! No fair! HOW DOES SHE GET FIRST?!!" "THE NEXT TIME CROSS COUNTRY RUNS AT GIRL GUIDES, I'M GONNA MAKE SURE SHE DOESN'T RUIN MY SCORE AGAIN FOR DEPUTY!!!"

"ALL RIGHT, GIRLS!!! CALM DOWN!!!" shouted Ms Belle in shock. "WHO'S IN CHARGE OF THIS?!!" Everyone put their faces straight at me. "Zoe," replied Ms Belle as she suddenly lost her cheerful manner. "That - was," she paused in silence for a minute. Oh no. Was I gonna die? Is this my last day that I will be alive? Will I get dumped? Big oof.

I was about to scream when all of a sudden, Ms Belle yelled out, "AMAZING, ZOE!!! THAT WAS THE BEST RUN THAT I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! Well done!!!" OMG. For real? I was a star? W - what? But, I thought that I was gonna fail the run. Well, I guess. Yay. That's it. That's cross country. I did it. I DID IT. I - DID - IT!!!

I squealed with joy as all the other girls began to cheer at me. They threw their caps into the air and carried me. I felt like touching the sky - or the stars, if it was nighttime but it's obviously not. Sunlight dawned at me. The sky was orange and pink all the same. I smiled as tears came into my happy eyes. I was so happy that I did it.

"And one more announcement before you start going back to your happy homes!" Ms Belle boomed at the speaker. "Zoe, since you've came first, I would like to proudly announce that you are going to division. Training starts next week! Don't forget and good night!" Wait - division?!! I can't believe it. I was going to division! I squealed some more as more tears came into my eyes.

I was so happy that I've completely forgot about Marcus and Benjamin teasing me earlier. THIS WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!! I rushed to high - five all the girls in my group and I was super excited when I suddenly heard a beep! and my mum's voice shouting, "COME ON, ZOE! LET'S GO HOME!" I happily said goodbye to my friends and rushed to the car with my shiny golden medal saying 1st. I proudly showed it to mum.

She went quiet for a minute and replied, "For real? My daughter came first? At cross country?" I nodded my head, afraid that she would have never noticed me cheering with the other girls as I too replied quietly, "Yes, mum. I did." I have lost all happiness as I said this. Mum is gonna be super mad at me. But to my surprise, she wasn't. She stood there, speechless.

A minute or two passed by when she finally squealed, "ZOE!!!" She rushed to hug me with tears in her eyes. "Mummy is so proud of you! How could you manage to do this?!!" I told her all about my story of how I ran, paused to take a break, ran again and finally, here I was.

"Zoe. As a reward, I'll buy you some ice cream for dinner!" my mum happily announced. OMG. My mum has never bought me ice cream for dinner before. And finally, she did. We drove off to an ice cream parlour, happily licked some ice cream down and drove all the way back home. When we got home, I was extremely exhausted. So, I watched some TV with dad for an hour and fell fast asleep.

The next morning...  

I woke up with a start like I usually do. Today is Wednesday. Yay. I have messy hair like always (cause it's bedhair!) and we have Humanities again! At the start of the day. Woohoo. I checked the time: 7:30 in the morning.

I quickly brushed my teeth, got dressed, ate breakfast and opened up my computer. As I did that, I checked the time yet again. I'm so obsessed with time, I'm sorry! P.S don't blame me! 8:00 in the morning. I started researching about my CAT01- Creative "Pride and Prejudice" Story - which is my English writing. And also, I have to read "Pride and Prejudice" before I start this project - ya know. So I grabbed my Puffin Classics edition of Pride and Prejudice and started to read:

"At five o'clock the two ladies retired to dress, and at half past six Elizabeth was summoned to dinner. To the civil inquiries which then poured in, and amongst which she had the pleasure of distinguishing the much superior solicitude of Mr. Bingley's, she could not make a very favourable answer. Jane was by no means better. The sisters,on hearing this, repeated three or four times how much they were grieved, how shocking it was to have a bad cold, and how excessively they disliked being ill themselves; and then thought no more of the matter: and their indifference towards Jane when not immediately before them restored Elizabeth to the enjoyment of all her former dislike. Their brother, indeed, was the only one of the party whom she could regard with any complacency. His anxiety for Jane was evident, and his attentions to herself most pleasing, and they prevented her feeling herself so much an intruder as she believed she was considered by the others. She had very little notice from any but him. Miss Bingley was engrossed by Mr. Darcy, her sister scarcely less so; and as for Mr. Hurst, by whom Elizabeth sat, he was an indolent man, who lived only to eat, drink, and play at cards; who,when he found her to prefer a plain dish to a ragout, had nothing to say to her."

I was about to turn to the next page when suddenly, a sudden scream came out from the corner of the room. I put down my book and turned to see who was in the bathroom. It was my mum! "Mum, are you alright?" I cried as I saw her mascara ruined face. "Help, sweetie!" she sobbed. I stared at the mirror in horror!

Did mum ruin her makeup with mascara?!! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I immediately rushed to help mum remove her makeup for work and we both rushed to the car. I didn't want to walk to school today because of yesterday.

So, since my mum is kind enough to give me a lift on her car, I guess not today. When we got to school, I realised that Della was crying next to my locker. "What's up, Della?" I asked in shock. Uh oh. Something tells me that something is really going on with her...

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