Unexpected Meetings

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~+few years later+~

A few years pass by without Tom.

Matt watched as Edd tried to cope with his best friend being gone. Drowning himself with his drawings and animations when he could. Other times he would go on dates with Tord to try and get his mind off his friend missing out of their fun adventures.

As for Tord, going on dates was one of his ways to silently cope with Tom's missing presence. Without him in the house triggered new reactions that surprised Edd and Matt.

The horned haired man would sometimes be really quiet. One reaction that caught them off caught was the fact he tried calling them by nicknames they associated with, such as "Cola addict" or "Narcissist" to Edd and Matt. The ginger wanted to think this was Tord's way of trying to fill the fight void that Tom left within him. It's not like Tord could call Tom "Jehovah's Witness" or "Alcoholic" anymore now that their blue friend is gone.

There was one time where it had gotten so bad he tried to put up a verbal fight with Edd. It took Edd and Matt to stop their friend from going overboard with his words before they could turn into physical fighting.

Five years later, now in the present, the three of them are on one of Edd's many plans for a random adventure today.

However, they were sad to find out their trip would be cut short when their destination had an accident. There had been a random shooter who had killed six and injured three people in the crowd coming in and out of the building.

"Aww man, they closed it down for the day because of the shooter." Edd pouts seeing security cars around with police tape covering some areas to keep people from coming close to the crime scene.

Matt puts a hand on Edd's shoulder, "We can always come back another time Edd."

"I guess," The brunet said slightly disappointed.

With his arms crossed, Tord hums as he over looks the crime scene. The shooter really did a messy job by the looks of the blood and stray bullets on the ground.

The sound of police cars come their way, three to be exact. All of them pull up to the curb, turning their sirens off yet keeping their blue and red flashing lights on.

A man with black hair comes out of the first car from the passenger's side, his hair gelled back with a firm gaze. More officers come out from the two other cars behind the first car, all of them being order by the first officer who came out.

"All of you have your jobs assigned, let's get to work."

"Yes sir!" The group of four disperse to do their part in handling the crime scene.

The driver of the first car comes out with a sigh as he runs his fingers through his hair. "Zack did you get them to disperse?"

"Yes Blue."

"Good, I'll handle getting the shooter to the car to transport back to the jail cell. Then I'm gonna wait for further orders from the higher ups once we get back to base."

The sound of the slightly familiar voice has the three friends turning their heads to the person who seems to be the captain of the group.

Light brown hair, dressed in a white dress shirt and black slacks. The belt around his waist holding a couple of stuff an officer should be carrying around, a black tie hanging around his neck, and harnesses strapped to the upper half of his body that held one gun holster.


Said officer turns around and his black eyes widen seeing his old friends here at the scene.

Edd slowly makes his way over to their long lost friend, "Tom, is that you?"

Tom looks always from them by turning his head to the side. How long has it been since he's seen his best friend's face?

"Edd?" Tom said almost quietly with a questionably tone wondering why his best friend is at the crime scene. He looks at the ginger standing slightly behind the brunet who had followed, "Matt?"

Edd ran up to Tom first and hugged his best friend tightly. "Tom, oh my gosh, I never thought I'd see you again." His mother bear hug had the head cop lose his breath. "You never said goodbye or-or called... not even a text or a letter!"

Tom felt bad his best friend is still sad about his sudden leave, especially when he didn't say anything to him about leaving during the night. When he had left he had made sure to clear everything about him to start anew. His phone number got changed along with any other type of communication and location.

He hugs his friend back as he lets the feeling of his old friend envelope him warmly, "I'm sorry Edd."

The brunet cried into his shoulder as his hug got a little tighter around Tom. He didn't want to let go fearing this all may be a dream to him.

"You left without a word."

Tom looks to the third person of the group. He didn't look surprised at him, just giving Tord a blank look. His voided eyes meeting silver ones...

"I had many things to say to Edd, but not to you."

Tord narrows his eyes at Tom when he says that as a feeling of anger befalls on him. Before the Norwegian man could do or say anything, Tom pulls away from Edd to bring one hand to his mouth to clear his throat.

"Forgive me, I'm still a bit sick."

"You're still sick Tom?" Matt questions as he comes closer to Tom to hold his arm in concern. 'I thought by now he would have done something about the flowers. It's been five years already.' He thought to himself before realizing he made a slip of the tongue.

"Still sick?" Tord says suspicious. His silver eyes looking back and forth between the ginger and sandy hair brunet slowly.

Edd looks at his friend with tears eyes, "Is that why you left?"

Tom shook his head while Matt was internally panicking. "No! I'm definitely not sick!" He quickly tells them to relieve the situation. "Matt knew I was a bit sick with a cold when I left. He must have thought I was still sick from what I had a few years ago."

"That's right!" Matt agrees with an awkward laugh which makes it hard for those to actually believe but thankfully enough, the two bought the bait.

Tom looks around and realizes he's still at the crime scene. "Look guys it was nice seeing you again, but-"

"Blue, look out! The culprits trying to make a break for it!" One of the other officers surveying the area exclaims in their direction.

Tom firmly goes into his cop mode as he sees the shooter running his way. "Oh no you don't!" He runs towards the guy quickly, the other man trying to run the other direction when he notices Tom trying to tackle him down. As Tom gets close enough to the shooter, he grabs the shooters arm and skillfully throws tre man over his shoulder on to his back against the concrete. Thus pins the guy's arm behind his back with a warning force making it hurt some.

"Let me go!"

"Hmm, you killed six people, wounded three... I don't see you worthy as someone to let go." Tom says and hums right after in a casual tone.

"Fuck you ya demon eyed cop!"

Tom rolls his eyes and makes the shooter stand back on his feet before taking him over to the police car. He pushes the culprit against the car hood reciting the man's rights. "Let hope you find a good lawyer to get you out of this mess. Remember you have the right to remain silent, anything said will be used against you in court." No doubt in Tom's mind this man would possibly be sent to prison for life. Tom cuffed the man's wrist together and made him stand again, escorting him to the back of the police car.

Once the man is seated in the back of the main police car he looks to the three men. "I need to get going now." He tells them with small smile.

Edd, not wanting to lose his friend without any contact goes over to him. "Um, let's hangout sometime... you know when you're free from work?"

Tom ruffles up Edd's hair with a kind smile. "Maybe once in awhile we can see each other." He looks over to Matt when they seem to catch each other. "Make sure to keep Edd safe."

Matt nods knowing Tom just wants the two of them to be happy even though their relationship has gotten faded for the past few years. Actually, Tom in secret had still kept in touch with Matt as a way to know how things were going on for him and Edd. He'd come on the dot if anything life threatening is happening to them. Tord being left out of the loop of Tom's conversations between the two brotherly friends for the sake of the cop's health.

Tom's radio buzzes and a cheerful voice rang through the static of the call. "Blue, you have a visitor at HQ!"

He pulls his radio up from his belt and says back, "A visitor, Reggie?"

"You know, tall, handsome, with caramel hair, holding a banquet of red roses for you. He's here at the front desk waiting for your return." Reggie says chuckling on the other end.

His hand covered his eyes, "I told him no more romantic visits." Tom groans with a small embarrassed blush on his cheeks.

"Well he didn't listen, so hurry up and come back here lover boy!" Reggie now on full blown laughter.

Tom sighs and looks to Reggie who's coming up to the driver's side of the car to take his seat. "You need to get your partner to tone it down."

"You know how he is Blue, but no worries I'll talk to him about his manners later when we're off duty." Zack assures with a smile as he gets into the car to drive his captain and the culprit back. He wanted to give his friend a rest after subduing the shooter.

Matt smiles at the mention of romantic visits. "You got yourself a boyfriend?!" He questions with a grin.

"We're not dating...." Tom looks bashful when he says that, his cheeks lightening a pink. Even more so when he hears Zack mutters a quiet 'yet.' from the open car window next to him. "He's been courting me for awhile now with a few firsts here and there."

Tord looks at Tom with an upset expression. Somehow hearing Tom being courted didn't sit well with him.

Tom slips into his seat on the passengers side of the car. "Ask Matt to text me when you guys want to hangout. I'll see if I have an off day so we can spend the day together."

"Okay!" Edd said happily.

Tom pats the side of the car, "Let's go Zack."

"On it Blue." The car starts moving and the three men watch the car pull out of the road down the street. Tom watches them disappear in his rear view mirror when the car turns around the corner, once out of sigh he sighs. "You okay Blue, after seeing your old friends again?"

Zack and the other policemen under his supervision already knew of Tom's history. It only took a year or two for them to gain his trust and learn more about him.

"I'm.... slightly okay." Tom says to Zack truthfully. He brings his hand up and cough up the flower petal that had been tickling his throat during most of the conversation. A blue petal resting on the palm of his hand.

"So seeing your past love triggered your illness again..." Zack said sadden as he gave a quick glance at the blue flower petals.

Mostly everyone close to Tom in the police division knew of his hanahaki disease. It hasn't been active after Tom's first year of being within the force. Mainly because Tom didn't have to see the person he loves being affectionate with another. Now that he's seen them again, his flowers decided to act up again.

Forget me not Flower

Tom pulls out his water bottle from the cup holder and takes a large gulp of the liquid down his throat. He clears his throat and lies back in his seat. "I thought after all these years, I already moved on from him."

"Well it looks like your green crush likes you since he's all so worried about you." Zack says yet Tom shakes his head in denial. The raven had gotten the wrong inference of who cause his disease.

"He's not the one who cause me to cough up flowers Zack." Tom corrects him as he let's his head rest against the window. "It's the one I was mad at, the one in red."

"You fell in love with the red hoodie guy? Tord, if I remember his name correctly."

Tom closes his eyes and hums in response.

"That would explain why you have the slightest crush on the police division's top officer." Zack chuckles lightly.

The top officer in their police division before Tom is Jayden Walker. He was born and raised in a police lined family much to everyone's amazement. The messy caramel haired man with forest green eyes was Tom's training officer when he first got the job. They were partners for the first two years until the higher ups decided to change partners since Jayden got promoted to head officer of their division. Tom got a promotion in being a captain, supplied with police officers he hand picked.

On the good note, Jayden even allows him to accept more if Tom finds any more officers suitable for his Blue Team as the man likes to call it.

Although that didn't stop Jayden, who had developed feelings for Tom, to court him in order to be in a relationship with him. Tom thought it was really sweet of him, but his heartbreak kept him back from saying yes. A broken heart does take time to heal after all.

The reason Zack figures Tom has the slightest crush on Jayden is the fact him and Tord have the same colored hair and the way they act. Jayden may be a gentleman but he and Tom have had their own share of fights and exchange of banter.

Tom and Zack arrive at the police station, parking the car in the lot. Then they head inside the main police unit building where another police officer meets them to take the culprit away to their cell.

"Let's go find Reggie to have him write down today's report."

"No need Blue, he's right behind you."

"What?" Tom turns around to be greeted with the sight of red roses and a smiling tall man with caramel hair.

"Hello Thomas~" Jayden flirtatiously greets his former partner.

Reggie snickers as he comes to stand next to his own partner. Zack rolls his eyes amusingly as he crosses his arms while the two of them watch their captain and head division leader interact with one another.

"Hello Jay, what brings you here?" Tom casually says to his superior officer. He accepts the banquet of flowers from Jayden when he offers them to him.

"I came to see if we could catch a movie together tonight. I heard there's this new horror movie out right now and a little birdie told me you like this series." Jayden really wanted to spend time with Tom today since the overload of work had been stressing lately. Hanging out with Tom is always fun for him, not only for him but for Tom as well. "What do you say?"

"Hmm, well I don't really have anything planned for the night..."

Jayden brightens up when he hears Tom say that but, "However, I have to say no this time. It's been a rough day and I'd like to sleep it all off."

"Rough day you say?" Jayden repeats in question as he looks towards Zack for answers.

"Blue here saw his old friends at the crime scene. It was an unexpected meeting so to say." Zack tells the head officer with a shrug of his shoulders. "They were really worried about him for the past five years since he left."

"Zack." Tom said in a warning tone for ratting him out to his old partner in crime.

Chuckling nervously, Zack grabs Reggie's arm, "Oh look at the time, we need to go to lunch!" He drags his partner out of the room while Tom shakes his head at them while they leave.

Jayden put a comforting hand on his former partner's shoulder. "You sure you don't want to watch a movie to cheer you up?"

"I'm good Jay, but again, thank you for the offer and the flowers." Tom says as he turns back to his friend. Jayden always knew how to get him to smile even if it was just for a small bit. "We can watch a movie next week if you still want to hangout."

A bright smile makes its way onto the man's face happy to hear Tom offering to still hangout with him the week after this one. "Sounds like a plan Blue~"

Tom rolls his eyes at him when Jayden uses his nickname. The nickname Blue referred to Tom a lot in the building because of the hoodie they always see him wearing when he comes visit the office when he has off days. Not to mention there is always something the color blue when he doesn't have the hoodie on. Such as the blue woven bracelet on his left wrist next to his checkers board pattern one.

Jayden walks away after giving his crush a soft kiss on the back of his hand. A police officer calling him from afar to tell him he has paperwork to be done in his office.

The brunet sighs when the other man leaves his sights. He brought his hand up to his mouth and coughs quietly into his hand.

He pulls back his hand and is not surprised to find the more lingering sensation from earlier had been this different little petal, the same color as the roses in his other hand.

A petal colored in red.

"The irony..." Tom sighs as he leans back against the white wall.

Begonia: Beware

Tom wished his feelings would fade away already... it's been five years, yet here he is again coughing up petals. He wonder sometimes if he should actually get the surgery to remove his disease. Although the idea settles a bad feeling within him all the time. The voice in the back of his head telling him not to. Tom just didn't want to get rid of his feelings for Tord in such a brutal way.

He shifts he petal between his fingers and lightly presses it against his lips.

'If only we had gotten along...'


Big thanks to the artists who gave me Fanart!

Remember everyone! If your sending in Fanart, make sure you write your Wattpad user or signature on the art that way I don't have to keep writing or finding out who sent me said Fanart. Thanks!

Fanart Time!



By vikkidraws on instagram


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