³ c. barton ( available )

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────── ׂׂ•°. *࿐ INTRODUCING

ECHO (clint barton)

everything with a * can be changed



FACECLAIM: Juliana Harkavy *

OC'S NAME: Cora Taylor *

TIME: Au - Age of ultron

STATUS: Available


" I am hopelessly in love

with a memory. 

An echo from

another time,

another place. "

- michael faudet


Cora Taylor's hands were painted with scars and blood. Her entire life she had known nothing but the small circus she grew up in. And with her parents gone, it was up to her to take care of her little brother. To try and protect him from the influence of the circus master Jacques Duquesne, known by most as the Swordsmaster. He held the circus in an iron grip, using the performers to steal money to fund his criminal operations. It wasn't that Cora had not tried to escape before. With the help of her boyfriend Clint Barton she had tried. But Swordsmaster discovered the two teens and in the fight that followed she was seperated from the boy she loved. The circus moved on and she was told Swordsmaster killed Clint, filling her heart with grief and fear and taking her strength to try and escape again away.

Clint Barton was the best marksman the world had ever seen. But the reason why was different from what people liked to think it was. Of course he loved being a hero and the fame that came with being the only human able to keep up with gods and super soldiers. But the real reason he picked up that bow was the very first girl he had ever loved. Cora Taylor was the reason he turned his life around. She was the reason he became a hero. But by the time he had managed to rebuilt his life, the circus was long gone and any trace of Cora Taylor had vanished right before his eyes. She was nothing but an echo now, a silent voice buried in his soul. But Clint was determined to follow the sound all the way back to its source, until he found her again.

For the two of them were meant to meet again, meant to hold each other's hands and wash them clean of the blood that had stained their skin for so long. To kiss each other's scars and tell the other they were beautiful. Their story was meant to be so much more than an echo only heard in their dreams and fears.


Juliana Harkavy as Cora Taylor *


" I've been so lost since he died. "

Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton


" I will never stop looking for her. "

David Mazouz as Ethan Taylor *


" I don't even remember what mom and dad look like. "

Dj Cotrona as Jacques Duquesne


" All I ask for is your loyaltly. "


- So this story focuses a lot on Clint's backstory from the comics. If you want this plot I suggest you read his wiki page, it has a lot of information you could use. I also advice you to read Swordsmasters wiki page so you have a feel for his character. In the comics he's given a redempation arc, so if you want to do that in this story as well you can find inspiration there!

- This story follows Cora as a member of the same circus that Clint and his brother grew up in. She was only a teenager when she knew Clint but they liked each other a lot and eventually started a relationship. Cora doesn't know her parents and has to take care of her little brother all by herself. Which is also the reason why she can't just leave the circus, because where is she gonna go with a little kid? But eventually Clint convinces her to run away because they no longer want to be part of Swordsman's criminal acts. However, the circus master knows they plan on running away and he sends his man to stop them. A fight breaks out and when trying to protect her little brother, Cora loses sight of Clint.

- She is told that Swordsmaster killed Clint and she circus moves on before she can discover that it's a lie. Clint is badly wounded, but still alive. From then on out he starts working on becoming a superhero. Meanwhile Cora is pulled deeper into the criminal world and is in too deep to try and break out. She tries to protect Ethan the best she can and just tries to get by without drawing too much attention to herself. But with her amazing skills as an athlete she becomes one of the most beloved acts in the circus. Her skills do not go unnoticed by Jacques either and she becomes one of the most important assest to his organisation.

- They reunite some time after the first Avenger movie. The criminal organisation the circus is linked to is discovered by the Avengers and soon enough they discover the circus as well. I imagine the Avengers go the show to check it out and Jacques notices them in the crowd and sets a fire to distract them and try to escape. Cora goes to find her brother in the chaos and either runs into Clint or sees him from a distance on the other side of the flames.

- You can decide what the fight that follows looks like, if Cora reunites with Clint right there or first goes with Jacques into hiding while the Avengers continue to search for them. The choice is all yours.

- And so is the choice to give Cora's parents like an important role in the story later on or if they're just dead. You decide!

────── ׂׂ•°. *࿐ INTERESTED?

Please leave a comment if you want the plot. I'd love to hear why you're interested! Also don't forget to include the password in your request.

xx nelly

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