Baker! Reader X Asra {Bitterly Sweet}

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As requested by noodlerue

A/N: warning. Might be cheezy,
Yes, also free feels train that no one asked for.


   The whole world laid blanketed under the night's horizon. It's residents resting deep into their slumber.

   Rays of sunlight began to shyly greet twilight. Faint glowing rising into a bloom of light to finally break the dawn.The world awakened one by one to begin the day.

   Soon, you woke up. You weren't much of what people call a "morning person". Mornings, aren't really your thing to be honest. Not that you hated it. After all, it's all part of the job.

   You owned a cozy shop. A bakery that is, a little facillity located somewhere near the town square.

   You proceeded to put on your (f/c) coloured apron. An old gift.. That you can't remember from who exactly. Probably from one of the regulars that frequented your shop.

   Your homely residence in the town square didn't really cause much fuss, or so you initially thought.There had been.. rumours about the wonderful cakes and pastries "the baker that lived by the town square" happened to whip up.

   Needless to say, Those were just mere rumours. Anything could happen in the town where the gossip travels faster than wind.

   Rolling up your sleeves, you began to bake to your heart's content.

●●●{Time skip brought to you by Nadia's lil cakes}●●●

   Suddenly amidst the baking,
There was a familiar jingle.A customer! You smacked your hands together, trying to get rid of the flour and castor sugar. You speedily walked to the front of the bakery, ready to greet whoever interested in your treats.

   "Good After-..Oh."

   The angrogynous boy cooly entered your bakery. Half-lidded eyes glanced at the display of fresh goods. Then  flicked his attention to you.

   "Salutations," his plump lips curled into a teasing smirk,

   This boy is a well known magician throughout Vesuvia.A powerful tarot reader operating a few blocks away from the town square, somewhere in seclusion.

   Nothing much is known about him or the one's that are like. Practicing such taboo."Mystical beings" they were called.
   All he is mystery and intrigue. His true nature and past unknown. His intentions unclear.

   Yet having this, mischevious aura.. What made you loathe him was the tricks he would do.

   One of those occasions being that he stole a portion of your pastries. You were busy checking on your cookies. Then, you heard the window being forced open.

   Alarmed, you scrambled to the scene. The scarlet glow of the oven  revealed a shadow of an escaping figure. The culprit leaving behind a trail of crumbs on the floor to outside.

  A tattered note was left abandoned on the floor, beside the window.

   "Thank you for the treats, dear artisan~"

-sincerely, the witch.

    Someone actually stole your goods.

     You panicked, in confusion you searched for the culprit through the open window. Frantically eyeing the crowd for a sign of them.

  Then You realised, it hit you. It was Him.

  By the time you found out, he was already down by the streets. He winked at you
And then vanished into the crowd. Consumed by the buzzing stampede.

   And how could you ever forget him..

   "What brings you here,
Asra." You frowned. Humming, he looked around the interior of the shop.

  "There were rumours of the treats that came from this place to be.. Heavenly," Asra trailed off. "..And the chef, not so~" he teased.

   You fumed at the comment, gritting your teeth and balling your fists. Not wanting for another scene to play out. Just like the other confrontations.

   "Just... Scram. I'm not playing with any of your petty games anymore."

  You hissed with thinly veiled hatred, your tone weakened in exaustion.

  His eyes went wide, facade weakening. He turned slowly to face you, eyelashes reflecting off the sunlight.

   His lips parted to break the torturing silence you gave.
His sun kissed hand reached out to touch you, to comfort you.


   And you completely defied him, pushing him away.
"..No more tricks..Please. No more.."
you uttered voice low.
Your feelings were all in a swirl,
A twisted cauldron of emotions

   Suddenly his arms entangled your body, capturing you in an embrace.

  "Do you remember..?"
He whispered close, voice smooth. As smooth as honey.

   This caught you off-guard.
Somehow.. this contact felt so familliar, as if a part of your hazy past was re-enacted. As if you actually remembered how his touch felt.

   Comforting and tender.

   Tears formed on your eyes upon realisation. Indeed, there must be some type of past between you and him. Something you both wanted to know yet hated to..
Bittersweetness filled the warm air.

   "Dearest [Y/N].. Did you remember, the apron I gave you?"
Asra whispered close into your ear.

   Suddenly, a kaleidoscope of memories flashed through you.

   It all became clear now.

   He was the one that frequented your shop

   He was the one who gave you the apron.

   He was the one that helped you pursue your dreams.

   He was the one who loved you.

   ..And he still does.

   "In the warm bakery laid two once forgotten lovers.
Both beggining to love again.
Back from where they started..."



A/N: Phew, Don't forget to comment your thoughts down below, share it around and Do vote!



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