Fem!Reader X Julian {Damn Flu}

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As Requested by AddictedToXanax
A/N: hAh SpIcY ALERt
Stab me in the heart


   "Mazelinka, I've got the groceries!"
You shouted through the tiny

   ... No answer

    Just the faint afterscent of morning coffee beckoned you inside the tiny hut. Morning sunlight reflecting on every pot and flask. You proceeded to set down the bag of brought goods unto a small coffee table.

   "Great",You began. Now she's gone. And I'm all al-"


   "COUGH"- Sore coughing interrupted you, followed by... groaning. You whipped your head to wherever it's coming from. It's..It's coming from Julian's room.


   A throaty moan erupted behind the curtains. At this point, the moaning reminded you more of a ghost's.

   You didn't hesitate to push back the partition of curtains to reveal whoever did that coughing.

    Surprise, surprise.

   It was Julian. All in a coughing hot and bothered mess. Sprawled across his bed. The white undershirt hanging looser than before. Revealing more of his broad chest, and little to the imagination.

   A gloved hand dramatically rested on his forehead as he kept moaning pleas. You stood there in the doorway.

   "What. The. Hell. Happened." 

   Julian jolted in surprise. Immediately turning his gaze to you.

"[Y-y/N!] I thought you were-"
*COUGH COUGH* -ugh.."
He groaned at disappointment. You proceeded closer to the bed

"I thought Mazelinka and you were gone..". You placed a hand on his forehead,
"Turns out, i'm wrong.."
   A visible flush spread on Julian's cheeks at your comment.

   "..And you're burning up."
you flicked your attention to him. He averted eyes and started to babble.

   "Errmm..Why, Yes! Yes... Uh well-

   "Aren't you a plague doctor?"

   Silence ensued. Defeated, Julian sighed dramatically.

   "A few days ago, I was treating children with flu in the northern part of the city..And that would explain why I recently came back late every damn night."

   He added, "And I'm too croaked to even *COUGH* the medicine.." a frown spread across his face

   "I'll do it." You got off the rickety bed and made a beeline to the kitchen. The floorboards groaning under the weight.

  "Alright, Then..? He muttered, unsure. Staring at the doorway. Only to lean back into the pillow in pained exaustion

   Moments later,you emerged with a steaming bowl of soup and a spoon. "Here", catching his attention

   Julian gaped, flicking his gaze  at the bowl and you.
"B-But, how..?"

   "Asra. He taught me"
You bluntly answered. A hushed "oh" met your ears.

   "Now you gotta eat up.."

   You scooched closer to the bed and leaned into the doctor's ear. Breathing warm air unto his pale skin. Flicking your tongue. Whispering huskily.

   "-Or starve.."

  The doctor immediately flinched. His ears hot and skin warmer than ever, leaving a tinge of pink on his face. You slowly scooped some of the steaming soup and blew into it.

   As if on cue, Julian gingerly sat up to take a sip. For the moment, it looked like a mother feeding her child.

   "Thats a good Ilya~" you whispered slyly.

   Shocked, he snatched the bowl in sheer indignation.
"You do know i'm a fully grown man."

  He scoffed, pouting ironically like a child's. With that, he downed he whole bowl in one go.


   He grimaced in disdainment.
"W-what....What The hell did you put inside here?" He stared down at the wooden bowl, clearly alarmed.

   You smiled sweetly.
"Why..Old woman might've taught me a trick or two to knock you out." You replied  innocently, pouting your lips.

   He colapsed back unto the bed, his senses failing him.
Slowly turning him into jelly. "Clever girl.." He hissed.

  You only laughed softly, seductively. Your collar a few buttons undid to expose the very top of the precious (s/c) flesh it covered. The plump, flush chest challenging his patience.

Julian gritted, defiantly aroused at the sight.
"What are you planning to do to me.."

"You're going to eat your medicine, whether you like it,
Or not" You purred, slowly closing in the space between, gently pressing a finger on his collarbone. He only chuckled darkly.

  "What's your strategy, huh sweetface? Stuff me with more sedatives?"
He challenged you, even at his weakest.

   "My dear, it's none of those.."
You whispered, haunting him.
"All I have to do isss......."
You trailed off, leaning forward and hovering just inches from his face.

   Your mouths soon met. He initially bit his lip, in nervousness, only to submissively give in,
in arousal. Both of you fought for dominance, him fighting a losing battle. Your finger teasingly traced the crook of his neck rendering Julian even vunerable.

   He tasted like black coffee and musk. It felt so smooth and warm, sweetly quenching your thirst. Limbs intertwined at each other's bodies. Fingers woven in each other's hair.
Chests closely brushing together.

  You both soon broke off the kiss. Flushed, breathless. Julian swallowed up and gave you 'that look'. You sat up in victory, satisfied. The weakening doctor realised in horror; He had just swallowed the medicine you gave him!

   Before he could say anything else, he immediately went out cold on the bed. The sedative was now on full effect. Snoring was heard. You left the place with a spring in your step and looking disheveled. Grinning at Mazelinka who happened to return from shopping. She only grunted and rolled her eyes as a response looking annoyed, but her body language telling otherwise.

   Julian had gotten better from the flu after few days later. He approached your shop, planning to treat you for a hearty lunch at a favourite teahouse he had in mind. He called out for you by the counter.

   ...(Unsurprisingly) he found out you had contracted the flu, From him.

   Taking off one of his gloves, he only smirked devilishly.


A/N: I never. Felt. So... So...-Story short, i feel sinned.

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Your support is just highly appreciated <3

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