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Ok so here is the plan. You are going to confront Raph. Scold him for even letting you go with him to crash a house, and most importanly, just ditching you.

I mutter these words under my breath for the millionth time as I finally get the guts to see Raph afterschool. Yesterday I spent most of my time trying to convince myself that Raph is a bad influence. I should stay away from him.

Maybe even find someone else...

I felt crushed and empty the moment he entered his house with Mona Lisa. God forbid what they did in there. Just thinking about the possibilities makes my stomach turn.

She is most likely his girlfriend. Why am I even trying? Maybe he isn't the one for me.

But as Raph appears on my sight, every doubt dissolves in me. He walks with Mondo Gecko, engaged in an interesting conversation. I can tell by his bright smile and the way his hands move in the air.

On second thought new plan. You will not confront him and hide in the bushes again like a pathetic loser because you are horrible at communication so-


His eyes are on me. I freeze in my position (not that I was moving or anything). Everything around me is blurry the moment he walks to my direction.

"Hey! Who are you waiting for?" He asks. Mondo walks away, leaving us alone.

"Uh no one," I answer quietly. You.

"Oh well are you going to be busy?"

"Nope," I reply almost too quickly.

"Oh great. Let's hang out yeah? I've got nothing to do and I have an idea," he says with a wink.

Even his wink makes me weak. "Um okay," I say. Just please don't abandon me.

"So you down?" He asks.

"What exactly are we doing?" I question.

"We are pranking a teacher but this is going to involve shopping."


"Ms. Knight is a nice teacher," I object.

"Eh that's debatable," he replies. "You're not really going to lecture me though right daddy?"

Holy. Mother. Of. God.

"N-N-No," I stutter and rub my sweaty palms together.

We are in a random store that is mostly filled with kids stuff. We walk in an aisle that has rubber insects and I am instructed to find the grossest one possible.

"Tell me when you find one," Raph tells me. "I'm gonna get a camera. We gotta film this."

"Okay," I reply.

I scan the aisle, searching for the perfect insect to make Ms. Knight scream. You're doing it again Leo. You're doing something you're not suppose to.

I find a rubber brown roach and after pondering for awhile, I decide this would be perfect. I find Raph taking pictures with a camera and I lift the roach towards him.

Right when this happens, he drops the camera on the floor. It doesn't brake but he jumps anyway and covers his mouth.

"What..what the fuck is that?" He gapes.

"A roach," I answer. "Are you okay?" I put the roach in front of his face, trying to earn an approval.

Unfortunately I get the opposite and he shakes his head wildly. "Oh my gosh take that shit away from me," he grunts. He picks up the camera with shaky hands and backs away from me.

It takes me a while to comprehend his actions before pulling away the roach. I want to embrace him and tell him that its okay. Instead I laugh and cross my arms. This is so cute.

"You're afraid of cockroaches," I poin out.

"Am not," he snaps. "Its just uh, well, its just not scary enough for Ms. Knight."

"But its scary enough for you," I say and cover my mouth to prevent any more laughter.

"You were so quiet earlier and now you're just making fun of me," he whines. "But you're gonna stop laughing once you see the photo I took of you."

"Photo?" I shriek. "What photo?"

He just laughs in response and turns to the clerk. "I'll take this one please."

And so we end up taking random rubber insects that look realistic enough. Raph also buys a horn and tape. We head back to school, knowing Ms. Knight is still there because of tutoring hours. Raph goes over the plan for me a second time.

"She will go to the restroom at any time. When that happens, tape the bugs under the lamp while I tape the horn on the chair. Once that's done we will turn of the lighs and she'll see the insect lamp."

I do as I'm told when we catch the twelve-eyed teacher leaving to the restroom. Everything is done quickly and swiftly even though I am secretly scared to death. You're doing something mean Leo.

I finish just in time and we turn off the lights before running out of the classroom. We stay behind a corner and Raph prepares the camera. The familiar rush of excitement fills me like yesterday. We peek inside, my eyes actually focusing on Raph's filming.

"What the- AHHHHH!" We hear her screech loudly as she notices the insect lamp on her desk. This is horrible, yet very entertaining.

Raph snickers quietly and continues to film. Ms. Knight turns on the light and after checking out the lamp, she frowns. She takes a deep breath and sits down.

The loud horn rings, almost matching her screams and we can no longer take it anymore. We run away, letting out our laughter. The doors feel heavier than usual as I push them open to leave the campus.

"Oh shit! Faster!" Raph yells and yanks me to hide behind a trash can.

I grasp for air when the screaming and footsteps fade away. Raph laughs loudly and takes out the camera.

"Filmed the whole thing," he says proudly.

That was rude.

And fun.

Rude and fun.

I stubbornly push away my subconscious. I'm with Raph and nothing else could be more perfect. If this is the only form to spend my time with him, then I'll take the risks.

All I know is that I need more of these mutinous adventures.

Having a little more isn't so bad, right?

I promise there will be more raphanardo action in the following chapters. Im just trying to cover the foundations of le story:3

Mmm lets see! Random question! What type of music do you like?

I don't judge so don't be afraid to tell me c:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love you and stay rad :*

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