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The sky turns grey to black by the time we run to Raphael's house. Rain only pours harder and thunder roars as if punishing me for lying to him.

Of course I'm not lost. What the heck am I suppose to say when I get there?

Oh uh I wasn't actually lost. I'm just your secret admirer...and stalker.

Good thing its a Friday. I wouldn't bare to be caught in this mess if this was a school night.

Raphael opens the door for me and I step inside, my feet squeaking against the tiled floor. Its dark inside and I hear a lamp brake after the door closing.

"Shit," he mutters. Finally he turns on the light to his own house and just stares at me. His gaze is intimidating yet heavenly at the same time. "So uh what's your name?"

He's never been so close to me. Oh lord, how am I still standing?

"Leo," I respond shyly. In an instant, I wonder why I didn't tell him my full name. Only close people call me by Leo. But for him, there's always an exception.

"Cool," he says. He leads me to his dark living room where there is only a worn out couch. "Sit."

I do as I'm told and am given a yellow blanket. I greedily wrap it around my shivering body, and flinch at the thunder that continues.

Raphael chuckles and my heart only beats faster at the wonderful sound. "I'm guessing thunder isn't your thing?"

"I prefer just light rain," I say, my voice coming off shaky.

"Oh. I love this weather. Hard rains and loud thunder," he says proudly. "They calm me down."

I smile at him, bringing the blanket closer to me. "Where are your parents?"

Raphael's confident smile fades and he frowns. "Don't have any."

Something we have in common.

"Oh," I say, ashamed to bring the subject on. "Sorry."

"Yeah whatever," he grunts.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't have any either," I say and shrug.

Raphael contemplates on my words and finally smiles. "Yeah that somewhat does. I'm Raphael by the way."

"I know," I blurt out. My eyes widen and I gasp. "I-I mean like I know cause you were the new kid."

My cheeks grow hot but he only laughs. "Oh okay. Didn't want to think you were spying on me or something. But you can call me Raph."

I can't help but grin. "Okay. Thank you for letting me stay Raph."

"Uh huh," he says. He walks inside a room and a light switch is being turned on. I hear the sound of bottles clicking together and a refrgerator being shut.

I take this time to study how small and worn out this house is. Many questions flood through me and I wonder what happened to his parents and how he is cooperating without them.

Raphael, no wait, Raph walks in with a bottle in his hands and he sits on the far end of the couch I'm sitting in. His green eyes are wide, as if he just remebered something but he decides against it as he brings the cool bottle to his lips.

"You drink?" I ask stupidly.

Raph gulps down a third of his drink and shrugs. "Problem?" He snaps.

"N-No," I reply.


My stomach tightens and I unravel myself from the blanket. "But you shouldnt be doing that Raph," I say hastily.

"Great," he says and rolls his eyes. "I invited a nerd to my house."

I am astonished by the sudden mood change in him. Just awhile ago I made him laugh and now he's angry. Shit Leo, stop messing up!

"I didn't mean to-"

"Get out," he spits. "Get out!" He stands up and swings the bottle towards me which I barely dodge. I yelp and run towards the door. But when he turns around, he's already crying, face buried in his hands.

"Raph?" I whisper. Oh God, what did I do now? This isn't how I imagined our first encounter to be.

"Get the fuck out!" He yells suddenly and I open the door and shut it behind me after running outside.

The behavior in him is something I've never seen in all my weeks of stalking him. It should make me want to run away but instead, it makes me want to be closer to him.


Sorry I don't mean to get all depressing and chiz :( Its just a story I've been wanting to try and the only bad things this will have is drinking and cussing. That's basically it. If it does bother you, then please don't read:3

I hope you had/have a fabulous day today. I love you and thank you for reading ❤

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