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When my eyes first landed on the hot-tempered turtle, he sat by the tree in front of the school. I was mesmerized right away and I knew I had to see him often.

Raphael was new and seemed to have no friends. Being the awkward and shy turtle I am, tried to walk up to him but my feet were dumb. I hid behind a trash can instead because if he saw me, he would surely acknowledge my existence.

I just wasn't ready for that.

Everyday he sat on the same spot, playing with his fingers and probably contemplating life before he actually got up to walk home. And everyday I concentrated on his features.

The way he'd scrunch his nose when a butterfly was near. The way his tongue stuck out when he stared at the sky. The way his cheeks would grow red, showing his frustration in God knows what he thinks about.

But unlike yesterday, he is not near the bushes. Instead he's already walking home. A lot of mutants run to their homes, shouting of enthusiasm that school ended. Some push me aside but my eyes never leave Raphael.

I panick when I lose him but eventually catch him walking off, away from everyone else. The sky is turning grey, blocking the sun. I don't know what I'm doing. I should be heading home, not following him, but curiosity gets the best of me.

Raphael is angry. Angry than usual. He kicks the pebbles against the concrete floor and swings his curled fists in the air. He is walking so fast that I struggle to keep up with him.

Just then a loud thunder appears in the sky and I yelp loudly. I cover my mouth and begin to run away when a voice calls me.

"Hey you! Come back!"

But as if to prove my bad luck that I've been caught, rain pours down like a waterfall and I shiver against the cold drops.

Icing green eyes meet mine and for the first time, I notice the lightness of color behind them. Wow. They're much beautiful up close.

"Were you following me?" He barks, his chest rising and falling slowly. I open my mouth to respond but silence replies for me.

"Are you lost or something?" He asks, his tone somewhat softer.

My legs get wobbly and my heart hammers against my chest. Is he talking to me or? I turn around to see if maybe Mona Lisa is behind me. But there is no one expect for me.

I gulp.

"Look man I don't have all day to wait for a response. If you're lost or something, just come over at my place," he suggests.

When I try to answer but fail again, he frowns. "Okay well I'm headed home. Its raining hard so if you want to come or whatever."

Then he walks away without another word. Before my mind can react, my feet finally wake up and I run behind him.


The picture I put made me laugh harder than I was PUNNY.

Eh? Eh? No? Okay I'll go to the corner.

So in a way, Leo is like me in this story. He's a really shy turtle but like all shy people, once you get to know them, you see their confident side :)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love u

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