Chapter 6

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A loud hum was heard as the player read the disc. The lights were being switched off while the curtains blocked off the room from the outside world. The room was pitch black. The only thing that lit up the room is the television. The residents of Gekido Dormitory sat around the glow like some campers sitting around their campfire. They waited patiently for the movie to start. Moments later, the title of the movie, Dark Woods Circus, flashed on the screen followed by some eerie music to match up with it. The room tensed up as the movie starts playing.

"So, anyone wants to back out?" Lily asked with a huge smug spread across her face.

"Don't worry. I have Meiko here to keep me safe~" Luka answered as she hugged Meiko's arm.

"Wh-what!? Let go of my arm!!" Meiko tried to free her arm from Luka's iron grip.

Haku was about to back out when she got interrupted by Lily.

"Shush, the movie is starting." Lily grabbed a pillow and hugged it tight, sitting at the edge of the seat.

The movie starts with a teenager sitting in a narrow and dark alley. He stared blankly at a piece of half-eaten moldy bread. The bread was already as hard as a board and a couple of maggots are seen crawling around it. He tucked some of his blue hair behind his ears and picked up the bread.
"I shall do what I need to survive..." He grumbled as he picked up his last and only food.

"Eeew!" Gumi gagged as soon as she saw that disturbing scene.

"It's just the beginning. It gets worse." Lily chuckled, spoiling the movie.

After he had finished his last nasty meal, a large shadow loomed over him. The ten-foot tall figure, which casted the shadow, threw a piece of meat onto the floor next to him. Without any hesitation, the boy picked up the meat and gobbled it down within seconds due to his empty stomach.

"Follow me if you want more." Its deep voice could be heard roaring into his ears.

He couldn't take his hunger much longer that he followed the figure into a dark forest.

"No! It's a trap!" Gumi screeched trying to warn the character.

"Shut up, Gumi. He won't hear you." Meiko mumbled as she tried another failed attempt to free herself from Luka's iron grip.

Once the boy had followed the figure into a dark forest. He looks around the dark, loomy forest trying to make out where the figure is taking him. He managed to see a small lit up area at the end of the path. He walked carefully through the pitch black forest till they reached the small area which resembled a circus. He was first greeted by two disfigured couples dancing around the area followed by a few children playing around and checking out the oddities.

"You should run while you can...." one of the tall figure in a blue suit and a matching top hat whispered. Her gray hair flowed in the wind as she went back to her couple who was wearing a long green dress and had her blonde hair tied to the side.

"Hey, don't they look a lot like Neru-chan and Haku-chan?" Luka pointed out which sent shivers down the said duo.

"Oh, you're right!" Lily exclaimed.

"Wh-what are you t-talking about? S-stop joking around!" Neru exclaimed before she looks down, hiding her blush when she remembered the characters are a couple.

The next scene was much more gruesome. The boy had all his limbs chained up as the dark figure injected something into him. His eyes turned red as he struggled in his seat. After the effects had kicked in, the figure unchained him and tossed a lifeless body in front of him. The boy, without hesitation, grabbed the head of the victim and started sinking his teeth into the skull.

"Eew.. Gross..." Gumi grimaced (Lol. Sounds weird. XD) at the scene. Her arms are lifted up in front of her eyes, blocking her view.

"This isn't the bad part of the movie." Lily claimed as she took a handful of popcorn and stuffed them into her mouth. "Just wait for it..."

The following day, the figure went out and brought back a set of twins; a boy and a girl. They are as close as two peas in a pod. They were basically inseparable. They walked around the circus, hand-to-hand, having a whale of a time watching all the shows put up for them. They went into a tent in the corner of the circus and heard cries of help. Curiosity got better of them and they went into the tent. The screen went black and a shrilling scream was played in the background.

The twins' eyes opened up slowly to find themselves being attached together. They are now literally inseparable from each other. Half of their bodies are chopped off and stitched together into a single body. They share the same body but different heads.

"Why... Why are you doing this? Please... let... us... go..."

The figure refused to comply with their pleas and instead threw an unknown liquid towards them. The pair of twins screamed in pain. They could feel their skins being dissolved into the liquid. They couldn't bear the pain any longer, after being chopped up and stitched painfully together then was drenched in acid. The figure left them alone in the tent, letting them rot to death...

"Sorry to interrupt your movie, but you are all required to move out for the summer break." The dorm mistress appeared in front of the screen.

"Uh.. could you let us finish this movie?" Meiko asked as she tilted her head to the side, trying to get a view of the screen.

"Spoiler alert. The last character looks like Meiko... and she became a " Lily snickered as she choked back on laughter.

"On second thought, I'll start packing up my stuff..." Meiko got up from her seat and headed towards her room.

"Wait up, Mei-chaaan~" Luka sang as she chased after Meiko.

"Well.. both of you look like you're having fun." Gumi giggled when she saw Neru and Haku holding each other with a terrified expression displayed on both their faces.

"Wh-what!? No I'm not!" Neru denied before she quickly got up and dashed out of the living room.

"Where should I live for the summer break..." Haku thought to herself as slowly headed towards her room.


Finally an update!! Omg after all this time... Finally! (┘^o^)┘
I really apologize for this delay. I had exams all cramped on the same week and I had a bit of trouble thinking up on the plot and stuff (Writing about them watching the show, etc.).
I know in the last chapter I said that I'll be finding some Japanese horror films and stuff... Well... it didn't happen cause, 1) I couldn't find any and 2) it's won't be relatable. So, I came up with this idea of using one of the creepy vocaloid songs.
As always, vote and comment your opinions. Be safe.

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