Chapter 5

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Saturday is a day for relaxation, building bonds with your loved ones and just do whatever you like. But that's not the case for Neru. She's now sitting in a classroom, waiting to retake the test.

"Okay... The retake exam starts..." The teacher stared down onto his golden watch that was tightly strapped around his wrist. "...Now!"

Neru quickly grabbed hold of her pen and opened up the question paper. She reads the content of the paper before scribbling something into it. She could feel her heart thumping against her chest as though it could burst out of there any moment. She continued answering the test paper as if her life depends on it. She couldn't let the other residents' effort go to waste. Couldn't let her efforts out the window. Most importantly, couldn't let Hatsune win.

"Okay, pens down. Stop writing and pass your papers up to the front." The sensei announced after an hour has passed.

Neru slowly did what she was told and let out a long sigh. The retake test is finally over. She stretched out all her limbs and picked up her bag. Her results will be out in about an hour or so. For now, she'll just loiter around the school.


Her phone vibrated in one of her skirt pockets. She fished it out and flipped it open. She read the content of the message, replied it and snapped it shut within thirty seconds. She rushed up to the rooftop and waited for her next customer.

One minute..

Three minutes..

Five minutes...

And still waiting..

Footsteps could be heard running up the stairs. A student appeared in front of Neru's impatient eyes.

"You're late." Neru remarked.

"I-I'm sorry!" The student, with a huge Hello Kitty keychain hanging out of her pocket, apologized repeatedly. She bowed down continuously, almost banging their head together.

"Fine... So, got the cash?" Neru fished out the envelope out of her blazer and scanned around, looking out for any passerby.

The student handed a thick roll of cash to Neru's bony fingers. Neru checked the money before forking the envelope over.

"T-thank you." The student ran back down the staircase and disappeared into the distance.

"She seems familiar..." Neru thought to herself before heading back down to the classroom.

The empty hallways are quite peaceful. No students lurking around. No one talking. Only the sound of Neru's footsteps could be heard.

"Hey, Neru." A voice was heard behind her.

Neru spun around and her eyes met with a brown orb. "Oh. Hey, Meiko. What are you doing here? Isn't the college building at the other side of the campus?"

"I had some business with a teacher. Apparently someone decided to pick a fight with the teachers here." Meiko let out a low sigh. "So, how's the test? Easy?"

"I wouldn't say that it was easy... but it wasn't that hard though." Neru replied.

"Oh. Well... Good luck." Meiko left silently towards the other direction. "Oh. Before I forget, good luck on getting close to Haku. I'll be supporting you."

Neru stood still on the spot, totally dumbfounded. "How did Meiko know that? Did I show it that much?" She ran up to Meiko. "W-wait! How did you know? I-I mean... I don't like her... that way.."

"Hehe there goes the little tsundere. Well... I know it cause I'm your senpai after all." Meiko then left without any other words said.

"I'm not a tsundere!" Neru yelled at Meiko who was strolling away, smiling hard to herself.

~After the test results~

Neru trudged out of the class with her results in hand. Her face displayed a restless expression. Her eyes were half opened, her lips were slightly ajar and her body was in a slouching position.

"So, Neru.. How's the result?" Meiko approached the lifeless student.

"Wh-what should I do...." Neru groaned.

"Did you fail it?" Lily asked.

Neru slowly lifted up the pieces of paper. All the numbers showed at the top right of the paper are more than 85. She passed the tests. No, she Aced them.

"Wh-whoa..." Lily stared at the papers in awe.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Lets share the good news with others." Meiko exclaimed as she grabbed the other two's hands and led them outside.

The residents of Gekido Dormitory ended up going to a small cafe for a victorious feast (Of course Meiko's treat).

"W-wow... I didn't know it was possible..." Luka stared at the piece of paper.

"See, Neru-chan. Everything is possible if you worked hard for them. All you need to do is believe." Gumi reprimanded.

"Uhmm.... No. You forced me to study." Neru mumbled into her half-chewed cake.

"At least be grateful for what we did." Lily grunted before she chugged down a cup of joe. Haku, sitting next to Lily, nodded her head furiously like those toy dogs with springs for its neck.

"Fine... Thanks guys." Neru gave in when she saw Haku's pouting face.

~Later at the dorm~

The dormitory felt so dead since everyone was minding their own business. Neru stared blankly out the window, watching some random kid riding on his little tricycle. Meiko lay on the couch, staring at the cream white ceiling. Lily's fingers swiped across her cell, looking through some horribly created blog entries. Gumi, of course, was reading some Yuri manga.

"So, what shall we do for the next few hours?" Luka asked, breaking the silence.

"What?" Neru turned around.

"I'm bored..." Luka sighed. "Any suggestions?"

"I don't know... movies?" Meiko shrugged.

"Sounds great! Anyone know any good movies?" Gumi asked.

"Hmm... How about some horror? I know one." Lily raised up her hand.

"Hold on. Where's Haku?" Neru asked as she scanned around the room. She could swear that she was with them a couple minutes or hours ago.

"Who is she -ow!" Lily was cut off when her stomach was nudged by Meiko's elbow. "What was that for!?"

"Neru, go and find her. It will be more enjoyable when there's more people." Meiko stated as she gave Neru a quick wink.

"U-uhh... Yeah... O-okay." Neru got up from her seat. She jogged up to the door and exits the room.

"Haku? Haku-chan, where are you?" Neru walked up the dark and unusually eerie hallway.

*Sob* Dad... Why... *sob* Cries echoed across the hallway.

"Who's there? Anyone?" Neru scanned around. No one. The hallway was entirely empty.

*Sob* Why... *sob.*

"G-Gumi, d-don't you dare t-try to scare me." Neru trembled as her legs are like a pair of jelly sticks. She followed the sound until she reached the room next to hers. Her shaking hand reached out to the golden knob. She grabbed the knob tightly and slowly opened it.


"H-hello? Is anyone th-there?" Neru stuttered through the half opened door. The soft cries stopped. When Neru opened the door fully, she was greeted with a figure curled up in the corner of the room.

"N-Neru-chan?" The figure spoke in a soft voice. She turned around to meet the blonde. Her eyes are puffy as though she had cried for two hours straight. Her clothes are worn sloppily, showing off most of her skin. Her hair is messily tied up. And her cheeks are already red.

"Haku. Are you okay?" Neru approached Haku who was in a depressed state.

Haku just shook her head slowly.

"Uhh... Wanna talk about it?"

She shook her head once more. "Just... leave me alone..."

"Fine then..." Neru glanced at the piece of crumpled paper next to her. She picked it up and opened it up. Her eyes scanned through the letter.

Dear Haku,

If you're reading this, I want to tell you that I'm so sorry that I left you when you are a kid. Yes. The man that you are living with is your stepfather. Dell isn't blood related with you even though you share the same mother. Once again, I'm so sorry that I'm not there for you. I hope that you can forgive me.

Love, Dad

"Heheh. So now you know what I'm going through." Haku gave out a dry chuckle before she went back to fiddling with the edge of her T-shirt.

"Well, I went through something a bit similar. My parents divorced a while ago and now Mom is an alcoholic. What I'm trying to say is you need a bit of patience to get used to it." Neru sat next to Haku and placed an arm around her.

"That's not the real problem here." Haku faced Neru's concerned face. "When Dell, my stepbrother, found out that we're not related, he'll spend every night... sneaking into my room... and..." Haku could not handle the horrible memory that she stopped her sentence there.

Neru stayed silent for a minute or so. She stared at Haku for a while. All this time, she had thought that her life is a living hell. Never did she think that someone out there went through the worst. Found out that a parent was not related then get raped by their own stepbrother? That was even far off from her problems.

"W-well... A-aren't you glad that you are staying here? Everyone here won't even try to rape you." Neru stated.

"Yeah. That's true. But, what about the upcoming summer vacation? We will all be chased out of the dorm. Then where do I go?" Haku asked as she turned around to face Neru.

"We will think of it when that time comes." Neru got up and handed a hand over. "Well everyone's waiting in the living room, with a good movie waiting to be watched. They are waiting for you."

"Y-yeah okay." Haku grabbed Neru's hand as Neru pulled her up. "You know. Deep down, you actually have a kind heart. I think you should stop with your illegal business and maybe turn over a new leaf. Please. I care for you."

They went back to the living room, side by side. Neru couldn't help but to blush brightly when she remembered what Haku had said. The last four words Haku said to her still lingers around her head. Was all her dreams from the past few weeks true? What was the meaning behind them?

"Finally! What took you so long!?"

Neru snapped back to reality when a voice rung into her ears. She looked around the living room. There's a huge bowl of popcorn sitting in the middle of the table. Six cups filled with soft drinks surrounding it. And of course, the DVD placed next to the television.

Haku picked up the DVD cover and scaned the back of it. Her eyes widened like two pairs of saucers when she recognised the content of the show. "Wh-why are we watching this." She whispered in the softest voice that no one could hear her.

"Now, let's get this started!" Lily announced as she placed the CD into the player.

Haku gulped in fear as the player reads the CD.


Whew long update! Apparently I had to stop there as I had not watched any Japanese horror yet... mainly because I have a fear of horror genres.

As always, vote and comment your opinions. And those out there who loves yuri/yaoi, keep loving them.

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